Curriculum > Elementary > 1st Grade
  • Syllabus
  • Sample Lesson Plan
First Grade Science Pacing Guide
week Unit Topic Weekly Learning Target Next Generation Science Standards Covered Interactive Science Worktext Suggested Lesson Plans Suggested Resources
Week 1 Introduction Classroom Rules and Expectations Students can follow the rules and understand procedures and expectations in science class. The students can ask questions like a scientist.


Skills 1.1 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 2 How To Be a Scientist Skills Scientists use Students can identify what skills scientists use.


Skills 1.2 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 3 Scientific Tools Students can identify scientific tools and state how scientists use them.

SP1   SP3   SP4

Skills 1.3 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 4 Finding Answers Students can explain how scientists find answers.

SP2   SP3

Skills 1.4 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 5 Sharing Data Students can explain how scientists share data.

SP4   SP7   SP8

Skills 1.5 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 6 How To Be a Scientist Review Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.


Review Lesson Plans Resources
Week 7 Patterns of Change in the Sky Observing and Recording the Sun Students can observe the sun and record pertinent information.

1.ESS1.1   1.ESS1.2

Unit 3.1 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 8 The Sun’s Movement Students can explain the movement of the Sun in relation to time of day and season.

1.ESS1.1   1.ESS1.2

Unit 3.3 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 9 Observing the Stars and Moon Students can observe the stars and moon to discover patterns.

1.ESS1.1   1.ESS1.2

Unit 3.2 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 10 The Moon’s Light and Phases Students can explain the source of the moon’s light and phases.

1.ESS1.1   1.ESS1.2

Unit 3.2 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 11 Patterns in the Sky Students can use observations of the sun, moon, and stars, to describe patterns that can be predicted.

1.ESS1.1   1.ESS1.2

TE 139a Lesson Plans Resources
Week 12 Patterns in the Sky Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.

1.ESS1.1   1.ESS1.2

Review Lesson Plans Resources
Week 13 Characteristics of Living Things Identifying Animals Students can identify different animals, animal parts, and animal groups.

1.LS1.2   1.LS3.1

Unit 2.1 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 14 Animals and Their Parents Students can compare and contrast young animals and their parents.

1.LS1.2   1.LS3.1

Unit 2.5 and 2.6 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 15 Parents Helping Students can find patterns in how parents help their offspring survive.

1.LS1.2   1.LS3.1

Unit 2.4 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 16 Parts of a Plant Students can identify the different parts of a plant and explain their function.

1.LS1.2   1.LS3.1

Unit 2.2 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 17 How Plants Grow Students can explain and show how plants grow.

1.LS1.2   1.LS3.1

Unit 2.3 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 18 Characteristics of Living Things Review Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.


Review Lesson Plans Resources
Week 19 Mimicking Organisms to Solve Problems Animal Features Students can name different animal features and explain their function.

1.LS1.1   K2.ETS1.2

Unit 2.4 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 20 Animal Classifications Students can sort animals into different classifications and compare their features.

1.LS1.1   K2.ETS1.2

Unit 2.1 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 21 Animal Classifications Students can sort animals into different classifications and compare their features.

1.LS1.1   K2.ETS1.2

Unit 2.1 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 22 Using Nature to Solve a Problem SStudents can plan and design a solution to a human problem using nature.

1.LS1.1   K2.ETS1.2

TE 99a Lesson Plans Resources
Week 23 Using Nature to Solve a Problem Students can plan and design a solution to a human problem using nature.

1.LS1.1   K2.ETS1.2

TE 99a Lesson Plans Resources
Week 24 Mimicking Organisms to Solve Problems Review Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.


Review Lesson Plans Resources
Week 25 Light and Sound Examples of Energy Students can define energy and give examples of different kinds.

1.PS4.2   1.PS4.3 1.PS4.4

Unit 1.1 & 1.2 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 26 Light Students can define light and explain what light can do.

1.PS4.2   1.PS4.3 1.PS4.4

Unit 1.3 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 27 What Light Can Do Students can make observations about what light can do.

1.PS4.2   1.PS4.3 1.PS4.4

Unit 1.3 & pg 40 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 28 Sound Students can define sound and explain how sound is created.

1.PS4.2   1.PS4.3 1.PS4.4

Unit 1.4 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 29 Light and Sound Students can use tools and materials to design and build a device that communicates using light or sound.

1.PS4.2   1.PS4.3 1.PS4.4

Unit 1.4 & TE 43a Lesson Plans Resources
Week 30 Light and Sound Review Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.


Review Lesson Plans Resources
Week 31 Communicating with Light and Sound Communicating with Light and Sound Students can provide evidence to show how technology can help people solve problems.

1.PS4.4   K2.ETS1.1 K2.ETS1.2

Skills 2.1 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 32 Communicating with Light and Sound Students can analyze what materials some objects are of.

1.PS4.4   K2.ETS1.1 K2.ETS1.2

Skills 2.2 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 33 Communicating with Light and Sound Students can model how to use the design process to set a goal and find a solution.

1.PS4.4   K2.ETS1.1 K2.ETS1.2

Skills 2.3 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 34 Communicating with Light and Sound Students can identify a communication problem and research possible solutions using sound.

1.PS4.4   K2.ETS1.1 K2.ETS1.2

TE 43a Lesson Plans Resources
Week 35 Communicating with Light and Sound Students can identify a communication problem and research possible solutions using light.

1.PS4.4   K2.ETS1.1 K2.ETS1.2

TE 43d Lesson Plans Resources
Week 36 Communicating with Light and Sound Review Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.


Review Lesson Plans Resources
Week 37 First Grade Science Review Review Students can review key concepts and content from Grade 1 science.


Review Lesson Plans Resources
Week 38 Review Students can review key concepts and content from Grade 1 science.


Review Lesson Plans Resources
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