Curriculum > Elementary > 1st Grade
  • Syllabus
  • Sample Lesson Plan
Third Grade ELA Pacing Guide
week Unit Text Selections Weekly Learning Target Common Core ELA Standards Covered Reading Street Textbook Location Suggested Lesson Plans Suggested Resources
Week 1 Intro Teacher’s Choice Students can follow basic procedures and rules for ELA class.


N/A Lesson Plans Resources
Week 2 Living and Learning When Charlie McButton Lost Power How a Kite Changed the World Students can spell and read words that have syllables ending in consonants. Students can identify and define homonyms. Students can use sensory details to make writing more vivid. Students can identify the character, setting, and theme in the story. Students can ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of the text.

RL3.1   RL3.2
RL3.3   RL3.7
RF3.3c   RF3.4b
RF3.4c   W3.3
W3.3a   LS3.1
LS3.4   L3.1
L3.1i   L3.2f
L3.5   L3.6

Book 3.1 Unit 1 pg 18-55 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 3 What About Me? How the Desert Tortoise Got Its Shell Students can identify, spell, and pronounce words with syllables that have a short vowel sound and end in a vowel. Students can use information gained from illustrations to demonstrate understanding of the text. Students can identify and define homonyms. Students can organize an event sequence in writing.

RL3.2   RL3.3
RF3.3  RF3.4
RF3.4b  W3.3
W3.3a  W3.3c
LS3.1a  L3.1
L3.1i  L3.4
L3.4a  L3.6

Unit 1 pg 56-89 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 4 Kumak’s Fish
How to Catch a Fish
Students can identify, spell, and read words with endings –ed, -ing, -er, and –est. Students can identify real-life connections between words and their use. Students can use glossaries or dictionaries to determine the meaning of words and phrases. Students can identify and use declarative and interrogative sentences in writing.

RI3.1  RI3.3
RF3.3  RF3.4b
W3.2a  W3.2b
LS3.4  L3.2
L3.2a  L3.2b
L3.2e  L3.2f
L3.4d  L3.5b

Unit 1 pg 90-121 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 5 Supermarket Money from Long Ago Students can identify, spell, and read words with long vowel digraphs ee, ea, ai, ay, oa, and ow. Students can ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement. Students can compare texts to their own life. Students can monitor their own reading. Students can identify and write imperative and exclamatory sentences.

RL3.1  RI3.1
RI3.8  RF3.3
RF3.4  RF3.4a
W3.2  W3.2a
LS3.1b  LS3.4
L3.1  L3.1f
L3.2f  L3.4
L3.4a  L3.4c

Unit 1 pg 122-159 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 6 My Rows and Piles of Coins Learning About Money Students can identify and read vowel diphthongs ou, ow and oi, oy.. Students can determine the characters and settings from the passage. Students can write a compound sentence correctly. Students can identify parts of literature, like chapter or stanza, and show how parts build to create a whole literary work.

RL3.2   RL3.5
RF3.3  RF3.3a
RF3.4   W3.3
W3.3a   LS3.1a
LS3.4   L3.1i
L3.2f   L3.6

Unit 1 pg 160-193 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 7 Teacher’s ChoiceReview Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.


N/A Lesson Plans Resources
Week 8 Smart Solutions Penguin Chick Plants: Fitting into Their World Students can break words into syllables based on spelling pattern. Students can determine the main idea and details within the passage. Students can determine the difference between common and proper nouns. Students can distinguish the literal and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases as well as distinguish shades of meaning among related words.

RI3.2  RI3.5
RF3.3c  RF3.4
RF3.4b   RF3.4c
W3.5  LS3.1b
LS3.4   L3.1a
L3.2  L3.2f
L3.3a  L3.5a

Book 3.1
Unit 2 pg 198-231
Lesson Plans Resources
Week 9 I Wanna Iguana The Big Soccer Game Students can identify, read, and spell words with final syllable –le. Students can identify and use irregular pronouns. Students can compare and contrast stories using a graphic organizer. Students can use abstract nouns. Students can identify and use persuasive writing and can identify and use supporting details.

RL3.1  RF3.3
RF3.4   W3.3
LS3.4   L3.1a
L3.1b   L3.2f
L3.4  L3.4a
L3.6  L3.1c

Unit 2 pg 232-265 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 10 Prudy’s Problem and How She Solved It Meeting the Challenge of Collecting Students can identify the two words put together to make a compound word. Students can determine the main idea and details that support that main idea. Students can identify and use irregular plural nouns. Students can introduce a topic, state an opinion and provide reasons that support the opinion.

RI3.1  RF3.4
RF3.4a  RF3.4b
W3.1a  W3.1b
W3.4  LS3.1b
L3.1b  L3.2f

Unit 2 pg 266-299 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 11 Tops & Bottoms The Hare and the Tortoise Students can identify the meaning of the different prefixes. Students can determine why the author wrote the passage based on details in the passage. Students can identify and use singular possessive nouns. Students can distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters.

RL3.1  RL3.2
RL3.6  RF3.3
RF3.4   RF3.4c
W3.2a  W3.3b
W3.4   LS3.1c
L3.2d  L3.2f
L3.5  L3.6

Unit 2 pg 300-333 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 12 Amazing Bird Nests
EXTRA! EXTRA!: Fairy-Tale News from Hidden Forest
Students can identify, read, and write consonant digraphs sh, th, ph, ch, and ng. Students can use a graphic organizer to identify the main idea and details of a text. Students can explain their own thoughts and ideas. Students can make connections between literay and informational texts. Students can use linking and sequencing words in their writing.

RI3.2  RI3.5
RI3.8  RF3.3
RF3.4  W3.2
W3.2a  W3.2b
W3.4  LS3.4
L3.2d  L3.4
L3.4a  L3.4c
L3.6  LS3.1d

Unit 2 pg 334-363 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 13 Teacher’s Choice Review Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.


N/A Lesson Plans Resources
Week 14 People and Nature How Do You Raise a Raisin? Worms at Work Students can identify, read, and write common contractions. Students can use a graphic organizer and prior knowledge to draw conclusions from a text and use supporting facts and details. Students can compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic. Students can write using time-order words.

RI3.1   RI3.2
RI3.9  RF3.3
RF3.4   RF3.4b
W3.3a   W3.3c
LS3.4    L3.1a
L3.1e   L3.2f
L3.4   L3.4a
L3.5  L3.5c

Book 3.1
Unit 3 pg 368-403
Lesson Plans Resources
Week 15 Pushing Up the Sky
Catch It and Run!
Students can determine the meaning of words with prefixes. Students can find the author’s purpose. Students can write narratives that establish a situation and introduce a narrator and characters. Students can determine the difference between main verbs and helping verbs. Students can consult reference materials to check spelling.

RL3.1  RL3.3
RF3.3a   RF3.4
W3.3v   W3.3a
W3.4   LS3.1b
L3.1a   L3.1e
L3.2f   L3.4d
L3.6  L3.2g

Unit 3 pg 404-437 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 16 Seeing Stars
Science-Trickery: Riddles in Science
Students can identify, spell, and read words with hard and soft consonant sounds, like g and c. Students can determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text in different media. Students can compare and contrast works by the same author. Students can form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs.

RF3.3a   W3.2a
LS3.6   L3.1f
L3.2f   L3.4d
L3.6  LS3.2

Unit 3 pg 438-467 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 17 A Symphony of Whales He Listens to Whales Students can determine the meaning of the words with suffixes. Students can create and answer questions that will help them to draw conclusions about the passage. Students can determine if a verb is past, present, or future. Students can develop a topic with facts, definitions, and details. Students can provide a concluding statement or section.

RL3.1  RL3.3
RL3.7    RF3.3a
RF3.4b   W3.2
W3.2b   W3.2d
L3.1e   L3.1i
L3.2e  L3.4
L3.4a   L3.6

Unit 3 pg 468-501 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 18 Around One Cactus The Water Cycle Students can read, write, and spell words with consonant patterns wr, kn, gn, st, and mb. Students can use a graphic organizer to identify cause and effect in a story. Students can form and use regular and irregular verbs. Students can write a compare and contrast essay with a clear ending.

RI3.3   RI3.8
RF3.3d   RF3.4b
W3.2   W3.2a
W3.2b   LS3.4
L3.1a   L3.1d
L3.2f   L3.3a
L3.4b   L3.6

Unit 3 pg 502-537 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 19 Teacher’s Choice Review Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.


N/A Lesson Plans Resources
Week 20 One of a Kind The Man Who Invented Basketball: James Naismith and His Amazing Game My Turn at Bat: The Story of My Life Students can identify and decode irregular plural nouns. Students can ask questions to clarify a reading. Students can differentiate between different genres as well as explain the difference between a biography and autobiography. Students can write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.

RL3.1   RL3.2
RF3.3d  RF3.4
W3.1   W3.1b
W3.5   LS3.4
L3.1   L3.1a
L3.2f   L3.4
L3.4d   L3.6

Book 3.2
Unit 4 pg 18-53
Lesson Plans Resources
Week 21 Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest Paul Bunyan and the Great Lakes Students can identify the different spelling patterns for r-controlled vowels. Students can compare and contrast the different details within the passage. Students can determine the difference between a subject and object pronoun. Students can provide a sense of closure for a story.

RI3.2   RI3.5
RI3.7   RF3.3
RF3.4  W3.3d
LS3.4  L3.1a
L3.1f  L3.2
L3.2f  L3.4d

Unit 4 pg 54-85 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 22 Rocks in His Head Marvelous Marble Mania Students can determine the meaning of words with prefixes. Students can use details from the story to generalize about what they read. Students can identify and use possessive pronouns in a complete sentence. Students can use linking words while writing a biography.

RI3.1  RI3.3
RI3.6  RF3.3a
RF3.4  W3.2
W3.2c  LS3.1b
L3.1a  L3.1f
L3.2f  L3.4

Unit 4 pg 86-115 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 23 America’s Champion Swimmer: Gertrude Ederle Women Athletes Students can determine the new meaning of words with a suffix. Students can determine the difference between a fact and an opinion within a passage. Students can use two words and an apostrophe to make a contraction. Students can compare writing styles from different media. Students can use expression in speaking.

RI3.1  RI3.3
RF3.3a  RF3.4
W3.2  W3.2a
W3.4  LS3.4
L3.1  L3.2e
L3.3  L3.4
L3.4a  L3.6

Unit 4 pg 116-149 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 24 Fly, Eagle, Fly! Purple Coyote Students can divide words into syllables based on the VCCCV spelling pattern. Students can determine the difference between a plot and theme of the story. Students can identify and use a preposition within a sentence. Students can write a concluding statement or section.

RI3.1  RI3.3
RF3.3c  RF3.4b
W3.1d  W3.3c
W3.5  LS3.1a
L3.1  L3.2f
L3.4d  L3.6

Unit 4 pg 150-183 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 25 Teacher’s Choice Review Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.


N/A Lesson Plans Resources
Week 26 Cultures Suki’s Kimono Clothes: Bringing Cultures Together Students can identify and divide words into syllables based on vowel patterns. Students can compare and contrast details within similar passages. Students can identify and use adjectives and article adjectives within sentences. Students can conduct research to learn more about a topic.

RL3.1  RL3.2
RF3.3  RF3.3c
RF3.4  RF3.4b
W3.7  W3.8
LS3.1b  LS3.4
L3.5   L3.5c

Book 3.2 Unit 5 pg 188-221 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 27 I Love Saturdays y domingos Communities Celebrate Culture Students can decode words that are homophones. Students can read poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, expression, and fluency. Students can identify the meaning of unknown words using context clues. Students can use past experiences in their writing. Students can use consistent verb tense in their writing.

RI3.1  RI3.2
RF3.4b   RF3.4c
W3.3  W3.3a
LS3.4  L3.1a
L3.2e  L3.4
L3.4a  L3.6

Unit 5 pg 222-253 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 28 Good-Bye, 382 Shin Dang Dong Sing a Song of People Students can determine the correct spelling patterns for the /al/ sound. Students can identify and use adverbs in writing. Students can use dialogue and descriptions to develop experiences or show the response of characters to situations. Students can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language.

RL3.1  RL3.4
RF3.3  RF3.4b
W3.3  W3.3a
W3.3b  LS3.1b
LS3.4  L3.1a
L3.2f  L3.3a

Unit 5 pg 254-287 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 29 Jalapeño Bagels Foods of Mexico: A Delicious Blend Students can identify, read, and spell words with long vowel sounds spelled ei or eigh. Students can use details from the passage to draw conclusions. Students can identify a narrator as a first-person or third-person narrator. Students can determine when to use –er and –est with adverbs when writing. Students can write in different formats.

RI3.1  RI3.2
RF3.3  RF3.4
RF3.4b  W3.1a
W3.2a  W3.2b
LS3.4  L3.1g
L3.2f  L3.4
L3.4a  L3.5c L3.6

Unit 5 pg 288-319 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 30 Me and Uncle Romie Country to City Students can identify, read, and spell words with the suffixes –y, -ish, -hood, and –ment. Students can determine why an author writes a passage. Students can determine when to use the conjunctions and, but, and or in their writing. Students can create audio recordings of stories or poems.

RI3.1  RI3.6
RF3.3b  RF3.4
RF3.4b  W3.1b
LS3.4  L3.1h
L3.1i  L3.2e
L3.4  L3.4a
L3.6  LS3.5

Unit 5 pg 320-359 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 31 Teacher’s Choice Review Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.


N/A Lesson Plans Resources
Week 32 Freedom The Story of the Statue of Liberty A Nation of Immigrants Students can determine the different spelling patterns that make the /oo/ sound. Students can determine the main idea of the passage and details that support it. Students can use capital letters correctly in writing sentences/passages. Students can recall information from experiences or gather information

RI3.1   RI3.3
RF3.4b  W3.2a
W3.2b  W3.8
LS3.4  L3.2a
L3.2f  L3.4b

Book 3.2
Unit 6 pg 364-393
Lesson Plans Resources
Week 33 Happy Birthday Mr. Kang Once Upon a Constitution Students can determine which vowel makes the schwa sounds. Students can identify the cause/effects within a passage. Students can determine the correct abbreviations of specific words. Students can write poetry that appeal to the five senses. Students can use technology to produce and publish writing.

RI3.3  RF3.4
W3.3  W3.6
LS3.4  L3.1
L3.2f  L3.3
L3.4   L3.4a

Unit 6 pg 394-429 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 34 Talking Walls: Art for the People
The History of Palindromes
Students can spell words with –tion, -sion, -ture spelling patterns. Students can identify the facts and opinions within a passage. Students can create compound sentences using conjunctions and commas. Students can determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in an appropriate text.

RI3.4  RI3.7
RF3.3  RF3.3b
RF3.4   RF3.4b
W3.2a  W3.2b
LS3.3  L3.1h
L3.1i   L3.2e
L3.4d   L3.6

Unit 6 pg 430-459 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 35 Two Bad Ants Hiking Safety Tips Students can identify, spell, and read words that have prefixes im- and in-. Students can break words into 2 or more syllables based on spelling patterns. Students can identify the plot and theme within a passage. Students can use illustrations to enhance their writing. Students can use commas in the correct places when writing.

RF2.3   RF2.3b
RI2.3   RI2.9
L2.2   L2.2a
L2.6   LS2.2

Unit 6 pg 460-493 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 36 Atlantis: The Legend of a Lost City The Monster in the Maze Students can use prior knowledge to decode words with same root but different affixes. Students can retell themes and details of a story in their own words. Students can participate in a discussion, ask and answer questions, and build on ideas. Students can write a narrative containing dialogue.

RI3.1  RF3.3
RF3.4b   W3.3a
W3.3b  LS3.6
L3.2c   L3.2f
L3.4  L3.4a

Unit 6 pg 494-531 Lesson Plans Resources
Week 37 Teacher’s Choice Review Students can reflect on the unit’s learning and review any skills or content.


N/A Lesson Plans Resources
Week 38 Review Teacher’s Choice Review Students can reflect on and review any skills or content from Grade 3 English Language Arts.


N/A Lesson Plans Resources
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