Grade 4 Minnesota Academic Standards |
Scott Foresman Science Grade 4 |
Strand: 4.1: The Nature of Science and Engineering |
Sub strand: 4.1.2: Practice of Engineering |
Standard: Engineers design, create and develop structures, processes and systems that are intended to improve society and may make humans more productive. | Describe the positive and negative impacts that the designed world has on the natural world as more and more engineered products and services are created and used. |
TE: 550-555, 558-559 |
Standard: Engineering design is the process of identifying problems, developing multiple solutions, selecting the best possible solution, and building the product. | Identify and investigate a design solution and describe how it was used to solve an everyday problem. Example: Investigate different varieties of construction tools. |
TE: 182, 274-275, 284, 450-451, 474-475, STEM EM4-5, EM6-7 | Generate ideas and possible constraints for solving a problem through engineering design.
Example: Design and build an electromagnet to sort steel and aluminum materials for recycling.
TE: 140, 274-275, 394-395, 450-451, 460, 474-475, 572-575 | Test and evaluate solutions, considering advantages and disadvantages of the engineering solution, and communicate the results effectively. |
TE: 572-575, STEM EM2-3, EM4-5, EM6-7, EM8-9 |
Sub strand: 4.1.3: Interactions Among Science, Technology Engineering, Mathematics, and Society |
Standard: The needs of any society influence the technologies that are developed and how they are used. | Describe a situation in which one invention led to other inventions. |
TE: 550-555, 556-559, STEM EM6-7 |
Strand: 4.2: Physical Science |
Strand: 4.2: Physical Science |
Standard: Objects have observable properties that can be measured. | Measure temperature, volume, weight and length using appropriate tools and units. |
TE: 200-201, 322-327, 360-361 |
Standard: Solids, liquids and gases are states of matter that have unique properties. | Distinguish between solids, liquids and gases in terms of shape and volume.
Example: Water changes shape depending on the shape of its container.
TE: 318-321 | Describe how the states of matter change as a result of heating and cooling. |
TE: 200-201, 334-335 |
Sub strand: 4.2.3: Energy |
Standard: Energy appears in different forms, including heat and electromagnetism. | Describe the transfer of heat energy when a warm and a cool object are touching or placed near each other. |
TE: 356-359, 360-361 | Describe how magnets can repel or attract each other and how they attract certain metal objects. |
TE: 382-385 | Compare materials that are conductors and insulators of heat and/or electricity.
Example: Glass conducts heat well, but is a poor conductor of electricity.
TE: 354-355 |
Standard: Energy can be transformed within a system or transferred to other systems or the environment. | Identify several ways to generate heat energy.
Example: Burning a substance, rubbing hands together, or electricity flowing through wires.
TE: 348, 356-357 | Construct a simple electrical circuit using wires, batteries and light bulbs. |
TE: 378-381 | Demonstrate how an electric current can produce a magnetic force.
Example: Construct an electromagnet to pick up paperclips.
TE: 386-389, 394-395 |
Strand: 4.3: Earth and Space Science |
Sub strand: 4.3.1: Earth Structure and Processes |
Standard: Rocks are Earth materials that may vary in composition. | Recognize that rocks may be uniform or made of mixtures of different minerals. |
TE: 242-243, 246-249 | Describe and classify minerals based on their physical properties.
Example: Streak, luster, hardness, reaction to vinegar.
TE: 238-241, 250-251 |
Sub strand: 4.3.2: Interdependence Within the Earth System |
Standard: Water circulates through the Earth's crust, oceans and atmosphere in what is known as the water cycle. | Identify where water collects on Earth, including atmosphere, ground and surface water, and describe how water moves through the Earth system using the processes of evaporation, condensation and precipitation. |
TE: 182-185, 186-187 |
Sub strand: 4.3.4: Human Interactions with Earth Systems |
Standard: In order to improve their existence, humans interact with and influence Earth systems. | Describe how the methods people utilize to obtain and use water in their homes and communities can affect water supply and quality. |
TE: 300-301 |
Strand: 4.4: Life Science |
Sub strand: 4.4.4: Human Interactions with Living Systems |
Standard: Microorganisms can get inside one's body and they may keep it from working properly. | Recognize that the body has defense systems against germs, including tears, saliva, skin and blood. |
TE: 156-161 | Give examples of diseases that can be prevented by vaccination. |
TE: 161 |