In the fourth grade, students focus on number sense, building from that into the algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They also explore fractions, decimals, geometry, types of measurement, how to use graphs to record and interpret data, how to balance equations, identify transformations, and probability.
Unit 1: Numeration
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Week 1:
• Setting of rules and standards
• Distribution of books
• Getting to know each other
• Importance of math
The students will know how to:
1. represent numbers using place value charts
2. Write numbers in standard form , word form and expanded form
3. Identify the place value and actual value of a number
4. Compare and order numbers
5. Use place value to round numbers
6. Use money to understand Decimals
7. Count money and make change.
8. Make an Organized list
9. How to add using the properties of addition
10. Add using a hundred chart
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to:
1. Read and write numbers using the place value chart
2. Read and write numbers in standard form, expanded form and word form
3. Identify the place value and actual value of a number
4. Compare and order numbers
5. State the rule in rounding off numbers
6. Use a place value chart to read, write and compare money
7. Make change from given money
8. Record possible outcomes for a given situation
9. Use the properties of addition to add numbers
10. Use a 100 chart to aid in adding.
Unit 2: Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers
Informational Knowledge Objectives
The students will be know how to:
1. Use mental math to add and subtract
2. Estimate Sums and Differences
3. Identify the missing or extra information
4. Rewrite a word problem as an equation
5. Add whole numbers up to 100,000.
6. Subtract whole numbers to 100,000.
7. Subtract Across Zero
8. Draw a picture for an equation in order to solve problems
9. Subtract whole numbers with and without regrouping
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
The students will be able to:
1. Apply a variety of methods to add and subtract whole numbers mentally.
2. Round off whole numbers and estimate sums and differences
3. Identify the information needed and not needed In order to solve a problem
4. Convert word problems to a number sentence
5. Add numbers up to hundred thousand with and without regrouping
6. Subtract numbers to hundred thousand with and without regrouping
7. Subtract numbers with zero as place holders
8. Solve problems by drawing a picture and a equation
9. Subtract numbers from hundred to thousand with and without regrouping
Unit 3: Multiplication Meanings and Facts
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know how to:
1. Multiply as repeated addition
2. Use arrays to help solve addition and multiplication problems
3. Find the factors of 2,5, and 9
4. Use properties of multiplication to solve problems
5. Find the factors of 3 & 4
6. Find the factors of 6,7and 8
7. Find the factors of 10, 11 and 12
8. Use Properties of Multiplication to simplify Multiplication problem
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to:
1. Recognize multiplication as repeated addition of equal groups
2. Use arrays in making an addition and multiplication number sentence
3. Use patterns to find the products with factors of 2, 5, and 9
4. Use the properties of multiplication to simplify computations
5. Use patterns to find the products with factors of 3 & 4
6. Use patterns to find the products with factors of 6,7 & 8
7. Use patterns to find the products with factors of 10,11 & 12
8. Use the properties of multiplication to simplify computations
Unit 4: Division Meanings and Facts
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know:
1. The definition of division
2. How multiplication and division are related.
3. That division is repeated subtraction
4. Division in arrays
5. Use multiplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn about division properties using 0 and 1
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
1. Use and draw models to solve division problems
2. Show that division is the inverse of multiplication through fact families.
3. Use repeated subtraction and counters to model the meaning of division
4. Use arrays to write and complete multiplication and division fact family
5. Use multiplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn about special division rules with 0 and 1
Unit 5: Multiplying By a 1-Digit Number
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know:
1. How to multiplying by multiples of 10 and 100
2. Strategies for using mental math to multiply
3. Use rounding to estimate
4. How to draw a picture to solve an equation
5. Check an answer to see if it’s reasonable
6. Use an expanded algorithm to multiply
7. Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit
8. Multiply 3 digits by 1 digit
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
1. Use basic multiplication facts and number patterns to multiply by multiples of 10 and 100.
2. Break numbers into parts to help multiply numbers mentally.
3. Use number lines in rounding up estimates
4. Draw a picture to solve an equation
5. Judge the reasonableness of an answer
6. multiply using an expanded algorithm
7. Multiply 2 digit by 1 digit numbers using paper and pencil methods
8. Use the standard algorithm to multiply 3 digit by 1 digit numbers
Unit 6: Patterns and Expressions
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know:
1. How to identify variables and expressions
2. How to solve addition and subtraction expressions in a table
3. How to multiply and divide expressions
4. How to add and subtract expressions with variables
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
1. Identify and describe variables and expressions
2. Identify the rule used in function tables
3. Multiply and divide expressions
4. Add and Subtract expressions
Unit 7: Multiplying By 2-Digit Numbers
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know:
1. How to use mental math to multiply 2-digit numbers
2. How to estimate products
3. How to use arrays and an expanded algorithm to find the product
4. How to multiply 2 digit numbers by multiples of ten
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
1. Multiply 2-digit numbers using mental math.
2. Use rounding and compatible numbers to estimate solutions to multiplication problems
3. Explain how to round off and use an expanded algorithm to help find a product
4. Multiply 2-digit numbers by multiples of 10 using grids and patterns
Unit 8: Dividing by 1-Digit Divisors
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know:
1. How to divide using basic facts and patterns of zeros to solve division problems with 3 digit dividends and 1 digit divisors.
2. How to divide numbers with multiples of 10, 100 and 1000.
3. How to use compatible numbers and rounding to estimate quotients.
4. How to divide whole numbers by 1-digit divisors resulting in quotients with remainders
5. How to estimate quotients with remainders.
6. How to divide 2 digit by 1 digit numbers
7. How to divide 3 digit by 1 digit numbers
8. Find the factors of a number
9. How to determine whether a number is prime or composite.
10. How to solve multi-step problems.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
1. divide using basic facts and patterns of zeros to solve division problems with 3 digit dividends and 1 digit divisors.
2. divide numbers with multiples of 10, 100 and 1000.
3. Use compatible numbers and rounding to estimate quotients.
4. divide whole numbers by 1-digit divisors resulting in quotients with remainders.
5. Use multiple of 10 and compatible numbers to estimate quotients.
6. divide 2 digit by 1 digit numbers
7. divide 3 digit by 1 digit numbers
8. Find the factors of a number
9. determine whether a number is prime or composite.
10. solve multi-step problems.
Unit 9: Lines, Angles, and Shapes
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know:
1. the definitions of and relationships between points, lines, and planes
2. the definitions of and relationships between line segments, rays and angles.
3. how to measure angles
4. What are different kinds of angles
5. how to identify and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, planes, and angles.
6. The definition of polygon.
7. The definition of triangle.
8. The classification system of triangles.
9. The definition of and names of a variety of quadrilaterals.
10. How to solve problems by testing with generalizations.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
1. Define and explain the relationships between points, lines, and planes
2. Define and explain the relationships between line segments, rays and angles.
3. measure angles
4. classify the three types of angles
5. identify and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, planes, and angles.
6. define polygon.
7. define triangle.
8. Classify triangles according to their characteristics.
9. Define and name a variety of quadrilaterals.
10. Solve problems by testing the generalizations.
Unit 10: Understanding Fractions
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Unit 10A: Identifying Fractions
Students will know:
1. How to write a fraction to describe a part of a set.
2. How to relate fractions to division
3. How to estimate fractional amounts.
4. How to find equivalent fractions.
5. How to name a fraction as both an improper fraction and as a mixed number.
6. How to compare and order fractions
7. How to find the simplest form of a fraction.
8. That whole sets or objects have to be the same size in order to compare their fractional parts.
Unit 10: Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Students will know:
1. How to add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
2. How to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.
3. How to draw a picture to help visualize and solve a problem.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Unit 10A: Identifying Fractions
1. write a fraction to describe a part of a set.
2. relate fractions to division
3. estimate fractional amounts.
4. find equivalent fractions.
5. name a fraction as both an improper fraction and as a mixed number.
6. compare and order fractions.
7. Express equivalent fractions in their simplest form.
8. Explain that whole sets or objects have to be the same size in order to compare their fractional parts.
Unit 10: Adding and Subtracting Fractions
1. add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
2. add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.
3. draw a picture to help visualize and solve a problem.
Unit 11: Understanding Decimals
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Unit 11A:
Students will know:
1. that decimals are a way to write fractions with denominators of powers of 10
2. How to use a place value chart to represent decimals to tenths, hundredths, thousandths
3. How to read and write decimals in expanded, standard, and word form
4. How to compare and order decimals
5. How to find a decimal on a number line
6. How to translate a decimal into a fraction
Unit 11B:Operations With Decimals
Students will know:
1. How to round decimals to the nearest tenth and hundredth.
2. How to estimate sums and differences of decimals
3. How to add and subtract decimals.
4. How to multiply a whole number by a decimal.
5. How to divide a whole number by a decimal.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Unit 11A:
1. explain that decimals are a way to write fractions with denominators of powers of 10
2. use a place value chart to represent decimals to tenths, hundredths, and thousandths
3. read and write decimals in expanded, standard, and word form
4. compare and order decimals
5. find a decimal on a number line
6. transform a decimal into a fraction
Unit 11B:Operations With Decimals
1. round decimals to the nearest tenth and hundredth.
2. estimate sums and differences of decimals
3. add and subtract decimals.
4. multiply a whole number by a decimal.
5. divide a whole number by a decimal.
Unit 12: Geometry
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Unit 12A: Area and Perimeter
Students will know:
1. The definition of area
2. How to calculate area using a formula
3. How to find the area of irregular shapes
4. How to estimate area
5. How to find the area of parallelograms.
6. How to find the area of triangles.
7. The difference between area and perimeter
8. How to calculate perimeter
9. That a rectangle’s perimeter can change with its shape
10. How to set up a simple version of a problem in order to understand the more complex problem.
Unit 12B: Solids
Students will know:
1. How to identify and describe solids.
2. How to classify prisms.
3. How to build a solid figure from a 2-pattern.
4. how to identify a potential solid from its 2-D figure.
5. How to draw a solid from different perspectives, and vice versa
6. How to calculate volume
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Unit 12A: Area and Perimeter
1. define area
2. calculate area using a formula
3. find the area of irregular shapes
4. estimate area
5. find the area of parallelograms.
6. find the area of triangles.
7. Differentiate between area and perimeter.
8. calculate perimeter.
9. Demonstrate with drawings that a rectangle’s perimeter can change with its shape
10. set up a simple version of a problem in order to understand the more complex problem
Unit 12B: Solids
1. identify and describe solids.
2. classify prisms.
3. build a solid figure from a 2-pattern.
4. identify a potential solid from its 2-D figure.
5. draw a solid from different perspectives, and vice versa
6. calculate volume
Unit 13: Measurement, Time, and Temperature
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Unit 13A: Measurement<br/>
Students will know:
1. the customary units used for measuring length, and their relative sizes.
2. the customary units used for measuring capacity, and their relative sizes.
3. the customary units used for measuring weight, and their relative sizes.
4. How to change one unit within a customary unit to another.
5. The metric units used to measure length and their relative sizes.
6. The metric units used to measure capacity and their relative sizes.
7. The metric units used to measure mass and their relative sizes.
8. How to change one unit within a metric unit to another.
Unit 13B: Time and Temperature
Students will know:
1. How to compare and convert units of time
2. How to calculate elapsed time
3. How to calculate differences in temperature
4. How to convert F to C and vice versa
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Unit 13A: Measurement
1. use customary units for measuring length, and explain their relative sizes.
2. Use customary units used for measuring capacity, and explain their relative sizes.
3. use customary units for measuring weight, and explain their relative sizes.
4. change one unit within a customary unit to another.
5. use metric units to measure length and explain their relative sizes.
6. Use metric units to measure capacity and explain their relative sizes.
7. Use metric units to measure mass and explain their relative sizes.
8. change one unit within a metric unit to another.
Unit 13B: Time and Temperature
1. compare and convert units of time
2. calculate elapsed time
3. calculate differences in temperature
4. convert F to C and vice versa
Unit 14: Data and Graphs
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know:
1. How to record data from surveys.
2. How to read a bar graph.
3. How to organize data on a line plot.
4. How to recognize and plot an ordered pair.
5. How to read and interpret line graphs.
6. How to calculate mean, mode, median, and range.
7. How to interpret a leaf and stem plot.
8. How to read a circle graph.
9. How to create a graph.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
1. record data from surveys using tally marks.
2. Create and read a bar graph.
3. organize data on a line plot.
4. recognize and plot an ordered pair.
5. read and interpret line graphs.
6. calculate mean, mode, median, and range.
7. Interpret and create a leaf and stem plot.
8. read a circle graph.
9. How to create a graph appropriate to the data.
Unit 15: Equations
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know:
1. How to balance equations.
2. How to use addition and subtraction to solve equations.
3. How to use multiplication and division to solve equations.
4. How to write an inequality.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
1. balance equations.
2. use addition and subtraction to solve equations.
3. use multiplication and division to solve equations.
4. write an inequality.
Unit 16: Transformations, Congruence, and Symmetry
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know:
1. the difference between translation, reflection, and rotation
2. the definition of congruent figures
3. how to find a line of symmetry.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
1. differentiate between translation, reflection, and rotation
2. identify congruent figures
3. find a line (or lines) of symmetry.
Unit 17: Probability
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know:
1. how to determine the number of possible combinations in a given situation.
2. How to determine the outcome of a given situation.
3. How to draw a tree diagram to illustrate outcomes.
4. How to write probable events as fractions.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
1. determine the number of possible combinations in a given situation.
2. determine the outcome of a given situation.
3. draw a tree diagram to illustrate outcomes.
4. write probable events as fractions.
Course Description
Standards and sets of expectations for achievement at the end of the course in Mathematics for Grade 4 students are of the following:
- be mathematically proficient.
- learn important mathematical concepts, skills, and relationships with understanding: acquired through the processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.
- have the recognition that intentional experiences at earlier grades are required to facilitate learning and mastery for other grade levels.
- demonstrate knowledge of whole numbers and place values to 10,000,000.
- learn estimations in adding, subtracting, multiplication, and division.
- work on expanding whole number operations using multiplication up to four digit by two digit numbers.
- learn mixed numbers and improper fractions, and adding and subtracting related fractions.
- increase their knowledge and include the study of symmetry, perpendicular and parallel lines, as well as measuring.
- use hands-on activities to enhance their own learning and increase their desire to learn
Course Learning Objectives(Minnesota State Standards for Elementary Math for Grade 4 is organized into four content strands)
4.1 Number & Operation
4.1.1 Demonstrate mastery of multiplication and division basic facts; multiply multi-digit numbers; solve real-world and mathematical problems using arithmetic. Demonstrate fluency with multiplication and division facts. Use an understanding of place value to multiply a number by 10, 100 and 1000. Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Estimate products and quotients of multi-digit whole numbers by using rounding, benchmarks and place value to assess the reasonableness of results. Solve multi-step real-world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multi digit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction.
4.1.2 Represent and compare fractions and decimals in real-world and mathematical situations; use place value to understand how decimals represent quantities. Represent equivalent fractions using fraction models such as parts of a set, fraction circles, fraction strips, number lines and other manipulatives. Use the models to determine equivalent fractions. Locate fractions on a number line. Use models to order and compare whole numbers and fractions, including mixed numbers and improper fractions. Use fraction models to add and subtract fractions with like denominators in real-world and mathematical situations. Develop a rule for addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators. Read and write decimals with words and symbols; use place value to describe decimals in terms of thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Compare and order decimals and whole numbers using place value, a number line and models such as grids and base 10 blocks. Read and write tenths and hundredths in decimal and fraction notations using words and symbols; know the fraction and decimal equivalents for halves and fourths. Round decimals to the nearest tenth. 4.2 Algebra
4.2.1 Use input-output rules, tables and charts to represent patterns and relationships and to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Create and use input-output rules involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve problems in various contexts. Record the inputs and outputs in a chart or table.
4.2.2 Use number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns to represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems; create real-world situations corresponding to number sentences. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences. Use multiplication, division and unknowns to represent a given problem situation using a number sentence. Use number sense, properties of multiplication, and the relationship between multiplication and division to find values for the unknowns that make the number sentences true. 4.3 Geometry & Measurement
4.3.1 Name, describe, classify and sketch polygons. Describe, classify and sketch triangles, including equilateral, right, obtuse and acute triangles. Recognize triangles in various contexts. Describe, classify and draw quadrilaterals, including squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombuses, parallelograms and kites. Recognize quadrilaterals in various contexts.
4.3.2 Understand angle and area as measurable attributes of real-world and mathematical objects. Use various tools to measure angles and areas. Measure angles in geometric figures and real-world objects with a protractor or angle ruler. Compare angles according to size. Classify angles as acute, right and obtuse. Understand that the area of a two-dimensional figure can be found by counting the total number of same size square units that cover a shape without gaps or overlaps. Justify why length and width are multiplied to find the area of a rectangle by breaking the rectangle into one unit by one unit squares and viewing these as grouped into rows and columns. Find the areas of geometric figures and real-world objects that can be divided into rectangular shapes. Use square units to label area measurements.
4.3.3 Use translations, reflections and rotations to establish congruency and understand symmetries. Apply translations (slides) to figures. Apply reflections (flips) to figures by reflecting over vertical or horizontal lines and relate reflections to lines of symmetry. Apply rotations (turns) of 90° clockwise or counterclockwise. Recognize that translations, reflections and rotations preserve congruency and use them to show that two figures are congruent 4.4 Data Analysis
4.4.1 Collect, organize, display and interpret data, including data collected over a period of time and data represented by fractions and decimals. Use tables, bar graphs, timelines and Venn diagrams to display data sets. The data may include fractions or decimals. Understand that spreadsheet tables and graphs can be used to display data.
Resources & References
Envision Math 4 ISBN -13 978-0328-48973-2
Grading and Evaluation
Students will be rated with the following criteria
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Setting of Rules and standards
• Distribution of books
• Getting to know each other
• Importance of Math
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Set standards and rules in the classroom
• Distribute books and resources needed for learning
• Understand the concepts and skills to learn and love learning Math
• Read and write numbers using the place value chart
Learning Objective:
• Set standards and rules in the classroom
Language Objective:
• Identify the set rules to follow in class
Main Activity:
• General Orientation with the school administration.
• Getting to know activities with the whole elementary students.
Introduce oneself to 3 new students
Learning Objective:
• Set standards and rules in the classroom
• Distribute books and resources needed for learning
Language Objective:
• Name responsibility with the given books
Main Activity:
• Setting of classroom rules, standards and topic to study for the school year
• Distribution of books and assigning responsibilities
• Math games for review.
Identify the standards to follow
Learning Objective:
• Read and write numbers using the place value chart
• Understand the concepts and skills to learn and love learning Math
Language Objective:
• Understand the concepts and skills to learn and love learning Math
Main Activity:
• Introduce concepts and skills learned in Math
• Importance of math and its relevance to daily activities and things around us.
• Name different process skills needed to learn and master Math.
• Introduce the concept of numbers and numeration using realia, concrete materials to number line to abstract math using mental math tricks.
Have them use place value charts and write / identify numbers
place value chart, digits, value, infinite, number line, periods, counters, accurate and exact
Learning Objective:
• Read and write numbers using the place value chart
Language Objective:
• Understand the concepts and skills to learn and love learning Math
Main Activity:
• Using counters fill up a place value chart. Relate the vocabulary words like numerals, digits, place value, value
• Introduce how to read and write numbers.
• Provide place value pictures to be able to name and count numbers.
Provide worksheets to identify numbers and place them in the place value chart.
place value chart, digits, value, infinite, number line, periods, counters, accurate and exact
Learning Objective:
• Read and write numbers using the place value chart
Language Objective:
• Understand the concepts and skills to learn and love learning Math
Main Activity:
• Game: reading and writing numbers using place value chart and counting blocks.
• Introduce the different ways to write numbers – standard, word , pictures, number blocks and expanded form
• Using the place value chart read and write the given numbers and its value and how to write it in standard, expanded and using counters.
Provide activities using their mini boards.
place value chart, digits, value, infinite, number line, periods, counters, accurate and exact
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Mini boards , markers, Textbooks, Place value charts
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Read and write decimals with words and symbols; use place value to describe decimals in terms of thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Represents numbers using place value charts
• Write numbers in standard form, word form and expanded form
• Identify the place value and value of a number
• Compare and order numbers
• Use place value to round off numbers
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Read and write numbers in standard form, expanded form and word form
• Identify the place value and value of a number
• Use periods in reading and writing numbers
• Arrange numbers from greatest to least and vice versa
• State the rule in rounding off numbers
Learning Objective:
• Read and write numbers in standard form, expanded form and word form
Language Objective:
• Read and write numbers in standard form, expanded form and word form
Main Activity:
• Present numbers and ask if they can read the large number. Have them identify the place value and value of each number.
• Introduce the concept of how to read and write numbers, no matter how large the number is by using its periods we can easily read and write them.
• Present lesson in their book and have them read words and write them to standard and expanded form
Use a place value chart and read and write numbers in different ways.
Place value, periods, thousands, millions, standard form, word form, expanded form,
Less than, greater than, equal
Answer the worksheet practice at home.
Learning Objective:
• Read and write numbers in standard form, expanded form and word form
• Use periods in reading and writing numbers
Language Objective:
• Read and write numbers in standard form, expanded form and word form
Main Activity:
• Present the problem of the day and have them answer it. Ask how they came up with the answer.
• Present the place value using millions period and how to read and write the number.
• Have a game of giving a number in the place value chart and write it in standard, expanded and word form.
Have a mini board game using the items in their text write the following numbers in standard, word and expanded form. Identify the place value and value of a number
Place value, periods, thousands, millions, standard form, word form, expanded form,
Less than, greater than, equal
Answer the worksheet practice at home.
Learning Objective:
• Identify the place value and value of a number
• Compare and order numbers
Language Objective:
• Read and write number in standard form
Main Activity:
• Drill on reading numbers
• Do the problem of the day.
• Review reading and writing numbers.
• Present sets of numbers and identify which has the greatest and least value. State your reason.
Present ways in how to compare and order numbers using their period. Use the appropriate symbols to represent it correctly.
Place value, periods, thousands, millions, standard form, word form, expanded form,
Less than, greater than, equal
Answer the worksheet practice at home.
Learning Objective:
• Arrange numbers from greatest to least and vice versa
• State the rule in rounding off numbers
Language Objective:
• State the rule in rounding off numbers
Main Activity:
• Drill and solve the problem of the day.
• Present numbers using the place value chart.
• State the place value and value of a number.
• Introduce if you are making an estimate for the given number what number would you likely give.
• Present steps in rounding off numbers.
• Have them round off numbers to ten, hundreds and thousands
Do guided activity first and let them do independent practice.
Place value, periods, thousands, millions, standard form, word form, expanded form,
Less than, greater than, equal
Answer the worksheet practice at home.
Learning Objective:
• Assess concepts learned from topics discussed
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Review of reading and writing numbers, comparing and ordering numbers and rounding off or making an estimate.
• Provide drills for practice.
• Have them do the worksheets for quick assessment for mastery of concept.
Administer the test.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Counters, place value chart, Mini boards, Envision Math, Textbook, Worksheets
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Read and write decimals with words and symbols; use place value to describe decimals in terms of thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Compare and order decimals and whole numbers using place value, a number line and models such as grids and base 10 blocks. Read and write tenths and hundredths in decimal and fraction notations using words and symbols; know the fraction and decimal equivalents for halves and fourths. Round decimals to the nearest tenth.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Using Money to Understand Decimals
• Counting Money and Making Change
• Make an Organized list
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Place value chart to read, write and compare money
• Value of coins and bills
• Combine coins and bills to make total amount of money
• Make change from given money
• Record possible outcomes for a given situation
Learning Objective:
• Use place value chart to read and write and compare decimals in tenths and hundreds using money
Language Objective:
• Read and write numbers in tenth and hundredths place
Main Activity:
• Review place value naming the place values and value of a number
• Extend and introduce the decimal place value and relate it to money.
• Introduce the concept of decimals, how to read and write them and how they are represented when using money.
• Do guided practice and activity together.
• Have them do Independent practice exercises in their text
Money, tenths, hundredths, centavos, dollars, dollar sign, place value, decimals
Do practice exercises at home for mastery
Learning Objective:
• Identify the value of each US bills and coins
• Combine the value of the bills and coins given/ asked
Language Objective:
• Read the value of different bills and coins
Main Activity:
• Review of decimals how to read and write
• Relate the following with money. Introduce different bills and coins and identify their value
• Have a game of identifying the value of different bills and coins. Have them work in pairs and have them name the bill or coins that correspond to a value. Combine bills and coins to show the value of money
• Do practice exercise from their textbook
• Bills , coins, dollars, centavos, decimal point, dollar sign
Do practice worksheets at home
Learning Objective:
• Identify the value of bills and coins • Combine the value of bills and coins to make money and give change
Language Objective:
• Read the value of bills and coins and combined value
Main Activity:
• Review of the different coins and bills.
• Present the Problem of the Day
• Ask the value of different bills and coins and how about if combined.
• Have a game of buying and selling. Have them form the value for each items and the change needed for the given item and money.
• Do Independent practice activities in their text
Dollar sign, cents, bills, coins, quarter, dime, nickel, penny
Do practice worksheets for mastery
Learning Objective:
• Make an organized list to solve a problem
Language Objective:
• Read the amount of money in organized list
Main Activity:
• Present the Problem of the Day
• Identify the steps in solving problems
• Introduce the concept of making an organized list to be able to solve a problem and using it in our daily activities like buying and selling and giving the correct change
• Answer the activities in their textbook
• Solve problem exercises in their textbook
Table, organized list
Study and prepare for a quiz use chapter check for reviewing
Learning Objective:
• Assess students understanding of the concepts and skills from topic learned
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Review of the topics and lesson learned
• Give out the rules in taking a test
• Administer the test
Check out items that were mastered and not
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Bills, coins, place value chart, numbers, pictures and real objects
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Read and write decimals with words and symbols; use place value to describe decimals in terms of thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Compare and order decimals and whole numbers using place value, a number line and models such as grids and base 10 blocks. Read and write tenths and hundredths in decimal and fraction notations using words and symbols; know the fraction and decimal equivalents for halves and fourths. Round decimals to the nearest tenth.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Money : Counting and making Change
• Make an organized list to solve a problem
• Addition Meaning and Properties
• Adding on a hundred chart
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Identify the value of different coins and bills
• Count the value of combined coins and bills
• Make the appropriate change for amount bought / sold
• Make an organized list to solve a problem
• Define addition and its properties
Learning Objective:
• Identify the value of different coins and bills
• Count the value of combined coins and bills
• Make the appropriate change for amount bought / sold
Language Objective:
• Name the value of each US bills and coins
Main Activity:
• Present coins and bills and ask if they know the value of it and the person in each of the following.
• Have them cut out paper money and try to identify different values of the following.
• Have a buying and selling activity where in they combine the value and make change for different items bought or sold
• Check if their counting and making change is correct.
Dollars, quarter, dimes, nickel, penny, dollar sign, decimal point
Answer the exercises in their textbook
Learning Objective:
• Make an organized list to solve a problem
Language Objective:
• Read the amount of money in organized list
Main Activity:
• Present the Problem of the Day
• Identify the steps in solving problems
• Introduce the concept of making an organized list to be able to solve a problem and using it in our daily activities like buying and selling and giving the correct change
• Answer the activities in their textbook
• Solve problem exercises in their textbook
Table, organized list
Learning Objective:
• Assess students understanding of the concepts and skills from topic learned
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Review of the topics and lesson learned
• Give out the rules in taking a test
• Administer the test
Check out items that were mastered and not
Learning Objective:
• Use concrete materials and concepts of addition to model the properties of addition
Language Objective:
• Identify the differences of the different properties of addition
Main Activity:
• Review of combining the value of different coins and bills.
• Introduce the concept of Addition and how the parts of an addition sentence are named.
• Present real objects and introduce the different properties of addition. Present how the following makes adding numbers become easy.
• Have them look for the meaning of the vocabulary words used for this lesson.
• Do guided practice activity to identify the different properties of addition and find the missing addend or sum.
Do the independent practice.
Addends, sum, plus, Commutative Property of Addition, Associative Property of Addition, Identity Property of Addition
Learning Objective:
• Find the sum of the different number sentence and identify the property of addition used
Language Objective:
• Describe the different properties of Addition, and define addition
Main Activity:
• Present objects in containers and ask them in what way can they group out and make addition sentences for the following. Present that regardless of its grouping or association the number of objects are still the same.
• Distribute counters and have them work in pairs and make their own number sentence using their counters.
Do practice worksheets on properties of addition
Addends, sum, plus, Commutative Property of Addition, , Associative Property of Addition, Identity Property of Addition
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Paper Bills, coins, pictures and real objects. Worksheets, textbook, counters, flashcards
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Using Mental Math to Add and Subtract
• Estimating Sums and Differences
• Identifying the Missing or Extra information
• Adding Whole Numbers
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Apply a variety of methods to add and subtract whole numbers mentally
• Round off whole numbers and estimate sums and differences
• Identify the information needed and not needed In order to solve the problem
• Convert word problems to number sentence
• Add numbers up to hundred thousand with and without regrouping
Learning Objective:
• Apply a variety of methods to add and subtract whole numbers mentally
Language Objective:
• Use the different properties of addition in adding whole numbers mentally
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present the Problem of the Day and introduce how to add it mentally using the breaking apart strategies and using the properties of addition
• Present different addition sentence and what properties of addition is used.
Have them do the activities in their book.
Breaking apart, compensation, counting on, Commutative property of addition, Associative Property of Addition, Zero Property of Addition
Do Practice Worksheets at home
Learning Objective:
• Apply a variety of methods to add and subtract whole numbers mentally
Language Objective:
• Use the different properties of addition in adding whole numbers mentally
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present different cut out place value blocks and using break apart and grouping numbers strategies add the following whole numbers
• Do activities in their textbooks for more practice and mastery.
• Do worksheets activities
Breaking apart, compensation, counting on, Commutative property of addition, Associative Property of Addition, Zero Property of Addition
Do practice worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Round off whole numbers and estimate sums and differences
Language Objective:
• Round off whole numbers and estimate sums and differences
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review of how to round up or round down a number.
• Use the rounding off strategy to answer to estimate the sum of given numbers
• Do practice activities in their textbook
• Do practice activities in their textbook
Breaking apart, compensation, counting on
Do worksheets at home
Learning Objective:
• Identify the information needed and not needed In order to solve the problem
Language Objective:
• Convert word problems to number sentence
Main Activity:
• Convert word problems to number sentence
• Present clues for identifying missing and extra information
• Change the following to number sentence.
• Do activities from their text books
Do exercises in their textbook
Breaking apart, compensation, counting on
Learning Objective:
• Identify the information needed and not needed In order to solve the problem
• Add numbers up to hundred thousand with and without regrouping
Language Objective:
• Convert word problems to number sentence
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Provide more practice drills of estimating sums and problem solving activities
• Present Problem of the Day and how to add whole numbers with multi digit numbers by breaking the calculations using place value starting with the ones, tens and so on
• Use expanded form to further understand of other students using the standard form
• Do guided practice.
Answer the practice worksheets at home
Breaking apart, compensation, counting on
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Flashcards, textbooks, worksheets , board and pen
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Adding Whole Numbers
• Subtracting Whole Numbers
• Subtracting Across Zero
• Draw a picture and a equation
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Add numbers to hundred thousand with and without regrouping
• Subtract numbers to hundred thousand with and without regrouping
• Subtract numbers with zero difficulty
• Solve problems by drawing a picture and a equation
***NO CLASS– Eidul Adha***
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Learning Objective:
• Add numbers to hundred thousand with and without regrouping
Language Objective:
• Add numbers by completion and breaking apart
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review of estimating sums and differences of numbers
• Ask what are ways that they can use to add numbers with regrouping
• Give out the steps in adding numbers with regrouping
• Answer the activities in their textbook
• Answer the practice exercises in their text
Addition, completion, breaking apart
Do homework worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Subtract numbers to hundred thousand with and without regrouping
Language Objective:
• Check answers using inverse operation
Main Activity:
• Math Drill on addition of whole numbers
• Introduce that subtraction parts and its relationship to addition.
• Introduce the word inverse operation and debrief on how it can be use to check their answer.
• Present how to subtract large numbers and how to regroup numbers
• Do guided practice in their text.
• Answer the practice exercises in their textbook
Inverse operation
Answer homework practice exercises
Learning Objective:
• Subtract numbers with zero difficulty
Language Objective:
• Regroup numbers to solve subtraction problems
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review of subtraction with regrouping.
• Present a number with zero difficulty and ask how to go about it to solve it.
• Introduce how to subtract numbers with zero difficulty by using place value and expanded form to understand how to solve the following.
• Have board work activity for practice
• Do activities in their textbook. Check their work by using its inverse , adding the difference and subtrahend
• DO practice exercises in their book
Do homework practice worksheets and prepare for a quiz
Learning Objective:
• Use pictures or diagrams to translate everyday situation into a number sentence
Language Objective:
• Translate words and write it to number sentence
Main Activity:
• Math drill on Review of subtraction with regrouping and zero difficulty.
• Present the problem of the day. Ask how can we solve the problem
• Name the steps we can use to solve the problem
• Present how models and pictures can be used to help translate words to numbers sentence
• Have them solve the exercises in their book
• Do the exercises in their textbook
Number sentence
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Worksheets, textbook, flashcards, counters and models
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Subtracting Whole Numbers with and without regrouping
• Subtracting Across Zero
• Draw a picture and equation
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Subtract numbers from hundred to thousand with and without regrouping
• Subtract numbers with zero difficulty
• Solve problems by drawing a picture and a equation
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Learning Objective:
• Subtract numbers from hundred to thousand with and without regrouping
Language Objective:
• Use place value pictures to subtract
Main Activity:
• Math Drill on addition of whole numbers
• Introduce that subtraction parts and its relationship to addition.
• Introduce the word inverse operation and debrief on how it can be use to check their answer.
• Present how to subtract large numbers and how to regroup numbers using place value blocks and paper and pencil technique
• Do guided practice in their textbook
Answer worksheets subtracting 3 to 4 digit numbers
Learning Objective:
• Subtract 3 or more digit numbers using paper and pencil method
• Use subtraction to solve problems
Language Objective:
• Read and identify the facts needed to solve a problem
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review of addition of 2 and 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping
• Ask how about in subtraction with more than 3 digit will the steps change?
• Present the process of subtracting large numbers and using the place value as key reference to identify how the numbers are subtracted or regrouped.
• Present a problem that involves subtraction with 3 to 4 digit numbers and relate addition as inverse to check their answer
• Ask what are the things to consider when solving a problem?
• Name steps in solving a problem.
• Do activities in their textbook.
Answer Independent practice in their book
Regrouping, renaming, completion, sum, addends, minuend, subtrahend and difference
Do homework worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Subtract numbers with zero difficulty
Language Objective:
• Regroup numbers to solve subtraction problems
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review of subtraction with regrouping.
• Present a number with zero difficulty and ask how to go about it to solve it.
• Introduce how to subtract numbers with zero difficulty by using place value and expanded form to understand how to solve the following.
• Have board work activity for practice
• Do activities in their textbook. Check their work by using its inverse , adding the difference and subtrahend
• DO practice exercises in their book
Answer homework worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Use pictures or diagrams to translate everyday situation into a number sentence
Language Objective:
• Translate words and write it to number sentence
Main Activity:
• Math drill on Review of subtraction with regrouping and zero difficulty.
• Present the problem of the day. Ask how can we solve the problem
• Name the steps we can use to solve the problem
• Present how models and pictures can be used to help translate words to numbers sentence
• Have them solve the exercises in their book Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Multiplication as repeated addition
• Arrays in addition and multiplication
• Factors of 2,5, and 9
• Properties of Multiplication
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Recognize multiplication as repeated addition of equal groups
• Use arrays in making an addition and multiplication number sentence
• Use patterns to find the products with factors of 2, 5, and 9
• Use the properties of multiplication to simplify computations
Learning Objective:
• Recognize multiplication as repeated addition of equal groups
Language Objective:
• Explain how multiplication is related to addition
Main Activity:
• 5 min Math drill on addition and subtraction
• Summary of Subtraction of whole numbers with and without regrouping and zero difficulty
• Solve problems involving subtraction and addition
• Review of the vocabularies for addition, subtraction
• Introduce the vocabulary words/terms for multiplication
• Present arrays of objects and let them make an addition sentence with it. Present and relate how repeated addition is related to multiplication. Have them make addition and multiplication sentences using arrays and equal groups.
• Present examples in their textbook
Have them answer the exercises in their textbook
Array, product, factors, multiple, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication
Make arrays and make an addition and multiplication sentence for it.
Answer their worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Use arrays in making an addition and multiplication number sentence
Language Objective:
• Translate pictures to number sentence
Main Activity:
• 5 min Math drill on addition, subtraction and multiplication
• Review of the vocabularies for addition, subtraction and the vocabulary words/terms for multiplication
• Using arrays make a multiplication sentence using patterns of 2,5 and 9
• Introduce the techniques in memorizing the factors and products using songs, rhymes, skip counting and the magic 9 principle.
Answer worksheet on making number sentence using arrays
Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication
Answer homework lessons
Learning Objective:
• Use patterns to find the products with factors of 2, 5, and 9
Language Objective:
• Recite multiplication tables
Main Activity:
• 5 min Math drill on addition, subtraction and multiplication
• Review of the vocabularies for addition, subtraction and the vocabulary words/terms for multiplication
• Using arrays make a multiplication sentence using patterns of 2,5 and 9
• Introduce the techniques in memorizing the factors and products using songs, rhymes, skip counting and the magic 9 principle.
Do Independent practice in their book
Array, product, factors, multiple, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication
Do worksheets and make memorize the patterns using 2, 5 and 9
Learning Objective:
• Use the properties of multiplication to simplify computations
Language Objective:
• Identify the different properties of Multiplication
Main Activity:
• 5 min Math drill on addition, subtraction and multiplication
• Review of the vocabularies for addition, subtraction and the vocabulary words/terms for multiplication , arrays and using patterns of 2,5 and 9
• Introduce the different properties of Multiplication and relate it with that of addition. Present how these makes computation easier and quick.
Have them do the exercises in their textbook.
Array, product, factors, multiple , Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Materials / Resources (including technology)
• Flashcards, Drill sheets, Textbook, Mini boards ,Place value chart
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Demonstrate fluency with multiplication and division facts. Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Properties of Multiplication
• 3 & 4 as factors
• 6,7and 8 as factors
• 10, 11 and 12 as factors
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Use patterns to find the products with factors of 3 & 4
• Use Distributive Property to simplify multiplication problems by rewriting one of the factors as a sum of the two numbers
• Use patterns to find the products with factors of 6,7 & 8
• Use patterns to find the products with factors of 10,11 & 12
• Use the properties of multiplication to simplify computations
Learning Objective:
• Use patterns to find the products with factors of 3 & 4
Language Objective:
• Use Distributive Property to simplify multiplication problems by rewriting one of the factors as a sum of the two numbers
Main Activity:
• Multiplication Drill
• Review of the Properties of Multiplication. Relate how the following help solve multiplication sentence easily.
• Introduce the Distributive property of multiplication and how multiplication and addition are used. Present how they are broken apart.
• Present the problem: How many wheels are on a bicycle with training wheels? Ten boys have training wheels. Two girls also have training wheels. How many wheels are there in all?
• Solve the problem and do the guided practice to understand how the Distributive property works
Do practice activities in their textbook
Array, product, factors, multiple, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication
Answer homework worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Use patterns to find the products with factors of 6,7 & 8
Language Objective:
• Use Distributive Property to simplify multiplication problems by rewriting one of the factors as a sum of the two numbers
Main Activity:
• Multiplication Drill of factors of 6,7, & 8
• Review of pattern of 3 & 4 using flashcard drills. Recap of the use of the Distributive property and how it can be break apart factors to be sums and able to solve a problem.
• Explore the pattern multiples of 6,7, & 8. Do guided practice.
Do independent practice
Array, product, factors, multiple, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication
Do homework worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Use patterns to find the products with factors of 10,11 & 12
Language Objective:
• Recite the multiplication tables
Main Activity:
• Multiplication Drill with factors of 2 – 9
• Present arrays and form the multiplication sentence for the following.
• Form multiplies of 10 to easily multiply factors of 11 and 12.
• Do guided practice together.
• Have them see the relation of Identify property with the factors of 11.
Do independent practice in the mini boards
Array, product, factors, multiple, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication
Do homework worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Use patterns to find the products with factors of 10,11 & 12
• Use the properties of multiplication to simplify computations
Language Objective:
• Identify the different properties of Multiplication
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Ask what are the properties of Multiplication and how can these help to simplify computations
• Have them solve number sentences and identifying the property they used to solve it.
• Have them play a memory game using all of the factors learned
Answer practice worksheets
Array, product, factors, multiple , Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Demonstrate fluency with multiplication and division facts. Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Assess students’ understanding of the concepts and skills learned from the topic
• Use Properties of Multiplication to simplify Multiplication problem
• Factors of 3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Assess students’ understanding of the concepts and skills learned from the topic
• Use Distributive property to simplify Multiplication problems by rewriting one factors as a sum of two numbers
• Use Multiplication properties to simplify Multiplication problems involving 6,7,and 8’s by rewriting one factor
• Multiply factors of 3,4,5,6,7, & 8’s
Learning Objective:
• Assess students’ understanding of the concepts and skills learned from the topic
Language Objective:
• Identify the steps in adding and subtracting numbers
Main Activity:
• Drill on Subtraction facts
• Review of the concepts learned from the topics
• Administer addition and subtraction test with and without regrouping
Check their work skill is learned.
Do homework worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Assess students’ understanding of the concepts and skills learned from the topic on Addition and Subtraction of Whole numbers
Language Objective:
• Identify the subtraction terms and their uses
Main Activity:
• Drill on Subtraction facts
• Review of the concepts learned for the chapter.
• Administer the topic test
• Assess students’ understanding of the concepts and skills learned from the topic on Multiplication Meanings and Facts
Language Objective:
• Identify the multiplication terms and their properties
Main Activity:
• Drill on Multiplication facts
• Review of the concepts learned for the chapter.
• Administer the test
Check if they are able to accomplish their task
Multiplication, repeated addition, factors, product, estimate, fact family
Learning Objective:
• Use Distributive property to simplify Multiplication problems by rewriting one factors as a sum of two numbers
Language Objective:
• Translate word problems to number sentence
Main Activity:
• Multiplication Drill
• Pose the problem: How many wheels are in a bicycle with training wheels? There are ten boys with training wheels and two girls also with training wheels. How many wheels are there in all?
• Have them translate it to number sentence and present how to use models and distributive property of multiplication to find out the answer.
• Have them work on their textbook for more guided examples
• Ask how the properties of multiplication can simplify solving multiplication problems
Do Independent and problem solving activities
Commutative, associative, Identity, Zero property, distributive, multiplication, factors, product, fact family
Do homework sheets
Learning Objective:
• Use Multiplication properties to simplify Multiplication problems involving 6,7,and 8’s by rewriting one factor
Language Objective:
• Translate word problems to number sentence
Main Activity:
• Multiplication Drill
• Pose the problem: How many legs does an insect have? How about spiders?
You are cleaning the garden and you where able to spot 4 butterflies and 2 spiders. If you are to count their legs how many will there be?
• Have them translate it to number sentence and present how to use models and distributive property of multiplication to find out the answer. Provide more activities using 6,7,& 8’s
• Have them work on their textbook for more guided examples
• Ask how the properties of multiplication can simplify solving multiplication problems
Do Independent and problem solving activities
Commutative, associative, Identity, Zero property, distributive, multiplication, factors, product, fact family
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Counters, textbooks, worksheets, flashcards
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Demonstrate fluency with multiplication and division facts. Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Multiplication facts
• Multiples of 10
• Factors of 11 and 12
• Problem solving
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Answer with speed and accuracy
• Use arrays and patterns as aids in mastering the factors and multiples of 10,11 and 12
• Multiply numbers with factors of 10,11 and 12
• Solve problems involving Multiplication process
• Identify the different properties of Multiplication and relate how it make solving quick and easier
Learning Objective:
• Answer with speed and accuracy
• Use arrays and patterns as aids in mastering the factors and multiples of 10,11 and 12
Language Objective:
• Describe how arrays can help make easy multiplication sentence
Main Activity:
• Multiplication drill
• Review of the properties of multiplication-Distributive property
• Present how to use arrays and patterns as aids in mastering the factors and multiples of 10,11 and 12
• Do board work activity using patterns and arrays to solve numbers with factors of 10,11 and 12
Answer the independent practice in their book
Array, product, factors, multiple , Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication,
Do homework worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Solve problems involving Multiplication process
• Identify the different properties of Multiplication and relate how it make solving quick and easier
Language Objective:
• Solve problems using array
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review of the different multiplication facts
• Present the problem of the day. Review the things to remember when we are solving problems.
• Present steps in how to solve a problem by drawing a picture and writing an equation
• Do guided practice together
Answer the Independent practice in their textbook
Array, product, factors, multiple , Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication,
Do homework worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Use arrays and patterns as aids in mastering the factors and multiples of 10,11 and 12
• Multiply numbers with factors of 10,11 and 12
Language Objective:
• Use arrays and patterns as aids in mastering the factors and multiples of 10,11 and 12
• Multiply numbers with factors of 10,11 and 12
Main Activity:
• Multiplication Drill with factors of 2 – 9
• Present arrays and form the multiplication sentence for the following.
• Form multiplies of 10 to easily multiply factors of 11 and 12.
• Do guided practice together.
Using multiples solve the factors of 11 & 12 and use distributive property.
Array, product, factors, multiple , Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication
Do homework worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Solve problems involving Multiplication process
• Identify the different properties of Multiplication and relate how it make solving quick and easier
Language Objective:
• Identify the different properties of Multiplication and relate how it make solving quick and easier
Main Activity:
• Multiplication drill
• Review of using arrays in doing repeated addition in solving multiplication facts. Present multiplication facts and how it can be used to answer problem.
• Present how multiplication is the inverse of division.
• Play a game of missing numbers using the multiplication and division facts
• Have them solve problems in their book for setting up of steps
• Do guided practice.
Do problem solving in their book.
Array, product, factors, multiple , Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication, Division, inverse, quotient, divisor and dividend
Prepare for a test
Learning Objective:
• Assess if the concepts taught are learned
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Multiplication Drill
• Review of the topics learned and the steps to do it.
• Review on Re teaching and the process involved in division.
• Have practice drill and relate how multiplication fact family can be used to solve a problem.
• Administer the test
Check if they are able to apply the skills learned.
Array, product, factors, multiple , Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication, Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Meaning of Division
• Relating Multiplication and Division
• Special Quotients
• Using Multiplication Facts to find Division facts
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Use and draw models to solve division problems
• Use repeated subtraction and counters to model the meaning of division
• Use arrays to write and complete multiplication and division fact family
• Use Multiplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn about special division rules with 0 and 1
• Use arrays to explore the rules for division with 1
• Identify and connect the relationship of multiplication and division facts to solve division problems
Learning Objective:
• Use and draw models to solve division problems
Language Objective:
• Identify and define the parts of a division and multiplication sentences
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Provide them pictures and divide them evenly to form groups and make a multiplication to division number sentence.
• Present the concept of division and its relation to multiplication.
• Work on the activities in their book.
• Provide worksheet exercises for mastery and practice.
Answer the following activities in the Independent practice.
Dividend, divisor, quotient,
Practice their multiplication sentences
Learning Objective:
• Use repeated subtraction and counters to model the meaning of division
• Use arrays to write and complete multiplication and division fact family
Language Objective:
• Explain the relationship of multiplication with division
Main Activity:
• Math Drill (Multiplication/Division)
• Provide fact family number and ask how are the following numbers are related.
• Let them form number sentences out of it and see their relationship as one is an inverse of the other.
• Introduce what is a fact family and how to form one.
• Work on the activities in their book and name fact families they know.
Provide worksheets forming fact families of multiplication and division.
• Use Multiplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn about special division rules with 0 and 1
• Use arrays to explore the rules for division with 1
Language Objective:
• Recite the special division rule.
Main Activity:
• Math Drill (Multiplication/Division)
• Review fact families on how division is related to multiplication
• Present arrays or counters and ask them to form groups using 0 and 1.
• Ask them to cite out their observation and draw out a rule when using 0 and 1 in division and in Multiplication.
• Provide samples and let them do the exercises in their text.
Do homework worksheets on rules when using 0 and 1
Learning Objective:
• Identify and connect the relationship of multiplication and division facts to solve division problems
Language Objective:
• Identify the steps in solving problems
Main Activity:
• Math Drill (Multiplication/Division)
• Provide the Problem of the Day.
• Ask what are facts that are given in the problem? What word clues are given to help them solve problems?
• Introduce ways on how to solve problems using division strategies to master their multiplication table.
• Provide examples for practice and mastery.
Use Independent practice and problem solving activities in their book.
• Assess if the concept taught are learned and mastered.
Language Objective:
• Identify vocabularies used in the topic
Main Activity:
• Review of the concept learned.
• Remind them of the steps in taking a test.
• Administer the test.
• Check if they have learned the concepts taught.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Arrays, counters, worksheets, pencil and paper, miniboards, textbooks
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Division as repeated subtraction
• Division as inverse of multiplication
• Divisibility rules
• Division in arrays
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Use and draw models to solve division problems
• Use repeated subtraction and counters to model the meaning of division
• Use arrays to write and complete multiplication and division fact family
• Use Multiplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn about special division rules with 0 and 1
• Use arrays to explore the rules for division with 1
• Identify and connect the relationship of multiplication and division facts to solve division problems
Learning Objective:
• Use and draw models to solve division problems
• Use repeated subtraction and counters to model the meaning of division
Language Objective:
• Identify the different parts of division number sentence
Main Activity:
• Math drill
• Present models and ask them to divide the groups into equal parts.
• Have them form multiplication sentence and inverse it to division sentence
• Do as well using subtraction, relating division as repeated subtraction,
• Have them do activity in their book.
• Use Multiplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn about special division rules with 0 and 1
• Use arrays to explore the rules for division with 1
Language Objective:
• Recite the special division rule.
Main Activity:
• Math Drill (Multiplication/Division)
• Review fact families on how division is related to multiplication
• Present arrays or counters and ask them to form groups using 0 and 1.
• Ask them to cite out their observation and draw out a rule when using 0 and 1 in division and in Multiplication.
• Provide samples and let them do the exercises in their text.
• Recognize multiplication as repeated addition of equal groups and inverse of division
• Use arrays in making an addition and multiplication number sentence and relating as inverse of division
Language Objective:
• Write multiplication number sentence using arrays and models and reversing it to division
Main Activity:
• Multiplication and Division drill
• Present the Problem of the Day.
• Show how this can be equally divided.
• Present how they can use multiplication facts to solve a division problem.
• Provide examples and exercises to understand it further.
• Do guided practice together and provide more exercises
• Identify and connect the relationship of multiplication and division facts to solve division problems
Language Objective:
• Identify the steps in solving problems
Main Activity:
• Math Drill (Multiplication/Division)
• Provide the Problem of the Day.
• Ask what are facts that are given in the problem?
• What word clues are given to help them solve problems?
• Introduce ways on how to solve problems using division strategies to master their multiplication table.
• Provide examples for practice and mastery.
Use Independent practice and problem solving activities in their book.
Arrays, counters, worksheets, pencil and paper, miniboards, textbooks
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Relating Multiplication with Division
• Special Quotients
• Using Multiplication Facts to find Division facts
• Draw a picture and write an equation
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Identify parts of multiplication and division sentence
• Use arrays to write and complete multiplication and division fact family
• Make a multiplication and division fact families using a group of numbers
• Use Multiplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn about special division rules with 0 and 1
• Use arrays to explore the rules for division with 1
• Identify and connect the relationship of multiplication and division facts to solve division problems
Learning Objective:
• Identify parts of multiplication and division sentence
• Use arrays to write and complete multiplication and division fact family
Language Objective:
• Make a multiplication and division fact families using a group of numbers
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review of the parts of an addition and subtraction sentence. Introduce the parts of a multiplication and division.
• Present concept using arrays to make repeated addition and inverse of multiplication
• Present how they make it. Use arrays to write and complete multiplication and division fact family
• Have them do activities in their mini boards.
• Use Multiplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn about special division rules with 0 and 1
• Use arrays to explore the rules for division with 1
Language Objective:
• Write division number sentence using arrays
Main Activity:
• Present arrays and make an addition and multiplication sentence.
• Present flashcards using 0 and 1. Ask what they’ve observe with the answers
• Use Multiplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn about special division rules with 0 and 1
• Use arrays to explore the rule for division with 1
• Answer guided practice from their book.
Answer independent practice using their mini boards
• Use Multiplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn about special division rules with 0 and 1
• Identify and connect the relationship of multiplication and division facts to solve division problems
• Use Multiplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn about special division rules with 0 and 1
• Use arrays to explore the rules for division with 1
Language Objective:
• Recite the special division rule.
Main Activity:
• Math Drill (Multiplication/Division)
• Review fact families on how division is related to multiplication
• Present arrays or counters and ask them to form groups using 0 and 1.
• Ask them to cite out their observation and draw out a rule when using 0 and 1 in division and in Multiplication.
• Provide samples and let them do the exercises in their text.
• Identify multiplication facts related to division facts in order to solve division problems
• Draw pictures and write related number sentences to solve problems
Language Objective:
• Write division number sentences relating to arrays
Main Activity:
• Present the problem of the day.
• Ask what are the steps to do to solve a problem.
• Relate context and word clues to be able to know how to solve the problem.
• Make number sentences on a given problem and have them draw pictures to form groups and identify the relation
• Do guided practice
Arrays, counters, worksheets, pencil and paper, mini boards, textbooks
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Multiplying by Multiples of 10 and 100
• Using Mental Math to Multiply
• Using Rounding to Estimate
• Draw a picture and write an equation
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Use basic multiplication facts and number patterns to multiply by multiples of 10 and 100
• Use multiplication fact numbers to multiply with multiples of 10 and 100
• Use compatible numbers with adjustments to breaking apart and other techniques to multiply numbers mentally
• Use number lines in rounding up estimates
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Learning Objective:
• Use basic multiplication facts and number patterns to multiply by multiples of 10 and 100
Language Objective:
• Recite multiplication facts and their properties
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present the vocabulary words to the class.
• Use the table ten to recite and to introduce the concept of multiplying with multiples of 10 and 100
• Present how to multiply numbers using repeated addition and counters. Introduce how skip counting can help them remember their fact tables easily.
• Present the use of arrays and counters to see the difference in grouping but with same answer. Introduce what are multiples and how can these help them in multiplication.
• Present the technique of multiplying with multiples of 10.
• Have them to answer the activities in their textbook using their mini boards for immediate assessment if they learned the concept.
Answer the activities in their book using their mini boards
Multiplication, factors, repeated addition, multiples, arrays, skip counting, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication,
Do practice worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Use compatible numbers with adjustments to breaking apart and other techniques to multiply numbers mentally
Language Objective:
• Name the different techniques to do mental Math
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present the vocabulary words to the class.
• Use the table ten to recite and to introduce the concept of multiplying by breaking apart
• Present how to multiply numbers using repeated addition and counters. Introduce how skip counting can help them remember their fact tables.
• Present the use of arrays and counters to see the difference in grouping but with same answer. Introduce what are multiples and how can these help them in multiplication.
• Present the technique of multiplying with multiples of 10.Have them to answer the activities in their textbook using their mini boards for immediate assessment if they learned the concept
Answer the exercises in their book
Multiplication, factors, repeated addition, multiples, arrays, skip counting, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication,
DO homework sheets
Learning Objective:
• Use compatible numbers with adjustments to breaking apart and other techniques to multiply numbers mentally
Language Objective:
• Use number lines in rounding up estimates
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present the vocabulary words to the class.
• Use the table ten to recite and review the concept of multiplying with multiples of 10 and 100
• Present how to multiply numbers using repeated addition and counters. Introduce how to use number line to remember their fact tables and do mental math
• Present the use of arrays and counters to see the difference in grouping but with same answer. Introduce what are multiples and how can these help them in multiplication.
• Present the technique of multiplying with multiples of 10.
• Have them to answer the activities in their textbook using their mini boards for immediate assessment if they learned the concept
Do Independent practice
Multiplication, factors, repeated addition, multiples, arrays, skip counting, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication,
Do worksheet homework
Learning Objective:
• Use multiplication sentences to solve problems
Language Objective:
• Identify the steps in multiplying one digit numbers and estimating products using multiplication with multiples of 10 and 100.
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present the vocabulary words to the class.
• Use the table ten concept of multiplying with multiples of 10 and 100
• Present how to multiply numbers using repeated addition and counters.
• Ask how skip counting can help them remember their fact tables easily.
• Present the use of arrays and counters to see the difference in grouping but with same answer. Introduce what are multiples and how can these help them in multiplication.
• Present the technique of multiplying with multiples of 10. And 1 digit multiplier
• Have them to answer the activities in their textbook using their mini boards for immediate assessment if they learned the concept
Multiplication, factors, repeated addition, multiples, arrays, skip counting, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication,
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Textbooks, worksheets, mini boards, counters, pictures
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Using Mental Math to Multiply
• Using Rounding to Estimate
• Draw a picture and write an equation
• Check if the solve problem reasonable
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Use compatible numbers with adjustments to breaking apart and other techniques to multiply numbers mentally
• Use compatible numbers and rounding to estimate solutions to multiplication problems
• Use number lines in rounding up estimates
• Draw a picture to solve an equation
• Judge the reasonableness of an answer
Learning Objective:
• Use compatible numbers with adjustments to breaking apart and other techniques to multiply numbers mentally
Language Objective:
• Name the different techniques to do mental Math
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present the vocabulary words to the class.
• Use the table ten to recite and to introduce the concept of multiplying by breaking apart
• Present how to multiply numbers using repeated addition and counters.
• Introduce how skip counting can help them remember their fact tables.
• Present the use of arrays and counters to see the difference in grouping but with same answer. Introduce what are multiples and how can these help them in multiplication.
• Present the technique of multiplying with multiples of 10.Have them to answer the activities in their textbook using their mini boards for immediate assessment if they learned the concept
Answer the exercises in their book
Multiplication, factors, repeated addition, multiples, arrays, skip counting, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication,
Do homework sheets
Learning Objective:
• Use compatible numbers with adjustments to breaking apart and other techniques to multiply numbers mentally
Language Objective:
• Use number lines in rounding up estimates
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present the vocabulary words to the class.
• Use the table ten to recite and review the concept of multiplying with multiples of 10 and 100
• Present how to multiply numbers using repeated addition and counters.
• Introduce how to use number line to remember their fact tables and do mental math
• Present the use of arrays and counters to see the difference in grouping but with same answer. Introduce what are multiples and how can these help them in multiplication.
• Present the technique of multiplying with multiples of 10.
• Have them to answer the activities in their textbook using their mini boards for immediate assessment if they learned the concept
Do Independent practice
Multiplication, factors, repeated addition, multiples, arrays, skip counting, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication,
Learning Objective:
• Use compatible numbers and rounding to estimate solutions to multiplication problems
Use number lines in rounding up estimates
Language Objective:
• Use compatible numbers and rounding to estimate solutions to multiplication problems
Use number lines in rounding up estimates
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review estimating numbers have drills using this skill.
• Present arrays and models and used them to make and solve multiplication sentences.
• Do activity practice together for them to understand how to use the arrays and models
Do Independent practice on the board
Multiplication, factors, repeated addition, multiples, arrays, skip counting, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication,
Do worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Use number lines in rounding up estimates
Language Objective:
• Draw a picture to solve an equation
Main Activity:
• Math drill on multiplication and division facts.
• Present steps in solving problem and using the technique of drawing a picture and writing an equation.
• Use their mini boards to solve problems and make an equation out of it,
• Use exercises in their textbook for practice
Do the practice exercises in their
Multiplication, factors, repeated addition, multiples, arrays, skip counting, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication,
Do worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Draw a picture to solve an equation
• Judge the reasonableness of an answer
Language Objective:
• Draw a picture to solve an equation
• Judge the reasonableness of an answer
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present problems and equations and ask if the answers are reasonable
• Present ways on how to find out how reasonable equations are
• Use their mini boards and textbook for practice and understanding
Do the practice exercises in their
Multiplication, factors, repeated addition, multiples, arrays, skip counting, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication,
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Textbooks , min boards, worksheets, counters, arrays and flashcards
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Using expanded algorithm
• Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit
• Multiplying 3 digit by 1
• Draw a picture and write an equation
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Record multiplication using expanded algorithm
• Multiply 2 digit by 1 digit numbers using paper and pencil methods
• Use standard algorithm to multiply 3 digit by 1 digit numbers
• Solve problems using problem solving strategy.
• Draw a picture and write an equation
Learning Objective:
• Record multiplication using expanded algorithm
Language Objective:
• Express expanded algorithm
Main Activity:
• Math drill on multiplication and division facts.
• Using the multiplication factors present the lesson on algorithm.
• Present how to solve using this technique.
• Do the exercises in their textbook using algorithm.
• Multiply 2 digit by 1 digit numbers using paper and pencil methods
Language Objective:
• Explain the steps in multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers using paper and pencil methods
Main Activity:
• Math drill on multiplication and division facts.
• Introduce how to multiply 2 digits by 1 digit number.
• Use algorithm to present how one can get partial factors.
• Introduce multiplying 2 digits by 1 without and with regrouping.
• Relate the process of how they are regrouped using expanded form.
• Use the guided practice to solve and understand how the process goes.
• Use standard algorithm to multiply 3 digit by 1 digit numbers
Language Objective:
• Explain how to use standard algorithm to multiply 3 digit by 1 digit numbers
Main Activity:
• Math drill on multiplication and division facts.
• Use the skill learned on how to solve 2 digits by 1 digit.
• Introduce how to multiply 3 digits by 1 digit number.
• Using algorithm present how one can get partial factors.
• Introduce multiplying 3 digit by 1 without and with regrouping
• Use the guided practice to solve and understand how the process goes.
• Use standard algorithm to multiply 2 - 3 digit by 1 digit numbers
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Math drill on multiplication and division facts.
• Use the skill learned on how to solve 2 – 3 digits by 1 digit.
• Present multiplication facts with and without regrouping.
• Have them do more practice exercises for this skill.
• Use the guided practice to solve and understand how the process goes.
Solve the multiplication facts using their mini boards
• Math Drill
• Review multiplying 2- 3 digit numbers with 1 digit.
• Present the ‘Problem of the Day”
• Review of the skills and ways of solving problems using models or illustrations
• Present arrays and models and used them to make and solve multiplication sentences
• Do activity practice together for them to understand how to use the arrays and models Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Variables and Expressions
• Addition and Subtraction Expressions
• Multiplication and Division Expressions
• Problem Solving
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Identify and describe what is a variable
• Solve equations with variables in a table
• Identify rule used in tables and in writing expressions
• Add and Subtract expressions
• Multiply and divide expressions
• Solve problems using objects and reasoning.
Learning Objective:
• Solve equations with variables in a table
Language Objective:
• Identify and describe what is a variable
Main Activity:
• Drill on Multiplication/Division
• Unlock and review some of the vocabulary words.
• Present a number sentence with a missing number using a box.
• Ask what is the answer? How did they come up with the answer?
• Present what is a variable and how it is represented.
• Show more expression and find out the variable in columns,
• Do guided practice together and more examples for mastery.
• Identify rule used in tables and in writing expressions
Main Activity:
• Review of the finding the variable.
• Provide more examples for them to identify the value of a variable using columns.
• Present how to complete tables and determine the rule that solve it and write an expression for it.
• Do guided practice and have them identify what operation to use.
• Translate word problems to algebraic expressions.
• Identify rule used in tables and in writing expressions
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review of finding the value of a variable.
• Provide examples of determining the value of a variable and what rule to use if multiplication or division process.
• Use guided practice for understanding of the concept.
• Drill / Review of identifying the value of a variable in an expression
• Recall of the steps in solving problems. Present how to solve using objects and reasoning.
• Present the problem of the Day. Ask what are the steps to solve it
• Use the guided practice in their book. Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Variables and Expressions
• Solving Expressions
• Problem Solving
• Multiplication with 2 digit numbers
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Solve equations with variables in a table
• Identify rule used in tables and in writing expressions
• Solve problems using objects and reasoning.
• Use mental math to multiply with 2 digit numbers with multiples of 10 factors
Learning Objective:
• Solve equations with variables in a table
Language Objective:
• Identify rule used in tables and in writing expressions
Main Activity:
• Review: finding the variable.
• Provide more examples for them to identify the value of variable using columns.
• Present how to complete tables and determine the rule that solve it and write an expression for it.
• Do guided practice and have them identify what operation to use.
• Translate word problems to algebraic expressions.
• Drill / Review of identifying the value of a variable in an expression
• Recall of the steps in solving problems. Present how to solve using objects and reasoning.
• Present the problem of the Day. Ask what are the steps to solve it
• Use the guided practice in their book.
• Use mental math to multiply with 2 digit numbers with multiples of 10 factors
Language Objective:
• Identify the rule in multiplying numbers with multiples of 10
Main Activity:
• Multiplication fact drill
• Review of the vocabulary words used for Multiplication
• Present the division lesson using multiplication arrays and facts stating it as inverse operation. Have flashcard division drill.
• Have activity using multiplication sentences and changing it to division sentences. Do a mental math activity.
• Present lesson in their textbook showing how to do mental math using multiplication patterns and using zeros.
• Do guided practice together.
Do independent activity using the board
Array, product, factors, multiples, fact family,
Learning Objective:
• Use mental math to multiply with 2 digit numbers
Language Objective:
• Identify the steps in multiplying numbers with 2 digit number
Main Activity:
• Math drill on multiplication
• Review of Multiplication with Multiples of ten and hundreds
• Introduce how to multiply numbers with 2 digit numbers by 2 digit divisors as well. Introduce algorithms and using estimation with multiples of 10 to make it easier and how to solve it.
• Relate how to check if their work is correct by using algorithm.
Do the practice activities on the board for greater mastery
Array, product, factors, multiples, fact family,
Study for exam
Learning Objective:
• Assess if the concept learned are mastered and can execute correctly
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Flashcard drill
• Review of the multiplication facts 1-12 and properties of multiplication
• Administer the quiz. Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Estimate products and quotients of multi-digit whole numbers by using rounding, benchmarks and place value to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• How to use mental Math to multiply 2-digit numbers
• How to estimate products
• How to use arrays and expanded algorithm to find the product
• How to multiply 2 digit numbers by multiples of ten
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Understand patterns to multiply by 10 and 100
• Multiply 2-digit numbers with multiples of 10 and 100 using patterns
• Use rounding and compatible numbers to estimate solutions to multiplication problems
• Explain the rounding off rule and using compatible numbers
• Multiply 2-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers using arrays and expanded algorithm
• Multiply 2-digit numbers and multiples of 10 using grids and patterns
Learning Objective:
• How to use mental Math to multiply 2-digit numbers
Language Objective:
• Understand patterns to multiply by 10 and 100
• Multiply 2-digit numbers with multiples of 10 and 100 using patterns
Main Activity:
• Multiplication fact drill
• Present the lesson using multiplication arrays to multiply 2-digit numbers
• Do a mental math activity.
• Present lesson in their textbook showing how to do mental math using multiplication patterns.
• Do guided practice together.
• Use rounding and compatible numbers to estimate solutions to multiplication problems
• Explain the rounding off rule and using compatible numbers
Main Activity:
• Multiplication fact drill
• Present the lesson using rounding and compatible numbers to estimate solutions
• Practice with mini-boards using the rounding off rule
• Do worksheets on estimating products
• How to use arrays and expanded algorithm to find the product
Language Objective:
• Multiply 2-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers using arrays and expanded algorithm
Main Activity:
• Flashcard practice
• Present lesson on how to multiply 2-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers using arrays and expanded algorithm.
• Practice problems in textbook
• How to multiply 2 digit numbers by multiples of ten
Language Objective:
• Multiply 2-digit numbers and multiples of 10 using grids and patterns
Main Activity:
• Do a mental math activity.
• Show students how to multiply 2 digit numbers by multiples of ten
• Practice with mini-boards using multiples of 10
• Worksheets Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Estimate products and quotients of multi-digit whole numbers by using rounding, benchmarks and place value to assess the reasonableness of results. Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Division and its parts
• Use Mental Math in Division
• Estimating Quotients
• Division with remainders
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Divide using basic facts and patterns of zeros to solve division problems with 3 digit dividends and 1 digit divisors.
• Divide numbers with multiples of 10, 100 and 1 000
• Use compatible numbers and rounding to estimate quotients
• Divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
Learning Objective:
• Divide using basic facts and patterns of zeros to solve division problems with 3 digit dividends and 1 digit divisors.
Language Objective:
• Explain how patterns of zeros can be used to solve division problems with 3 digit dividends and 1 digit divisors
Main Activity:
• Multiplication /Division fact drill
• Review of the vocabulary words used for Multiplication
• Present the division lesson using multiplication arrays and facts stating it as inverse operation. Have flashcard division drill.
• Have activity using multiplication sentences and changing it to division sentences. Do a mental math activity.
• Present lesson in their textbook showing how to do mental math using multiplication patterns and using zeros.
• Do guided practice together
Do Independent Practice in their textbook
Dividend, divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Answer homework worksheets.
Learning Objective:
• Divide numbers with multiples of 10, 100 and 1 000
Language Objective:
• Explain how multiples of 10, 100 and 1 000 can be used to divide numbers
Main Activity:
• Multiplication /Division fact drill
• Review of the vocabulary words used for Multiplication
• Present the division lesson using multiplication arrays and facts stating it as inverse operation. Have flashcard division drill.
• Have activity using multiplication sentences and changing it to division sentences. Do a mental math activity.
• Present lesson in their textbook showing how to do mental math using multiplication patterns and using zeros or multiples of 10,100, 1000
• Do guided practice together.
Do Independent practice and problem solving.
Dividend , divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Do practice activities at home
Learning Objective:
• Divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
Language Objective:
• Relate how to divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review of division using inverse operation, estimation, and standard operations.
• Present Problem of the Day and let them solve.
• Introduce how to decide on where to start dividing. Present different examples on where to start dividing and if there is a zero difficulty how are they to divide.
• Do guided practice together and have them identify the reason why we started dividing in tens place instead of hundreds and so on.
• Provide exercises to solve in their mini-boards
Do Independent practice and problem solving.
Dividend , divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Answer their homework worksheet
Learning Objective:
• Divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
Language Objective:
• Identify the parts of a division sentence and ways to divide and identify the remainder
Main Activity:
• Multiplication / Division math drill
• Review of dividing numbers using inverse operation, estimation and compatible numbers
• Present objects and let them group out in even numbers to their numbers as a class. Ask does everyone have equal group? Present the word remainder in division. Provide other examples for the lesson.
• Present the lesson on division with remainders. Have them do the activities together and have them check and balance their work if their answers are correct.
Answer worksheets on division with remainder.
Dividend , divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Practice multiplication sentences
Learning Objective:
• Divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
Language Objective:
• Identify the parts of a division sentence and ways to divide and identify the remainder
Main Activity:
• Multiplication/Division Math drill
• Review of the concepts learned about division using compatible numbers, estimation and inverse operation.
• Present models and arrays and how to use the place value to understand and do the algorithm of doing long division with remainder.
• Have them name the sequence and operations used in doing long division.
• Emphasize the use of the place value and aligning the numbers to avoid mistakes and confusion.
• Present the lesson steps in their textbook and do the activities together for practice and mastery
Answer worksheets with division with remainder
Dividend , divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Flashcards, mini-boards, textbooks and worksheets
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Estimate products and quotients of multi-digit whole numbers by using rounding, benchmarks and place value to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• How to estimate quotients
• How to divide with remainders
• How to use models and symbols in division
• Dividing 2 digit s by 1 digit numbers
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Use multiple of 10 and compatible numbers to estimate quotients
• Divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
• Use place value to understand the algorithm of long division
• Use standard algorithm to divide a two-digit number by a three digit number.
Learning Objective:
• Use multiple of 10 and compatible numbers to estimate quotients
Language Objective:
• State that using multiple of 10 and compatible numbers in multiplication can be used to estimate quotients
Main Activity:
• Multiplication/Division Math drill
• Review of the concepts learned about division using compatible numbers, estimation and inverse operation.
• Present models and arrays in how to use multiples of 10 to do the algorithm of doing long division.
• Have them name the sequence and operations used in doing long division. Emphasize the use of the place value and aligning the numbers to avoid mistakes and confusion.
• Present the lesson steps in their textbook and do the activities together for practice and mastery
Do the Independent practice in estimating quotients
Dividend, divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Answer Homework Worksheet
Learning Objective:
• Divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
Language Objective:
• Use place value to understand the algorithm of long division
Main Activity:
• Math Drill / Problem of the Day
• Review of the concepts learned about division using compatible numbers, estimation and inverse operation.
• Present models and arrays and how to use the place value to understand and do the algorithm of doing long division.
• Have them name the sequence and operations used in doing long division. Emphasize the use of the place value and aligning the numbers to avoid mistakes and confusion.
• Present the lesson steps in their textbook and do the activities together for practice and mastery
Do the Independent practice and problem solving on the board
Dividend, divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Answer Homework worksheet
Learning Objective:
• Divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
Language Objective:
• Use place value to understand the algorithm of long division
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review of division using inverse operation, estimation, and standard operations.
• Present Problem of the Day.
• Introduce how to decide on where to start dividing.
• Present different examples on where to start dividing and if there is a zero difficulty how are they to divide.
• Do guided practice together and have them identify the reason why we started dividing in tens place instead of hundreds and so on
Do Independent practice and problem solving.
Dividend, divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Answer homework worksheet.
Learning Objective:
• Divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
Language Objective:
• Use place value to understand the algorithm of long division
Main Activity:
• Math Drill / Problem of the Day
• Recap of the vocabulary words used in division and multiplication
• Review of the concepts learned about division using compatible numbers, estimation and inverse operation.
• Present models and arrays and how to use the place value to understand and do the algorithm of doing long division.
• Have them name the sequence and operations used in doing long division. Emphasize the use of the place value and aligning the numbers to avoid mistakes and confusion.
• Present the lesson steps in their textbook and do the activities together for practice and mastery
• Do examples on the board.
Do the Independent practice
Dividend, divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Answer homework worksheet.
Learning Objective:
• Divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
Language Objective:
• Use place value to understand the algorithm of long division
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present Problem of the Day.
• Ask how can they solve the problem? Ask for the facts in a problem. Introduce how to find out the where to divide first or operation before going to solve what is asked.
• Do guided practice together and have them identify the reason why we started dividing in tens place instead of hundreds and so on.
• Have activities of dividing using standard algorithm.
Do Independent practice and problem solving.
Dividend, divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Flashcards, mini-boards, textbooks and worksheets
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Estimate products and quotients of multi-digit whole numbers by using rounding, benchmarks and place value to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• How to divide 3 digit by 1 digit number
• Where to start dividing numbers with 2-3 digit numbers
• The Factors of a number
• How to determine a prime and a composite number
• How to solve a multi-step problem.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Divide using basic facts and patterns of zeros to solve division problems with 3 digit dividends and 1 digit divisors.
• Divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
• Use standard algorithm to divide a 2 – 3 digit number by a one digit number.
• Give out the factors of whole numbers
• Identify prime and composite numbers
• Solve a multi-step problem
Learning Objective:
• Divide using basic facts and patterns of zeros to solve division problems with 3 digit dividends and 1 digit divisors
Language Objective:
• Name the steps in how to divide numbers with 3 digit by 1 digit divisor
Main Activity:
• Math Drill / Problem of the Day
• Review of using symbols and models to divide equally a group. Illustrate how hundreds, tens and ones can be represented.
• Present another way to divide numbers using the long division, emphasizing on the steps on how to do long division: 1. Estimation and Divide 2. Multiplication 3. Subtraction and 4. Repeat the process until all numbers are dropped down.
• Illustrate how to do the following. Present as well numbers with remainders and how to check if their answer is correct.
Do the Independent practice and problem solving on the board
Dividend , divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Do homework sheets
Learning Objective:
• Divide using basic facts and patterns of zeros to solve division problems with 3 digit dividends and 1 digit divisors.
• Divide whole numbers by 1 digit divisors resulting to quotients with remainders
Language Objective:
• Name the steps in how to divide numbers with 3 digit by 1 digit divisor with/without remainder
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Review of division using inverse operation, estimation, and standard operations.
• Present Problem of the Day.
• Introduce how to decide on where to start dividing. Present different examples on where to start dividing and if there is a zero difficulty how are they to divide it.
• Emphasize on doing the steps repeatedly and dropping one number at a time.
• Do guided practice together and have them identify the reason why we started dividing in tens place instead of hundreds and so on
Do Independent practice and problem solving.
Dividend , divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Do homework sheets
Learning Objective:
• Use standard algorithm to divide a 2 – 3 digit number by a one digit number.
• Give out the factors of whole numbers
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Math Drill / Problem of the Day
• Review of using symbols and models, algorithms, long division, and estimation to divide.
• Recap of the vocabulary words used in division and multiplication
• Present a whole number and ask what the factors are.
• Introduce the concept of divisibility of a number to be able to find other factors of numbers.
Introduce if they are prime or composite numbers.
• Differentiate a prime number from a composite number.
• Do examples on the board.
Do the Independent practice
Dividend , divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Do homework sheets
Learning Objective:
• Give out the factors of whole numbers
• Identify prime and composite numbers
Language Objective:
• Differentiate a prime number from a composite number
Main Activity:
• Math Drill on multiplication and division
• Introduce numbers and present the prime and composite numbers
• Present how to determine if number is a prime or a composite number. Present step in how to solve for the factors of a number and its prime factors.
• Demonstrate how to give out factors and prime factors of a number.
• Distinguish which are prime and composite.
Solve the independent practice.
Dividend , divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers
Do homework worksheets.
Learning Objective:
• Solve a multi-step problem
Language Objective:
• Identify the steps in solving a multi-step problem
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present Problem of the Day.
• Ask how can they solve the problem? Ask for the hidden problem in a multiple step problem. Introduce how to find out the hidden question or operation before going to solve what is asked.
• Do guided practice together and have them identify the reason why we started dividing in tens place instead of hundreds and so on
Do Independent practice and problem solving.
Dividend , divisor, quotients, remainder, factors, compatible numbers, product, partial products, arrays, inverse, prime and composite numbers Demonstrate fluency with multiplication and division facts. Use an understanding of place value to multiply a number by 10, 100 and 1000. Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms. Estimate products and quotients of multi-digit whole numbers by using rounding, benchmarks and place value to assess the reasonableness of results. Solve multi-step real world and mathematical problems requiring the use of addition, subtraction and multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between operations, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results. Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide multidigit whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. Strategies may include mental strategies, partial quotients, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties and repeated subtraction. Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication, division and unknowns. Use real-world situations involving multiplication or division to represent number sentences.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• What are Points, lines, and planes
• What are Line segments, rays and angles
• How to Measure angles
• What are different kinds of angles
• How to illustrate the different geometric vocabulary
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Identify what are points, lines and planes
• Describe parts of lines and types of angles
• Draw and form different lines and angles
• Construct and measure different kinds of angles
• Create a creative artwork using different geometric figures
Learning Objective:
• Identify and describe points, lines and planes
Language Objective:
• Draw and describe points, lines and planes
Main Activity:
• Math drill
• Present a dot to dot activity and have them figure out what object or shape is formed.
• Unlock the vocabulary words
• Introduce the lesson about point, lines and planes. Present how these are found in our everyday activities. Present the differences between line, line segment, rays and angles
• Present different kinds of lines and identify streets they know that has this kind of lines.
• Present a grid paper and let them do activity of applying the lesson.
• Draw the different lines, points and planes.
• Identify what are points, lines and planes
• Identify parts and kinds of lines and angles
Language Objective:
• Describe parts of lines and types of angles
Main Activity:
• Review picture using different kinds of lines and planes
• Unlock the vocabulary words. Compare and contrast them
• Introduce the lesson about line segment, rays and angles. Present how these are found in our everyday activities. Identify different lines around the classroom
• Present how these are points, lines are connected to each other. Present how angles are formed, measured and classified.
• Present samples and have them measure the following.
Answer the independent activities. Create a creative work of combining all of these geometric figures.
• Draw and form different lines and angles
• Construct and measure different kinds of angles
Language Objective:
• Identify and describe different lines and angles
Main Activity:
• Review of vocabulary words and kinds of lines and angles
• Present the Problem of the Day
• Have a game of telling time using a paper clock and relate the lesson of how angles are formed, its kinds and measurements
• Introduce what is a protractor, how it is used and its importance in Geometry and in our daily activities.
• Let them construct rays that have same endpoints and form angles and let them measure the following
• Introduce different angles according to their measurement.
• Have them form angles in their mini boards and identify the kind of angle formed.
Do the independent practice and let them construct and measure angles
• Draw and form different lines and angles
• Construct and measure different kinds of angles
Language Objective:
• Distinguish the different lines and angles
Main Activity:
• Review of vocabulary words, kinds of lines and angles
• Play a matching game of name, meaning and figures in each team
• Let them construct dots, lines and angles
• Present illustrations using these different geometric figures
• Have them construct and measure angles
• Create a creative artwork using different geometric figures
Language Objective:
Identify different geometric figure they’ve used.
Main Activity:
• Review of vocabulary words, kinds of lines and angles
• Play a game of spotting the name of geometric figures in each team
• Let them construct dots, lines and angles
• Present illustrations using these different geometric figures
• Have them create their own art work using these geometric figures Describe, classify and sketch triangles, including equilateral, right, obtuse and acute triangles. Recognize triangles in various contexts. Describe, classify and draw quadrilaterals, including squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombuses, parallelograms and kites. Recognize quadrilaterals in various contexts. Measure angles in geometric figures and real-world objects with a protractor or angle ruler Compare angles according to size. Classify angles as acute, right and obtuse.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Different kinds of polygon
• Different kinds of triangles
• Different kinds of quadrilaterals
• Solve problems by testing the generalizations
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Identify polygons and its kind
• Identify and classify different kinds of triangles
• Identify different kinds of quadrilaterals
• Solve problems by testing the generalizations
Learning Objective:
• Identify polygons and its kind
Language Objective:
• Describe and differentiate polygons and its kind
Main Activity:
• Review of vocabulary words and identifying them in a given figure.
• Have a game of forming a figure using different shapes using a graphing paper.
• Present what is a polygon and its parts.
• Introduce the different kinds of polygon. Using a grid paper connect the dots and identify the different polygons form
• Identify and describe their differences from each other.
• Draw and name their polygons
• Compare and contrast the following.
Do the independent practice in their textbook
Point, line, plane, parallel lines, intersecting lines, perpendicular lines , line segment, ray , angle, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, straight angle, degree, protractor, polygon, sides, vertex, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, equilateral, isosceles, scalene, right, acute and obtuse triangle, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram, rectangle and square
Answer practice worksheet 9-4
Learning Objective:
• Identify and classify different kinds of triangles
Language Objective:
• Describe different kinds of triangles
Main Activity:
• Review of different polygons.
• Present different kinds of triangle cut outs and let them try to identify the following.
• Introduce how to identify a triangle using their angles and sides.
• Have them illustrate different samples
• Do guided practice together.
Have them do the Independent practice
Point, line, plane, parallel lines, intersecting lines, perpendicular lines , line segment, ray , angle, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, straight angle, degree, protractor, polygon, sides, vertex, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, equilateral, isosceles, scalene, right, acute and obtuse triangle, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram, rectangle and square
Answer practice worksheet 9-4
Learning Objective:
• Identify different kinds of quadrilaterals
• Solve problems by testing the generalizations
Language Objective:
• Describe different kinds of quadrilaterals
Main Activity:
• Review of different triangles and how they are classified.
• Present different quadrilaterals and introduce how they are named and different from one another.
• Compare and contrast different quadrilaterals.
• Do guided practice together.
Do independent practice exercises in their textbook
Point, line, plane, parallel lines, intersecting lines, perpendicular lines , line segment, ray , angle, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, straight angle, degree, protractor, polygon, sides, vertex, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, equilateral, isosceles, scalene, right, acute and obtuse triangle, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram, rectangle and square Describe, classify and sketch triangles, including equilateral, right, obtuse and acute triangles. Recognize triangles in various contexts. Describe, classify and draw quadrilaterals, including squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombuses, parallelograms and kites. Recognize quadrilaterals in various contexts. Measure angles in geometric figures and real-world objects with a protractor or angle ruler Compare angles according to size. Classify angles as acute, right and obtuse.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• The fractional part of a region and a set
• How to divide set to show a fractional part
• How to compare whole objects and sets
• How to estimate fractional part of a whole object and sets
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Identify and draw fractional parts of a region and a set
• Divide set to show a fractional part
• Describe and compare fractional parts of a whole objects and sets
• Estimate fractional parts of a whole objects and sets
Learning Objective:
• Identify and draw fractional parts of a region and a set
Language Objective:
• Differentiate the fractional part of a region and a set
Main Activity:
• Review of Geometry concepts and vocabularies learned
• Present the Problem of the Day and ask how to name and show the parts of the region and of a set.
• Using pictures of flag, present the concept of fractions.
• Show different fractional part and unlock the parts of the fraction: numerator and denominator
• Present the difference of a fractional part of a set and a region
Study and do answer the re teaching and chapter check.
Learning Objective:
• Divide set to show a fractional part
Language Objective:
• Divide set to show a fractional part
Main Activity:
• Review of parts of a fraction in a set and region
• Present the Problem of the day and ask how can we share items?
• Introduce how division can be used in fraction to divide equal parts. Using their materials fold their papers to demonstrate equal parts and regions.
• Have them identify or figure out how to come up with an equal part
• Estimate fractions for points on the number line
Main Activity:
• Review of identifying fractions and its parts
• Present figures and try to estimate the sizes of the following compared to a region.
• Introduce how to estimate a fractional part. Present how to use benchmark fractions to assist them in making an estimate.
• Using their materials try to estimate the sizes of given fractions
Use the exercises in their text to estimate fractions
• Describe and compare fractional parts of a whole objects and sets
Language Objective:
• Describe and compare fractional parts of a whole objects and sets
Main Activity:
• Review of fractional part and estimating fractions
• Present the Problem of the Day and identify how we can divide to find the equivalent fractions.
• Present two different fractional parts and compare their sizes.
• Identify which is larger or smaller or are they equal. Present what are equivalent fractions.
• Present how to identify equivalent fractions using cut out parts of a region and using division Represent equivalent fractions using fraction models such as parts of a set, fraction circles, fraction strips, number lines and other manipulatives. Use the models to determine equivalent fractions. Locate fractions on a number line. Use models to order and compare whole numbers and fractions, including mixed numbers and improper fractions. Use fraction models to add and subtract fractions with like denominators in real-world and mathematical situations. Develop a rule for addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Equivalent fractions
• Fractions in simplest form
• Improper Fraction and Mixed numbers
• Comparing fractions
• Ordering Fractions
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Use models and objects to show equivalent fractions
• Express equivalent fractions in simplest form
• Identify and write mixed numbers as improper fractions
• Change improper fractions as mixed numbers
• Compare and order fractions with similar denominators
Learning Objective:
• Match models and objects to show equivalent fractions
Language Objective:
• Use models and objects to show equivalent fractions
Main Activity:
• Review drill of identifying fractions.
• Using fraction strips model let them identify the equal fractions?
• Present how to identify the equivalent fractions using the figures and models and finding the simplest form of a fraction.
• Present the lesson in their textbook. Ask how to solve for the equivalent fraction.
• Math Drill
• Present Problem of the Day and let them solve.
• Do guided practice together- Express equivalent fractions in simplest form
• Provide exercises to solve in their mini-boards
• Worksheets
• Compare and order fractions with similar denominators
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present Problem of the Day and let them solve.
• Show how to compare and order fractions with similar denominators.
• Provide exercises to solve in their mini-boards
• Textbook exercises Represent equivalent fractions using fraction models such as parts of a set, fraction circles, fraction strips, number lines and other manipulatives. Use the models to determine equivalent fractions. Locate fractions on a number line. Use models to order and compare whole numbers and fractions, including mixed numbers and improper fractions. Use fraction models to add and subtract fractions with like denominators in real-world and mathematical situations. Develop a rule for addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Addition and Subtractions of Fractions with like Denominators
• Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators
• Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators
• Problem Solving : Draw a Picture and Write an Equation
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Add and subtract fractions with like denominators using models and paper and pencil
• Add fractions with unlike denominators using models and paper and pencil
• Subtract fractions with unlike denominators using models and paper and pencil
• Draw a picture and write an equation to solve a problem
Learning Objective:
• Add and subtract fractions with like denominators using models and paper and pencil
Language Objective:
• Explain how to add and subtract similar fractions using models, paper and pencil.
Main Activity:
• Review Game: Ask questions about the concepts learned about fractions
• Present models of fractions and ask to combine and subtract in a Problem of the Day.
• Introduce the concept of how to add and subtract fractions with similar denominators. Present ways and principles using their text.
• Present examples and ways for them to add or subtract using models and fraction strips
• Have them do Independent practice activities in their textbook.
• Add fractions with unlike denominators using models and paper and pencil
Language Objective:
• List down the steps in adding fractions with unlike denominators using models and paper and pencil
Main Activity:
• Review adding and subtracting like fractions.
• Present the Problem of the Day. Ask how to solve if they have different denominators. Review on finding equivalent fractions
• Introduce the concept of addition of fractions with unlike denominators using the technique of finding the equivalent fractions either by common factors or cancellation
• Present concepts and examples from their text.
• Do the independent practice activities in their textbooks.
• Subtract fractions with unlike denominators using models and paper and pencil
Language Objective:
• List down the steps in subtracting fractions with unlike denominators using models and paper and pencil
Main Activity:
• Review of adding unlike fractions.
• Present the Problem of the Day. Ask how to solve if they have different denominators. Review on finding equivalent fractions
• Introduce the concept of subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators using the technique of finding the equivalent fractions either by common factors or cancellation
• Present concepts and examples from their text.
• Do the independent practice activities in their textbooks.
• Subtract fractions with unlike denominators using models and paper and pencil
Language Objective:
• Draw a picture and write an equation to solve a problem
Main Activity:
• Review of addition and subtraction of like and unlike fractions
• Present the Problem of the Day and ask how they came up with their answer.
• Present the concept of drawing a picture and write an equation to solve a problem. Use the concepts and techniques introduce in their textbooks. Present examples for the following
• Do the independent practice in their textbook
Fraction model strips, Mini boards, Textbook. Worksheets
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Represent equivalent fractions using fraction models such as parts of a set, fraction circles, fraction strips, number lines and other manipulatives. Use the models to determine equivalent fractions. Locate fractions on a number line. Use models to order and compare whole numbers and fractions, including mixed numbers and improper fractions. Use fraction models to add and subtract fractions with like denominators in real-world and mathematical situations. Develop a rule for addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Decimal numeration is an extension of a whole number numeration.
• How to use a place value charts to represent decimals to tenths, hundredths, thousandths
• How to read and write decimals in expanded standard and word form.
• How to use models and place value charts to compare decimals to hundredths
• How to compare decimals using >,< or =
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Use models and place value charts to represent decimals to hundredths.
• Read and write decimals in expanded standard and word form.
• Use models and place value charts to compare decimals to hundredths
• Use symbols >,< or = to compare decimals
• Write decimals to fraction and fraction to decimals
• Explain the relationship of decimals and fractions
Learning Objective:
• Read and write decimals in expanded standard and word form.
Language Objective:
• Use models and place value charts to represent decimals to hundredths
Main Activity:
• Review of concepts learned about fractions. Share its relationship and place in the place value chart.
• Present the concept of decimals and let them figure out their relationships and how they are placed in the number line.
• Present a place value chart that represents whole numbers and decimals. Unlock the vocabulary words.
• Introduce models and figures to identify the decimals and its value. Work on the exercises in their textbook.
Do practice worksheets on fractions and decimals.
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Study for a test on fractions
Learning Objective:
• Read and write decimals in expanded standard and word form.
Language Objective:
• Use models and place value charts to represent decimals to hundredths,
Main Activity:
• Share the relationship of whole number place value chart and decimal numeration.
• Present the concept of decimals and let them figure out their relationships and how they are placed in the place value chart.
• Present a decimals using the place value chart that represents whole numbers and decimals.
• Introduce models and figures to identify the decimals and its value. Present how to read and write decimals.
• Do practice activities in their textbook.
Decimal , place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer practice worksheets 12-1
Learning Objective:
• Use models and place value charts to compare decimals to hundredths
• Use symbols >,< or = to compare decimals
Language Objective:
• Read and write decimals
Main Activity:
• Identify the value of each models and numbers in the place value charts and have them read and write the following.
• Present a decimal number and present how it is related to fractions. Do activities that show how to change a decimal to fraction and vice versa.
• Do activities and examples from their book.
Do independent practice
Decimal , place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer practice worksheets 12-3
Learning Objective:
• Write decimals to fraction and fraction to decimals
Language Objective:
• Explain the relationship of decimals and fractions
Main Activity:
• Solve the problem of the day.
• Identify the value of each models and numbers in the place value charts and have them read and write the following.
• Present a decimal number and show how it is related to fractions.
• Do activities that show how to change a decimal to fraction and vice versa.
• Do activities and examples from their book.
Do independent practice activities.
Decimal , place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer practice worksheets 12-4
Learning Objective:
• Write decimals to fraction and fraction to decimals
Language Objective:
• Explain the relationship of decimals and fractions
Main Activity:
• Review of naming decimals and fraction
• Present where they are marked in the number line.
• Relate how decimals and fractions are written and read and locate them in the number line.
• Do the exercises in their textbook.
Do worksheets on locating the decimals and fractions in the number line.
Decimal , place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Place value chart, Models and charts , ppt of decimals and fractions
Mini boards
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Read and write decimals with words and symbols; use place value to describe decimals in terms of thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Compare and order decimals and whole numbers using place value, a number line and models such as grids and base 10 blocks. Read and write tenths and hundredths in decimal and fraction notations using words and symbols; know the fraction and decimal equivalents for halves and fourths. Round decimals to the nearest tenth.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Write decimals as fractions and fractions as decimals
• Plot the fractions and decimals on the number line
• Mixed numbers and decimals on the Number Line
• Solving Problems by drawing a problem
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Write decimals as fractions and fractions as decimals
• Plot the fractions and decimals on the number line
• Plot mixed numbers and decimals on the Number Line
• Solving Problems by drawing a problem
Learning Objective:
• Write decimals as fractions and fractions as decimals
Language Objective:
• Express decimals as fractions and fractions as decimals
Main Activity:
• Solve the problem of the day.
• Identify the value of each models and numbers in the place value charts and have them read and write the following.
• Present a decimal number and present how it is related to fractions.
• Do activities that show how to change a decimal to fraction and vice versa.
• Do activities and examples from their book.
Do independent practice activities.
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer Reteaching and Practice sheets
Learning Objective:
• Write decimals as fractions and fractions as decimals
Language Objective:
• Express decimals as fractions and fractions as decimals
Main Activity:
• Review of identifying fractions to decimals and vice versa
• Present fraction parts and ask what part of the region or set they are and turn it to decimal to be able to plot and mark it out.
• Present example in the textbook and do the exercises in it.
Do worksheets of identifying and plotting numbers in the number line.
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer Reteaching and Practice sheets
Learning Objective:
• Plot the fractions and decimals on the number line
Language Objective:
• Describe how to plot numbers and decimals in the number line.
Main Activity:
• Review of naming decimals and fraction
• Present where they are marked in the number line
Relate how decimals and fractions are written and read and locate them in the number line.
• Do the exercises in their textbook.
Do worksheets on locating the decimals and fractions in the number line.
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer Reteaching and Practice sheets
Learning Objective:
• Plot the fractions and decimals on the number line
• Plot mixed numbers and decimals on the Number Line
Language Objective:
• Read and identify fractions and decimals in the number line
Main Activity:
• Have a game of changing fractions to decimals and plotting in the number line
• Introduce how to plot mixed numbers in the number line. Have them plot out the following mixed numbers in flashcards to the number line.
• Have them discuss the topic in their textbook and do the practice activities in their textbook.
Do worksheets about Mixed numbers in the number line.
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer Reteaching and Practice sheets. Study for a quiz
Learning Objective:
• Solving Problems by drawing a problem
Language Objective:
• Name steps in solving problem
Main Activity:
• Drill on naming fraction, comparing and ordering fractions
• Present Problem of the Day. Ask how they come out with their answer?
• Present different steps in solving problems. Introduce how drawing or illustrating problems can help in solving problems.
• Solve practice activities together.
Have them do the Independent practice activities.
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Textbooks, fraction flashcards, worksheets, mini-boards and marker
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Read and write decimals with words and symbols; use place value to describe decimals in terms of thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Compare and order decimals and whole numbers using place value, a number line and models such as grids and base 10 blocks. Read and write tenths and hundredths in decimal and fraction notations using words and symbols; know the fraction and decimal equivalents for halves and fourths. Round decimals to the nearest tenth.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Mixed Numbers and Decimals on the Number Line
• Rounding Off Decimals
• Estimating Sums and Differences of Decimals
• Add and subtract decimals using models
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Plot the decimals and fraction in a number line
• Round two place decimals numbers to one place or the nearest whole numbers
• Round decimal numbers to estimate the sums and differences of decimals
• Add and subtract decimals in tenths and hundredths using models
Learning Objective:
• Locate and plot the decimals and fraction in a number line
Language Objective:
• Relate the importance of number line and how to plot numbers in the
Main Activity:
• Recap on how fractions can be changed to decimals and decimals to fraction.
• Present a number line and how numbers are, introduce how to plot out the points in it and ask what part of the fraction and turn it to decimal to be able to plot and mark it out.
• Present example in the textbook and do the exercises in it.
Do the independent practice in their textbook.
Number line, fraction, decimals, round off, estimation, sum , difference, multiply , divide, models, mixed numbers
Answer homework packet.
Learning Objective:
• Round two place decimals numbers to one place or the nearest whole numbers
Language Objective:
• Round decimal numbers to estimate the sums and differences of decimals
Main Activity:
• Review how to plot mixed numbers in the number line. Have them plot out the following mixed numbers in flashcards to the number line.
• Have them discuss the topic in their textbook and do the practice activities in their textbook.
• Using the number line present the lesson of rounding numbers. Round off tenths and hundredths place value. Present the rules in rounding off numbers.
• Present more activities to work on. for practice.
Do the independent activity practice in their textbook.
Number line, fraction, decimals, round off, estimation, sum , difference, models, mixed numbers
Do the homework pages for the lesson.
Learning Objective:
• Round decimal numbers to estimate the sums and differences of decimals
Language Objective:
• Estimate the sums and differences of decimals
Main Activity:
• Review of plotting numbers in the number line,
• Use number line to present rounding off numbers. Introduce how to do round off numbers in the tenths and hundredths place.
• Discuss information in their textbook and do the practice activities together.
Have them do the independent practice activities on their own.
Number line, fraction, decimals, round off, estimation, sum , difference, multiply , divide, models, mixed numbers
Answer their Re teaching and practice worksheets.
Learning Objective:
• Add and subtract decimals in tenths and hundredths using models
Language Objective:
• Identify the value of different decimals by tenth and hundredths
Main Activity:
• Recap of decimals and rounding it off.
• Review of addition parts. Have a game of identifying the value of coins and bills.
• Use money to relate the concept of addition and subtraction of decimals.
• Discuss and solve exercises in their textbook.
Have them do independent practice.
Number line, fraction, decimals, round off, estimation, sum , difference, multiply , divide, models, mixed numbers
Do homework practice exercises.
Learning Objective:
• Assess the concept and mastery from the topics learned,
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Use Re teaching as tool to review topics discussed.
• Remind them of the steps in taking an exam.
• Administer the test.
Check if the concepts learned are mastered.
Number line, fraction, decimals, round off, estimation, sum , difference, multiply , divide, models, mixed numbers
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Textbook, mini boards, number lines, flashcards, play money and fraction and decimal models
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Read and write decimals with words and symbols; use place value to describe decimals in terms of thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Compare and order decimals and whole numbers using place value, a number line and models such as grids and base 10 blocks. Read and write tenths and hundredths in decimal and fraction notations using words and symbols; know the fraction and decimal equivalents for halves and fourths. Round decimals to the nearest tenth.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• Add and subtract decimals up to hundredths place
• Multiply decimal with a whole number
• Divide decimal with a whole number
• Solve problems using decimals
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Add and subtract decimals up to hundredths place
• Multiply decimal with a whole number
• Divide decimal with a whole number
• Solve problems using decimals
Learning Objective:
• Add and subtract decimals up to hundredths place
Language Objective:
• Name ways of adding and subtracting decimals
Main Activity:
• Review of decimals in number line and rounding off
• Present decimal models of tenths and hundredths and have them identify their value.
• Introduce how we combine them together.
• Have them do practice activity from their textbooks.
• Ask what are the steps to do in adding and subtracting decimals
Answer practice worksheets for mastery
Number line, fraction, decimals, round off, estimation, sum , difference, multiply , divide, models, mixed numbers
Learning Objective:
• Multiply decimal with a whole number
Language Objective:
• Relate the steps in multiplication of whole numbers with multiplication with decimals
Main Activity:
• Drill on addition and subtraction of decimals
• Introduce how to multiply decimals.
• Present by reviewing steps in multiplying whole numbers and relate how they are similar and different when doing it with decimals
• Do the guided practice to master the steps
Do practice activity on the board. Answer practice worksheets
Number line, fraction, decimals, round off, estimation, sum , difference, multiply , divide, models, mixed numbers
Answer practice worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Divide decimal with a whole number
Language Objective:
• Relate the steps in division of whole numbers with division with decimals
Main Activity:
• Drill on multiplication of decimals
• Introduce how to divide whole numbers with decimals.
• Present how to do division of decimals using their textbook for practice and steps in doing it.
• Compare and contrast the multiplication of whole numbers with multiplication with decimals.
• Do guide practice to master the steps in dividing decimals with whole numbers
• Do independent practice from their book.
Number line, fraction, decimals, round off, estimation, sum , difference, multiply , divide, models, mixed numbers
Answer practice worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Solve problems using decimals
Language Objective:
• Relate the steps in solving problems using decimals
Main Activity:
• Math Drill with operations using decimals.
• Relate the similarities and difference of doing it with whole numbers and decimals.
• Introduce how to solve problems with decimals by reviewing the steps in solving problems with whole numbers.
• Have them do exercises in their textbooks
Do practice worksheets on solving problems.
Number line, fraction, decimals, round off, estimation, sum , difference, multiply , divide, models, mixed numbers
Answer practice worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Assess mastery of subject matter learned
Language Objective:
• Able to relate the steps in using operations in decimals
Main Activity:
• Review of concepts learned about operations of decimals
• Use reteaching part of the book for reviewing concepts and examples.
• Give instructions in taking up a test.
• Administer the test.
• Do practice chapter test and topic test.
Check if they have mastered the lesson.
Number line, fraction, decimals, round off, estimation, sum , difference, multiply , divide, models, mixed numbers
Answer practice worksheets
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Textbook, mini boards, number lines, flashcards, play money and fraction and decimal models.
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Read and write decimals with words and symbols; use place value to describe decimals in terms of thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Compare and order decimals and whole numbers using place value, a number line and models such as grids and base 10 blocks. Read and write tenths and hundredths in decimal and fraction notations using words and symbols; know the fraction and decimal equivalents for halves and fourths. Round decimals to the nearest tenth.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• The definition of area.
• How to calculate area using a formula.
• How to find the area of irregular shapes.
• How to estimate area.
• How to find the area of parallelograms.
• How to find the area of triangles.
• The difference between area and perimeter,
• How to calculate perimeter.
• That a rectangle’s perimeter can change with its shape.
• How to set up a simple version of a problem in order to understand the more complex problem.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Define area.
• Calculate area using a formula.
• Find the area of irregular shapes.
• Estimate area.
• Find the area of parallelograms.
• Find the area of triangles.
• Differentiate between area and perimeter,
• Calculate perimeter.
• Demonstrate with drawings that a rectangle’s perimeter can change with its shape.
• Set up a simple version of a problem in order to understand the more complex problem.
Learning Objective:
• The definition of area.
• How to calculate area using a formula.
Language Objective:
• Define area.
• Calculate area using a formula.
Main Activity:
• Introduce area and how to calculate
• Do practice problems on mini-boards
• Practice worksheets on area
Do practice worksheets on area
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Study for a test on fractions
Learning Objective:
• How to find the area of irregular shapes.
• How to estimate area.
Language Objective:
• Find the area of irregular shapes.
• Estimate area.
Main Activity:
• Present the concept of how to estimate area
• Use geoboards to create irregular shapes and estimate the area
• Practice activities in textbook
• Do practice activities in their textbook.
Decimal , place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer practice worksheets 12-1
Learning Objective:
• How to find the area of parallelograms.
How to find the area of triangles Language Objective:
• Find the area of parallelograms.
• Find the area of triangles.
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Math Drill
• Present Problem of the Day and let them solve.
• Provide exercises to solve in their mini-boards
• Do activities and examples from their book.
Do independent practice
Decimal , place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer practice worksheets 12-3
Learning Objective:
• The difference between area and perimeter,
• How to calculate perimeter
Language Objective:
• Differentiate between area and perimeter,
• Calculate perimeter.
Main Activity:
• Solve the problem of the day.
• Do guided practice together – have students solve problems on board
• Do activities and examples from their book.
Do independent practice activities.
Decimal , place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer practice worksheets 12-4
Learning Objective:
• That a rectangle’s perimeter can change with its shape.
• How to set up a simple version of a problem in order to understand the more complex problem.
Language Objective:
• Demonstrate with drawings that a rectangle’s perimeter can change with its shape.
• Set up a simple version of a problem in order to understand the more complex problem
Main Activity:
• Review this week’s lessons
• Use mini-boars and rulers to practice drawing rectangles and calculating perimeter
• Do the exercises in their textbook.
Do worksheets on locating the decimals and fractions in the number line.
Decimal , place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Models and charts , ppt of area and perimeter, rulers, geoboards, rubber bands
Mini boards
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Understand that the area of a two-dimensional figure can be found by counting the total number of same size square units that cover a shape without gaps or overlaps. Justify why length and width are multiplied to find the area of a rectangle by breaking the rectangle into one unit by one unit squares and viewing these as grouped into rows and columns. Find the areas of geometric figures and real-world objects that can be divided into rectangular shapes. Use square units to label area measurements.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• How to identify and describe solids.
• How to classify prisms.
• How to build a solid figure from a 2-pattern.
• How to identify a potential solid from its 2-D figure.
• How to draw a solid from different perspectives, and vice versa.
• How to calculate volume.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Identify and describe solids.
• Classify prisms.
• Build a solid figure from a 2-pattern.
• Identify a potential solid from its 2-D figure.
• Draw a solid from different perspectives, and vice versa.
• Calculate volume.
Learning Objective:
• How to identify and describe solids
Language Objective:
• Identify and describe solids
Main Activity:
• Solve the problem of the day.
• Identify solids- describe their characteristics
• Do activities and examples from their book.
Do independent practice activities.
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer Reteaching and Practice sheets
Learning Objective:
• How to classify prisms.
Language Objective:
• Classify prisms.
Main Activity:
• Review of identifying solids
• Observe prisms- list objects shaped like prisms that we can think of
• Present example in the textbook and do the exercises in it.
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer Reteaching and Practice sheets
Learning Objective:
• How to build a solid figure from a 2-pattern.
Language Objective:
• Build a solid figure from a 2-pattern
Main Activity:
• Math drill
• Problem of the day
• Give patterns that students will follow to make a solid figure from play-do/clay
Observe their work and figures they create
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer Reteaching and Practice sheets
Learning Objective:
• How to identify a potential solid from its 2-D figure.
• How to draw a solid from different perspectives, and vice versa
Language Objective:
• Identify a potential solid from its 2-D figure.
• Draw a solid from different perspectives, and vice versa.
Main Activity:
• Review solid figures we made yesterday
• Practice drawing solid figures on mini-boards. Then give nice paper to draw and cut out their figures.
Drawing of figures
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Answer Reteaching and Practice sheets. Study for a quiz
Learning Objective:
• How to calculate volume.
Language Objective:
• Calculate volume.
Main Activity:
• Review topics from this week
• Present Problem of the Day. Ask how they come out with their answer?
• Solve practice activities together.
Have them do the Independent practice activities.
Decimal, place value, greater, less, equal to, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal point
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Textbooks, fraction flashcards, worksheets, mini-boards and marker
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Describe, classify and sketch triangles, including equilateral, right, obtuse and acute triangles. Recognize triangles in various contexts. Describe, classify and draw quadrilaterals, including squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombuses, parallelograms and kites. Recognize quadrilaterals in various contexts. Measure angles in geometric figures and real-world objects with a protractor or angle ruler Compare angles according to size. Classify angles as acute, right and obtuse.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• The customary units used for measuring length, and their relative sizes.
• The customary units used for measuring capacity, and their relative sizes.
• The customary units used for measuring weight, and their relative sizes.
• How to change one unit within a customary unit to another.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Use customary units for measuring length, and explain their relative sizes.
• Use customary units used for measuring capacity, and explain their relative sizes.
• Use customary units for measuring weight, and explain their relative sizes.
• Change one unit within a customary unit to another.
Learning Objective:
• The customary units used for measuring length, and their relative sizes.
Language Objective:
• Use customary units for measuring length, and explain their relative sizes.
Main Activity:
• Introduce how to measure objects using inches, feet, yards, and miles.
• Let students use rulers to measure classroom items.
• Practice in textbook
Textbook problems
Inches, feet, yards, and miles cups, pints, quarts, gallons, volume, ounces, pounds, weight, and tons
Answer homework packet.
Learning Objective:
• The customary units used for measuring capacity, and their relative sizes
Language Objective:
• Use customary units used for measuring capacity, and explain their relative sizes.
Main Activity:
• Introduce capacity using cups, pints, quarts, and gallons.
• Provide students measuring tools and a recipe for goop, play-do, or punch, or??
• Have them work in teams to measure the items and make the recipe.
Inches, feet, yards, and miles cups, pints, quarts, gallons, volume, ounces, pounds, weight, and tons
Do the homework pages for the lesson.
Learning Objective:
• The customary units used for measuring weight, and their relative sizes.
Language Objective:
• Use customary units for measuring weight, and explain their relative sizes.
Main Activity:
• Introduce how to measure weight using ounces, pounds, and tons.
• Have students work with weights and balance scales to weigh some classroom items.
• Record the weight they measured and compare with other groups
• Practice worksheets on measuring
Observation of measuring- worksheets
Inches, feet, yards, and miles cups, pints, quarts, gallons, volume, ounces, pounds, weight, and tons
Answer their Re teaching and practice worksheets.
Learning Objective:
• How to change one unit within a customary unit to another.
Language Objective:
Change one unit within a customary unit to another.
Main Activity:
• Review capacity using cups, pints, quarts, and gallons.
• Provide students measuring tools and practice seeing how many pints in a quart, quarts in a gallon etc. by measuring water in buckets outside.
• Practice measurement conversions in worksheets
Observation, worksheets.
Inches, feet, yards, and miles cups, pints, quarts, gallons, volume, ounces, pounds, weight, and tons
Do homework practice exercises.
Learning Objective:
• Assess the concept and mastery from the topics learned,
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Use Re teaching as tool to review topics discussed.
• Remind them of the steps in taking an exam.
• Administer the test.
Check if the concepts learned are mastered.
Inches, feet, yards, and miles cups, pints, quarts, gallons, volume, ounces, pounds, weight, and tons
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Textbook, mini boards, Measuring cups and spoons, quart and gallon containers, rulers,, worksheets
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Demonstrate fluency with multiplication and division facts. Use an understanding of place value to multiply a number by 10, 100 and 1000. Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
• The metric units used to measure length and their relative sizes.
• The metric units used to measure capacity and their relative sizes.
• The metric units used to measure mass and their relative sizes.
• How to change one unit within a metric unit to another
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
• Use metric units to measure length and explain their relative sizes.
• Use metric units to measure capacity and explain their relative sizes.
• Use metric units to measure mass and explain their relative sizes.
• Change one unit within a metric unit to another.
Learning Objective:
• The metric units used to measure length and their relative sizes.
Language Objective:
• Use metric units to measure length and explain their relative sizes
Main Activity:
• Introduce how to measure objects using cm, dm, and km.
• Show how to estimate to the closest cm.
• Practice around the class using metric rulers.
• Convert from one metric unit of length to another Do exercises in their textbook.
Do worksheets
Inches, feet, yards, and miles cups, pints, quarts, gallons, volume, ounces, pounds, weight, and tons
Answer practice worksheets
Learning Objective:
• The metric units used to measure capacity and their relative sizes
Language Objective:
• Use metric units to measure capacity and explain their relative sizes.
Main Activity:
• Introduce how to measure capacity using ml and liters.
• Practice by using metric measurements to explore with water.
• Convert from one metric unit of length to another Do exercises in their textbook.
Textbook pages
Inches, feet, yards, and miles cups, pints, quarts, gallons, volume, ounces, pounds, weight, and tons
Answer practice worksheets
Learning Objective:
• The metric units used to measure mass and their relative sizes.
Language Objective:
• Use metric units to measure mass and explain their relative sizes.
Main Activity:
• Show how to measure mass (weight) using grams and kilograms.
• Choose the best metric unit for measuring a given mass.
• Provide examples and student will write on their mini-boards the best unit to use.
• Convert grams to kg and vice versa.
• Have students weigh classroom items using balance scales and metric weights.
• Record answers and compare
• Recorded weights, observation of group work
• Do independent practice from their book.
Inches, feet, yards, and miles cups, pints, quarts, gallons, volume, ounces, pounds, weight, and tons
Answer practice worksheets
Learning Objective:
• Assess the concept and mastery from the topics learned,
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Use Re teaching as tool to review topics discussed.
• Remind them of the steps in taking an exam.
• Administer the test.
Check if the concepts learned are mastered
Inches, feet, yards, and miles cups, pints, quarts, gallons, volume, ounces, pounds, weight, and tons
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
• Last Day- End of year activities
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Measuring cups and containers in metric units, rulers, text book, worksheets
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Demonstrate fluency with multiplication and division facts. Use an understanding of place value to multiply a number by 10, 100 and 1000. Multiply multi-digit numbers, using efficient and generalizable procedures, based on knowledge of place value, including standard algorithms.