Our Envision math program is divided into 16 different topics with a very specific timeline used to
help students progress at a progressive pace.(T49 in teachers manual)
This program is designed to meet individual needs, understand the language of math, use
interactive math stories, and follow up with home activities as well as games for during centers.
Topic 1. Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know that two groups can be
added to make a number sentence to show
how many there are altogether.
Students will understand and be able to
come up with solutions writing subtraction
number sentences.
Students will understand the term separate
and grasp that separating parts from a
whole and comparison are two
interpretations for subtraction.
Suggested activities
Students will play a game of subtraction
bowling where they start with ten pins and
use a ball to hit balls away. Each time they
knock balls over they will write a number
sentence and answer.
Students will use a formatted sheet of
playing cards using subtraction and addition.
Students will place 2 playing cards below.
Add then subtract the number. Remember
to put the biggest number when subtracting.
Students will be provided with all the
materials at their center.
Students will use the pocket chart to make
both additions and subtraction sentences
and they will write them in their math journal.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will read a book containing
addition and subtraction and be able
to infer and add and subtract from
reading the story.
Students will model putting together
stories and writing a math number
Students will be able to separate
parts from a whole and compare two
different interpretations for
Topic 2. Addition Strategies
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to add the numbers
0,1, and 2.
Students will understand the concept of
making the number 10 to add 9.
Students will find the sums by making 10
when adding 8.
Students will know how to draw a picture
and write a number sentence to solve a
Suggested activities
Students will use ten frame models to show
and explore strategies to add with 9.
Students will work in center adding three
numbers together and working cooperatively
to add two numbers first and add a third.
Students will circle the first two numbers to
show they have added them and write the
number to the right of the two and then add
the third number.
This is a fun game to practice
decomposing the number ten. To play,
students shake and spill a cup of ten
two-color counters onto the table. They
place them in the ten frame and fill in the
recording sheet using bingo markers (or
crayons). Finally, they write the equation.
Students will understand what
doubles are and near doubles.
Students will be able to add in any
Students will be able to add three
Topic 3. Subtraction Strategies
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will grasp concepts on subtracting
0,1,and 2.
Students will understand that the missing
part means and be able to find the missing
part in a solution.
Students will be made aware that addition
and subtraction have an inverse
relationship. This relationship can be used
to find subtraction facts. Students will know
that every subtraction fact has a related
addition fact.
Suggested activities
Students will work in groups and place on
domino in the middle. Teacher will model
how to match it and then say for example 3
+3= 6. Students will take turns placing
matches and giving doubles. The first child
who runs out of dominoes wins.
Students will play the game of the topic
during centers subtracting 0,1,and 2.
Students will use cubes to show 2 less than
any number they throw using dice. They will
then write a sentence each for each throw.
Students will do a provided worksheet and
use connecting cubes to show doubles by
adding and doubles for subtracting.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to grasp
concepts of thinking addition to subtract doubles.
Students will be able to be thinking in
addition to 18 in order to subtract.
Students will read a story and use a
give addition fact to help solve a
subtraction problem.
Topic 4. Place Value Numbers to 100
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will understand models that stand
for tens.
Students will understand how to read and
write number words for the numbers 0-99.
Students will know what greater than, less
than stand for.
Students will know how to locate numbers
that are one before and one after, or
between given numbers.
Students will understand least, and greatest,
and be able to order 3 two-digit numbers
from least to greatest or vice versa.
Students will use pattern and skip counting
to help find answers in a hundreds chart.
Students will learn what even and odd
numbers are and be able to identify and
name them.
Suggested activities
Students will find patterns on a hundreds
chart by skip jumping counting by 2’s, then
5’s, and 10’s.
Students will be given a worksheet and will
have to find the number that are least or
greatest using a hundreds chart as their
helper if need be.
Students will use a number chart to find
numbers before, after, and between. The
teacher will provide the number and
students will use a hundreds chart to assist.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will understand and be able
to use models that represent tens
and ones.
Students will understand the terms
digits and number words and work on
writing numbers up to 100.
Students will be able to compare twodigit
numbers using different models.
Students will be able to compare twodigit
numbers using >,<, and =.
Students will be able to identify and
extend number patterns on a
hundreds chart.
Students will learn that numbers can
be divided into two equal parts (even
numbers) and those who cannot are
(odd numbers)
Topic 5. Mental Subtraction
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will read the story about
subtraction and be able to answer mental
subtraction through guided comprehension.
Students will understand that taking away
tens is like taking away ones.
Students will understand that in order to find
parts of a100, we need to add on ones to
make a ten count by tens to reach 100.
Students will grasp the concept and learn
that patterns in a 100’s chart can be used to
subtract numbers and to develop as well
mental math strategies and add number
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to understand
and know that mental math means
solving problems without pencil and
Students will be able to subtract
multiples of 10 and form two digit
numbers using mental math.
Students will be able to subtract a
two-digit number from a two –digit
number mentally or with models.
Topic 6. Counting Money
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know and be able to identify
the value of a group of dimes, nickels, and
pennies up to and including 99 cents.
Students will count and understand that a
collection of coins includes half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.
Students will understand the terms greatest
value and least value and count collections
of coins and understand which has the
greatest value and least value.
Suggested activities
Students will use real dollars and coins to
start to grasp the concept of American
money. Students will graph the money on a
teacher made chart and students will be
come more and more familiar with coins etc.
Students will play a coin toss game and toss
two three and four coins and count how
much is there. The students who throw the
most money and get the highest amount
Students will use a 100’s chart and place
coins and dollar bills on the proper value on
the chart.
Students will play a math money memory
game and learn coins and dollars.
Students will play a money bingo game and
play in small groups during centers.
Students will work in a center in pairs with
an assortment of coins. Each student will
take turns announcing what they are looking
for. Students will discuss their results and
write them in their math notebooks to
enhance learning what each coin stands for.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to understand
that certain coins have a individual
and unique value and it is not based
on the size of the coin.
Students will be able to show the same amount of money using
different sets of coins.
Students will be able to make an
organized list to find different
Unit 7. Unit Name
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will understand how to subtract
multiples of 10 from two-digit numbers using
mental math.
Students will know and be able to identify
the missing part of 100 by counting up from
the given part.
Students will identify the differences
between two-digit numbers less than 100.
Students will know how to find out whether
they can solve problems with missing
information or extra information.
Suggested activities
Students will do a vocabulary activity using
tens, tens, and more tens. They will have a
chart of tens digits and ones digit. Each
student will have a pair of different number
of cubes. They will make as many trains of
10 as they can and write the final number in
the ones column.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to understand
that subtracting tens is like
subtracting ones.
Students will be able to grasp
concepts and add ones to make a ten
and count on by tens to reach 100.
Topic 8. Geometry
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will learn plane shapes.
Students will learn the properties of plane
Students will learn about different ways to
move shapes.
Students will identify plane shapes that are
the same size and the same shape.
Students will know how to count the number
of flat surfaces and vertices on geometric
Students will know how to identify geometric
solids (sphere, cone, cylinder, rectangular
prism, and cube) and sort by various
Suggested activities
Students will have a center with real shapes
and items shaped like shapes and they will
compare and contrast how they are alike
and different.
Students will make butterflies using paint
and showing symmetry and the line of
Students will use index cards to make
shapes and they will work in pairs and play a
game of memory.
Students will play shapes bingo.
Students will draw a line of symmetry in the
middle of the page and draw half of a picture
on one side.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to make new
shapes from shapes.
Students will be able to break apart
shapes to make shapes.
Students will be able to show
symmetry and line of symmetry in
Students will be able to make
organized lists to solve problems.
Topic 9. Subtracting two-digit Numbers
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know that they can regroup 1
ten as 10 ones when subtracting.
Students will know how to use models to
subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit
number with or without regrouping.
Students will know how to use models to
subtract two-digit numbers, with and without
Students will relate addition to subtraction by
using one operation to check the other.
Students will understand that the inverse
relationship between addition and
subtraction can be used to check
Suggested activities
Students will work together to solve twoquestion
problems by first answering on
question and then using the answer to assist
with answering another.
Students will use white boards to make their
own problems for their center group of peers
to answer. For example if I had 26 bottles of
milk and I recycled or returned 14 of them.
How many bottles do I have left? Then I buy
15 bottles how many do I have now.
Students will work in groups to answer and
create math problems. They will turn their
problems into a class big book that we will
add to our library. Students will solve the
problem and be able to write another one
and illustrate it.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to regroup 1 ten
as 10 ones.
Students will be able to subtract a
one-digit number from a two-digit
number with and without regrouping
using the standard algorithm.
Students will be able to solve two –
question problems. They will select
the operation to solve each problem.
Students will be able to subtract twodigit
numbers and check their
answers by writing the related
addition problems.
Topic 10. Using Addition and Subtraction
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will be introduced to the term
estimation and understand that it is finding a
number that is close to an exact number.
Students will use the standard algorithm to
subtract two –digit numbers with as well as
without grouping.
Students will know the process of adding
money, written using cent notation, is the
same as adding whole numbers.
Students will know how to estimate the cost
of two items by adding the tens and then
looking at the ones.
Students will know how to subtract using
two-digit coin amounts.
Students will know that rounding can be
used to estimate differences as can place
value and number relationships.
Suggested activities
Students will work in groups during centers
to use estimation in solving problems. They
will use white boards and make problems
that involve sometimes using the rounding
method. Example would be 60-42 Think: 60-40 Say: about 20
They will use this method and the teacher
will observe and pull out kids to work with if
they do not grasp the concept.
Students will work together during centers to
practice solving estimation problems. They
will have a table of various objects and will
put them in a group. Their partner will try to
estimate and show how they solved the
Students will have a variety of problems set
up for their group. They will create a chart in
their math notebook with three columns.
Mental Math, Paper and Pencil, and Cubes.
Students will chart how they solved the
problems and write the way they solved
them under the proper heading.
Students will work in centers to with many
different amounts of coins. Students will
work in cooperative groups giving each child
a turn to make an estimated guess. They
will then count the coins and get an exact
amount. Students will make a chart of exact
amount and estimated guess in their math
notebooks and tally up their scores.
Students will read provided books about
estimation and write comments on them.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to look at
groups of objects and be able to
estimate how many are in the group.
Students will be able to regroup 10
ones as 1 ten when adding.
Students will be able to regroup 10
ones a 1 ten when subtracting.
Students will be able to find parts of
Students will be able to use models
to subtract.
Students will be able to add two-digit
Students will be able to use a variety
of methods to help them solve
addition problems.
Students will be able to solve
problems that contain addition and
subtraction of money by using the try,
check, and revise strategy.
Unit 12. Fractions
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will be introduced to the math
vocabulary terms: equal, unequal, halves,
thirds, and fourths and be able to determine
whether a shape has been divided into
equal or unequal parts.
Students will know and be able to model a
unit fraction of a region.
Students will be able to identify and show
any fraction of a given region.
Students will know how to look and estimate
weather a fraction is closest to 0, 1/2, or 1.
Students will know how to use counters to
model objects as fractions of a group.
Suggested activities
Students will paint pictures of various
shapes using one color. They will then
divide the shapes up into equal halves.
Students will write about what they see and
we will make this into a book. Each day we
will add another math vocabulary term to
show different fractions using different
regions. Each center will be responsible for
choosing a different region to create a
fraction and written sentence about that
faction. Each center will write a sentence
about it and the math book will eventually be
added to our class library all about fractions.
Students will draw pictures to show various
given fractions in their notebooks.
Students will work in centers and create a
faction and have their peers use counting
cubes to make that fraction using different
colors. They will write about how they made
it in their math notebook.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to divide various
shapes or regions into different equal
Students will be able to name
unequal parts or equal parts of a
given object using learned math
Students will be able to name and
write fractions.
Students will be able to estimate the
fraction for a given region.
Students will be able to identify and
name fractions of a set.
Students will act out problems using
various given objects.
Topic 13. Measurement: Length and Area
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will describe attributes of various
objects and ways to measure them.
Students will understand the math
vocabulary term height and be able to
estimate and measure the lengths and
heights of objects using nonstandard
Students will know how to estimate the
length and heights of objects in centimeters
and meters.
Students will know how to find the area of
closed figures using same-sized objects to
cover the space inside a figure.
Suggested activities
Students will have a table of tools and
objects and will measure their objects using
non-standard methods.
Students will measure objects estimating
how many centimeters they think the objects
are. They will then measure with a ruler and
compare their findings. They will label all of
this in their math notebooks.
Students will brainstorm objects to measure
around the school and estimate how long it
is. They will work in groups and compare
their findings.
Students will look at various perimeters of
12 units and be able to ask their peers
questions such as: Can you shade 3 of the
12 units. Students will take turns asking
questions and reverse roles.
Students will use nonstandard objects to
measure their bodies and work together in
small centers. They will write down how
many paperclips it took to measure and
trace with chalk the body. Students will then
chart each of the students in the class and
we will compare and contrast them.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to measure
attributes of an objects.
Students will be able to measure the
lengths of objects using nonstandard
Students will be able to measure with
estimation objects that are about an
inch, foot, or yard.
Students will be able to count units
around shapes to find the perimeter.
Students will be able to use objects to
find the distance around shapes.
Topic 14. Measurement Capacity and Weight
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will learn that some containers can
hold more than a cup and some containers
hold less than a cup.
Students will learn the math vocabulary
words for cup, pint, and quart and be able to
understand their meanings.
Students will understand and be able to
measure capacity in liters.
Students will learn the terms heavier and
lighter and be able to use them in
Students will know how to compare and
estimate the weights of objects in ounces
and pounds.
Students will know how to solve problems by
acting them out with objects.
Suggested activities
Students will use a balancing scale to
measure and compare and contrast various
objects on the math center table. They will
write comments about it in their math
Students will use index cards and write
down all the math vocabulary words for this
topic. They will draw a picture on the back
of about the size they could measure things
with. They will then choose a card such as
cup and write down three things they could
measure with a cup. We will have this as an
ongoing center throughout the topic to
ensure students grasp the concept of new
Students will make a cooking recipe using
all their newly learned measuring skills. This
activity will be done as a small center.
Students will do all the measuring.
Students will work at a math center
exploring measuring and written comments
about it on post it notes.
Students will play the more than a pound or
less than a pound game and use objects
around the room to measure. The following
day students will use a different form of
measuring such as a liter and play the same
activity. Students will write and draw about
their findings in their math journals.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to compare the
capacities of containers.
Students will be able to measure
capacity using nonstandard units.
Students will be able to estimate
capacity in cups, pints, and quarts.
Students will be able to compare the
weights of two different objects.
Students will be able to compare
weights of objects by using a balance
scale and or by holding them.
Students will be able to measure
objects that are more than, or less
than, or about 1 gram and 1 kilogram.
Topic 15. Time and Temperature
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will learn to associate numerals on
an analog clock face with increments of five
Students will know the math vocabulary
words: minute hand, minute, hour hand,
hour, and half hour.
Students will know how to complete and use
a calendar and know how to show days,
weeks, and months.
Students will know that temperature can be
expressed using degrees Fahrenheit and
Students will know how to use answers in
hidden questions to solve story problems.
Suggested activities
Students will make a clock using cardboard
and straws for the time hands and practice
associating numerals with increments of five
minutes. They will make their clock during
centers and then practice by moving in
increments of five minutes. They will do it
one at a time during centers and the other
children will silently follow with their own
hand made clock.
Students will use their clocks to show what
time it is using increments of quarter of and
quarter past. They will pick a time from a
hat and show the time on their clocks. They
will then self check on the back of the index
card the correct way to show time.
Students will use a pocket chart calendar to
act out different dates and months and years
at a math center.
Students will make thermometer and be able
to know the difference between Fahrenheit
and Celsius. They will choose a
temperature and write a story about some
thing that happens. As the story progresses
they will draw a different temperature and
write a story about what happens then.
Students will share their funny stories and
write post it comments on it.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to read and
express time in terms of quarter, half
past and half before an hour.
Students will use clocks and be able
to show before and after an hour.
Students will be able to identify the
minute hand and the hour hand in an
analog clock face.
Students will be able to read and write
the time using analog clock.
Students will be able to tell time using the
terms quarter past, half past and quarter
Students will be able to show the time on
the demonstration clock.
Topic 16. Graphs and Probability
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know how to represent a set of
data in a tally chart as well as in a bar graph.
Students will know how to use data in a tally
chart to make a bar graph and be able to
answer questions.
Students will know how to find and name
points on a coordinate graph.
Students will learn the vocabulary terms
more likely and less likely and be able to
predict about things.
Students will be able to describe and
analyze data to determine if it is certain,
probably, or impossible.
Suggested activities
Students will make various types of graphs
during centers during this topic. Students
will sit at a table filled with various objects
and they will make different types of graphs
using objects of their choice. Higher
students will be encouraged to make more
complicated etc. They will make a class
book and add it to our math library.
Students will make pictographs and then ask
and answer questions to each other about
them during math centers.
Students will make bar graphs and locate
name points on a coordinate. They will draw
an illustration about it in their math
Students will make a graph of their choice
graphing their favorite toys.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to make and
use a bar graph and tally chart by
brainstorming objects to graph and
Students will be able to make and
use a pictograph to solve problems.
Students will use a graph to make
solve and analyze a graph.
Topic 17. Numbers and Patterns to 1,000
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know how to count by 100’s to
Students will know how to add or subtract
multiples of 10 or 100 to and from a threedigit
number without regrouping.
Students will know how to count and place
value patterns can be seen on hundreds
Students will know how to compare threedigit
numbers using the symbols <, =, >.
Students will order 3 digit three-digit
numbers from the least to greatest and
greatest to least.
Suggested activities
Students will work in centers to write a
number story that uses the number 763 and
the words before, after, and between.
Students will continue to work on stories
throughout the week using different numbers
and different ideas.
Students will have three different index
cards with numbers on them. They will write
the number that comes between two
numbers. They will place them in proper
order and use the words before, after and
between when they discuss their findings
with their center group.
Students will work at a math table and pick
index cards of various numbers and use the
symbols <, =, >.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will use place value models
to show numbers to 1,000.
Students will be able to use
expanded form and record three-digit
number as well as number word form.
Students will be able to use the math
vocabulary terms before, after, and
between to show grasped concepts
of the math terms.
Topic 18. Three-Digit Addition and Subtraction
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know how to use mental math
to add multiples of 100 to three-digit
Students will know and understand that
there is more than one way to estimate a
Students will know how to use place-value
blocks to add 2 three-digit numbers with
Students will be given a quantity and one of
its parts, and then will find the missing part
by counting on or back.
Suggested activities
Students will look at books about hundreds
and write comment post it notes about
things they have learned during centers.
Students will use place-value blocks to
explore adding numbers. They will draw
pictures of their findings in their math
Students will use place value models to
show numbers up to 1,000. They will add to
1,000 and then subtract back down by
taking them away. Students will write about
it in their math notebooks.
Students will create their own class book
after reading the interactive math story of
the topic. They will then create a class
story. Each math center will produce a page
to add to the book and we will add the book
to our math library.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to add threedigit
numbers mentally without
Students will be able to round
numbers to make a sum.
Students will be able to write on
paper adding 2 three-digit numbers
with paper.
Students will be able to use models
to subtract three-digit numbers with
Students will be able to use an algorithm to subtract three-digit
Topic 19. Multiplication Topics
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will know how to build arrays to
model multiplication situations.
Students will know how to use multiplication
number sentences to write and solve various
different story problems.
Students will know that you can draw
illustrations to show and solve multiplication
Suggested activities
Students will draw pictures showing
multiplication problems. They will write their
math sentences both in numbers and written
Students will work in groups to write
multiplication picture stories and use given
objects around the room to act them out.
Students will be given math problems such
as 4x2= and they will be able to draw their
answers in their math notebook. They will
continue to pick math sentence problems from a hat and draw and fill in the answers
to their problems.
Students will work in groups and build arrays
to model made up multiplication situations.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to use repeated
addition of concrete objects to
thinking about one way to make
Students will be able to write
multiplication problems in both
horizontal and vertical forms.
Topic 20. Division Concepts and Facts
Informational Knowledge Objectives
Students will solve division problems by
knowing how to share objects equally.
Students will use division number sentences
to solve story problems.
Students will know how to use tables to
solve problems involving number patterns.
Suggested activities
Students will work in groups and create
questions for students to solve using various
objects on the math center table. For
instance they will ask their peers to show 20
pennies shared equally. Students will
continue to make various problems asking to
show numbers divided equally. Students
will record their answers and draw pictures
of the problems in their math notebook.
Procedural Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to solve
division problems by using repeated
Students will use multiplication to
solve related division problems.
Course Description
In grade 2, instructional time should focus on four critical areas:
(1) extending understanding of base-ten notation; this includes ideas
of counting in fives, tens, and multiples of hundreds, tens, and ones,
as well as number relationships involving these units, including
(2) building fluency with addition and subtraction;
(3) using standard units of measure;
(4) describing and analyzing shapes.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, the students are expected to :
1. Compare and represent whole numbers up to 1,000 with an
emphasis on place value and equality
2. Demonstrate mastery of addition and subtraction basic facts.
3. Identify, describe, and compare basic shapes according to
their geometric attributes
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between
length and the numbers on a ruler by using a ruler to measure
lengths to the nearest centimeter or inch.
5. Tell time to the quarter- hour and distinguish between a.m and
6. Illustrate picture graphs and bar graphs to solve problems.
7. Identify and show fractions of a set
8. Solve division problems by using repeated subtraction
Course Content
On the first week of the class, the students will be given review lessons
such as, naming numbers and number writing practice, identifying
shapes,colors, same and different. This will serve as their readiness to
the course.
Topic 1: Numbers to 12
Lessons 1-1: Numbers to 5.TE page 3A-6B
In this lesson children will count and read numbers to 5 by the use of
counters, and counting tells how many are in a set.
Lesson 1-2: Numbers 6 to 10 TE page 7A-10B
Numbers from 6 to 10 can be thought of 5 and some more.
Lesson 1-3: Numbers 10, 11, and 12 TE page11A-14B
Ten is a benchmark number that can be used as a guide for
understanding the magnitudes of other numbers. The key instructional
tool for developing the conceptual knowledge of place value and also
for connecting these concepts to symbolism is the use of base-ten
model. The numbers 11 and 12 can be thought of as 10 and some more
Lesson 1-4: Spatial Patterns for Numbers to 9 TE page 15A-18B
In this lesson, the students learned that sometimes they can use a
pattern to to find a number of objects without counting. A pattern is a
group of objects or pictures arranged in a certain way
Lesson 1-5: Spatial Patterns for Numbers to 10 TE page 19A-22B
Children will recognize two-part spatial patterns of numbers. In this
lesson, the children will learn that two patterns are put together, they
show a whole number.
Lesson 1-6: Problem Solving: Use Objects TE page 23A-26B
Some problems can be solved by using objects to act out the actions in
the problem. The counters act as a visual representation of the
magnitude of numbers, therefore, children will use counters to show
numbers through 12 to solve problems.
Topic 2: Comparing and Ordering numbers
Lesson 2-1: Comparing Two Numbers TE page 31A-34B
When the idea is new, children should use manipulatives to show the numbers they are comparing. Two different numbers can be related
using “ less than “ or “ greater than “. For example, counting and making sets with 5 objects helps children
develop an understanding of quantity 5, and counting and making sets
with 6 objects will show that 6 is more than 5.
Lesson 2-2: Ordering Three Numbers TE page 35A-38B
In this lesson, children build upon their knowledge of comparing two
numbers to order three numbers.
Example 1 ; Building three cube towers can be used to put three
numbers in orders.
Example ; Nine children will stand in front, arrange them into group of
3, 4, 2. by this demonstration the children will see which group has the
least or fewest, and which has the most or greatest number.
Lesson 2-3: Ordering Numbers to 12 with a number line TE page
In this lesson, children use a number line to order numbers to 12. A
number to the right of another number on the number line is the greater
Example ; On the board, numbers 1,2,3,4,5, to 12 are written. These
numbers are in order. 1 comes before 2,and 3 comes after 2. The
number 7 comes before 8 and number 9 comes after 8. The words
before and after help us describe the order of numbers.
Lesson 2-4: Problem Solving: Act It Out TE page 43A-46B
Children need to become familiar with a variety of problem-solving
strategies. One strategy is to act out a problem. In this lesson children
will use cubes to act out story problems.
Topic 3: Understanding Addition
Lesson 3-1: Making 6 and 7 TE 51A-54B
In this lesson, we will use counters to find different ways that 6 and 7
can be split into parts. The children will explore making parts for the
sums 6 and 7.
Lesson 3-2: Making 8 TE page 55A-58B
Numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9 can be broken into parts of the whole in different
Example: 4 blue balloons 4 green balloons 8 in all
4 and 4 is a double because both parts are the same
Lesson 3-3: Making 9 TE page 59A-62B
In this lesson, children will explore making parts of 9 and recording the
parts in a part-part model. eg..6 and 3 , 5 and 4 are parts of 9.
Lesson 3-4:Introducing Addition Number Sentences TE page 63A-66B
Parts of a whole is one interpretation of addition. Addition number
sentences can be used to show parts of a whole , number sentences
( symbolic equation ) such as 5 + 2 are one way to express addition.
Lesson 3-5: Stories About Joining TE page 67A-70B
Addition number sentences can be used to show joining situations.
Reading of story that emphasizes the words more andjoin ,that these
are important words in the story. They tell us to combine the two sets
and when we combine two sets, we add.
Lesson 3-6: Adding in Any Order TE page 71A-74B
In this lesson, Commutative Property of addition will be introduced.
This property states that two addends may be added in any order and
will result in the same sum.
Example ; 5 + 2 , 2 + 5 the sum is 7.
Lesson 3-7: Problem Solving: Use Objects TE page 75A-78 B
Children will use objects to solve story problem.
Topic 4: Understanding Subtraction
Lesson 4-1: Finding Missing Parts of 6 and 7 TE page 83A-86B
A missing part of a whole can be found when the whole and the other
part are known or given.
Lesson 4-2: Finding Missing Parts of 8 TE page 87A-90B
In this lesson, we will learn to find the missing part of 8 when we know
one part.
Lesson 4-3: Finding Missing Parts of 9 TE page 91A-94B
By focusing on the part- part-whole model of subtraction, children
develop an understanding of the relationship between addition and
subtraction. In this lesson, children subtract by finding the missing part
of 9 whole.
Lesson 4-4:Introducing Subtraction Number Sentences TE page 95A-
Subtraction Number Sentences ( symbolic equation ) such as 9-4 = 5
can be used to show a missing part subtraction situation.
Lesson 4-5: Stories About Separating TE page 99A-102B
In this lesson, children solve separating subtraction problems by using
connecting cubes to represent this action, they will act out stories
about separating to find how many are left.
Topic 5: Five and Ten Relationship
Lesson 5-1: Representing Numbers on a Ten Frame TE page 119A–122B
In this Activity, children will represent numbers using a ten frame and relate them to the benchmark numbers 5 and 10. Numbers to 10 can
be represented using 5 and 10 as benchmarks.
Lesson 5-2: Recognizing Numbers on a Ten Frame TE page 123A–126B
The ten frame model is valuable in helping children see certain number
Lesson 5-3: Parts of 10 TE page 127A-130B
The number 10 can be broken into parts of the whole in different ways.
This lesson we will explain how to use a ten-frame and counters to
show how 10 can be broken into different parts.
Lesson 5-4: Finding Missing Parts of 10 TE page 131A-134B
Lesson 5-5: Problem Solving: Make a Table TE page 135A–138B
Solving story problems involving parts of ten and how to use tables to
solve problems will be discussed.
Topic 6: Addition Facts to 12
Lesson 6-1: Adding with 0,1,2 TE page 143A–146B
The number relationships of 0, 1 more than, and 2 more than are the
basis for addiction fact with 0, 1, 2.
Lesson 6-2: Doubles TE page 147A–150B
Doubles facts can be associated with memorable real world situation.
The use of counters to model doubles and use the models to complete
doubles facts
Lesson 6-3: Near Doubles TE page 151A-154B
Adding near doubles can be done in two steps, First doubling the
lesser addend, then adding 1 to find the sum.
Lesson 6-4: Facts with 5 on a Ten Frame TE page 159A–62B
Facts with sum 6 through 10 can be broken into 5 plus some more.
Lesson 6-5:Making 10 on a Ten Frame TE page 159A-162B
Lesson 6-6: Problem Solving: Draw a Picture and Write a Number
Sentence TE page 163A-166B
Children will reinforce what they know about addition ,by drawing
pictures to illustrate a problem and then using that illustration to find
the solution.
Topic 7: Subtraction Facts to 12
Lesson 7-1: Subtracting with 0, 1, 2 TE page 171A-174B
The number relationships of 0 – less- than, 1-less-than, and 2 – less –
than are the basis for subtraction facts with 0, 1, and 2.
Lesson 7-2: Thinking addition TE page 175A-178B
Lesson 7-3: Thinking Addition to 8 to Subtract TE page 179A–182B
Lesson 7-4: Thinking Addition to 12 to Subtract TE page 183A–186B
Lesson 7-5: Problem Solving: Draw a picture and Write a Number
Sentence TE page 187A–190B
Topic 8: Geometry
Lesson 8-1: Identifying Plane Shapes TE page 195A–198B
In this lesson, we will learn about different flat shapes, such as
triangles, rectangles, circles, and squares.
Lesson 8-2: Properties of Plane Shapes TE page 199A–202B
Sorting out plane shapes and identifying their properties by looking for
or counting certain features, such as number of straight sides and
Lesson 8-3: Making New Shapes from Shapes TE page 203A–206B
Lesson 8-4: Breaking Apart Shapes to Make Shapes TE page 207A-210B
Breaking apart large shapes to make smaller shapes.The skills learned
in this lesson may also help children identify plane shapes that make
up the faces of three-dimensional figures.
Lesson 8-5: Ways to Move Shapes TE page 211A–214B
Shapes in the plane can be translated ( slid ), rotated ( turned ),or
reflected across a line ( flipped )
Lesson 8-6: Congruence TE page 215A-218B
Shapes in the plane can be the same size and shape.A shape that is
translated, rotated, or flipped remains the same size and shape.
Lesson 8-7: Symmetry TE page 219A–222B
In this lesson, you will learn about shapes that have matching parts
when you fold them such as heart shape, rectangle, triangle.
Lesson 8-8: Problem Solving: Make an organized List TE page 223A-226B
Organized list to show different ways to make a shape using a
combination of other shapes. For example, to make a trapezoid, we
can use a rhombus and a triangle or it can be three triangle. Writing
down all the possible ways of doing something is sometimes a good
way to solve a problem.
Lesson 8-9: Identifying Solid Figures TE page 227A-230B
In this lesson, you will learn about solid figures, such as cubes,
rectangular prisms, spheres, cylinders and cones.
Lesson 8-10:Flat Surfaces and Corners TE page 231A-234B
Lesson 8-11:Sorting Solid Figures TE page 235A–238B
Topic 9: Patterns
Lesson 9-1: Describing Pattern TE page 243A-246B
We will work on identifying patterns, understand that patterns come in
many forms, including repeated colors, shapes, objects and letters.
Example: triangle, heart, triangle, heart , what is next on the pattern?
Lesson 9-2: Using Patterns to Predict TE page 247A–250B
Lesson 9-3: Extending Shape Patterns TE page 251A-254B
Lesson 9-4: Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern TE page 255A–258B
Topic 10: Counting and Number Patterns to 100
Lesson 10-1: Making Numbers 11 to 20 TE page 263A–266B
Lesson 10-2: Using Numbers 11 to 20 TE page 267A–270B
Lesson 10-3: Counting by 10s to 100 TE page 271A-274B
Lesson 10-4: Counting Patterns on a Hundred Chart TE page 275A-278B
Lesson 10-5: Using Skip Counting TE 279A-282B
Lesson 10–6: Odd and Even Numbers TE page 283A-286B
Lesson 10-7: Ordinals Through Twentieth TE page 287A-290B
Lesson 10-8: Patterns in Tables TE page 291A-294B
Lesson 10-9: Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern TE page 295A-298B
Topic 11: Tens and Ones
Lesson 11-1: Counting with Groups of 10 and Leftovers Te page 303A-306B
Lesson 11-2: Numbers made with Tens TE page 307A-310B
Lesson 11-3: Tens and Ones TE page 311A-314B
Understands that the two digits of a two-digit number represent
amounts of tens and ones.
Lesson 11-4: Expanded Form TE page 315A-318B
Show a two digit number as the value of the tens plus the value of the
Lesson 11-5: Ways to Make Numbers TE page 319A-322B
Lesson 11-6: Problem Solving: Make an Organized List TE page
Topic 12: Comparing and Ordering Numbers to 100
Lesson 12-1: 1 More, 1 Less ; 10 More, 10 Less TE page 331A–334B
Lesson 12-2: Making Numbers on a Hundred Chart TE page 335A-338B
Lesson 12-3: Comparing Numbers with >, <, = TE page 339A-342B
Lesson 12-4: Ordering Numbers with a Hundred Chart TE page 343A–346B
Lesson 12-5: Number Line Estimation TE page 347A–350B
Lesson 12-6: Before, After, and Between TE page 351A-354B
Lesson 12-7: Ordering Three Numbers TE page 355A-358B
Lesson 12-8: Problem Solving: Make an Organized List TE page 359A-362B
Topic 13: Counting Money
Lesson 13 - 1 & 2: Values of Penny, Nickel, and Dime TE page 371A-374B
In this lessons, children build an understanding of the value of
collections of coins by focusing on their use in everyday context. They
will find and record the value of combinations of pennies, nickels, and
dimes. Specific coins each have a unique value. The size of a coin
does not indicate its value.
Lesson 13-3: Value of Quarter TE page 375A–378B
Lesson 13–4: Values of Half Dollar and Dollar TE page 379A-382B
Lesson 13-5: Counting Sets of Coins TE page 383A-386B
In this lesson, Determining values of set of coins will provide
opportunities for children to practice mental computation stage. When
counting money, it is usually easier to start with the coin or bill with the
greatest value.
Lesson 13-6: Problem Solving: Try, Check,and Revise TE page 387A-390B
This Strategy of problem solving will help children see that if their first
answer is too high, their next guess should be lower, not higher.
Topic 14: Measurement
Lesson 14-1: Comparing and Ordering by Length TE page 395A-398B
In this lesson, children will learn how to identify and order the longest
and shortest objects in a group.
Lesson 14-2: Using Units to Estimate and Measure Length TE page
Lesson 14-3: Problem Solving: Use Reasoning TE page 403A-406B
Lesson 14-4: Feet and Inches TE page 407A-410B
Lesson 14-5: Centimeters TE page 411A-414B
Lesson 14-6: Understanding Perimeter TE page 415A-418B
In this lesson, children will learn how to find the distance around a
Example: The distance between each dot is 1 inch. The children will
count the number of dots around the shape to find the distance around
the shape. The perimeter ( the distance around a shape ) of this shape
( rectangle ) is 8 inches.
Lesson 14-7: Comparing and Ordering by Capacity TE page 419A-422B
Capacity is a measure of the amount of liquid a container can hold.
Lesson 14-8: Cups, Pints, and Quarts TE page 423A-426B
Lesson 14-9: Liter TE page 427A-430B
Lesson 14-10: Comparing and Ordering by Weight TE page 431A-434B
The children will learn how to identify the heaviest and lightest objects
in a group and then order the objects from heaviest to lightest.
Lesson 14-11: Pounds TE page 435A–438B
Lesson 14-12: Grams and Kilograms TE page 439A-442B
Lesson 14-13: Comparing and Ordering by Temperature TE page 443A-446B
In this lesson, children are introduced to temperature as a unit of measurement.
Topic 15: Time
In this topic, children explore the concept of time. They need to learn
about the units of time-seconds,minutes,hours,days-and how long
these units are.
Lesson 15-1: Understanding the Hour and Minute Hands TE page 453A-456B
Lesson 15-2: Telling and Writing Time to the Hour TE page 457A-460B
Lesson 15-3: Telling and Writing Time to the Half Hour TE 461A-464B
Lesson 15-4: Estimating and Ordering Lengths of Time TE page 465A-468B
The concepts introduced in this lesson lay the foundation for
understanding elapsed time.It is helpful for the children to become
aware of the relative durations of various events throughout the day, to
become comfortable with measuring and comparing lengths of time.
Lesson 15-5: Using the Calendar TE page 469A-472B
Lesson 15-6: Problem Solving: Use Data from a Table TE page 473A–476B
Topic 16: Addition Facts to 18
Lesson 16-1: Doubles TE page 481A-484B
Lesson 16-2: Doubles Plus 1 TE page 485A–488B
In this lesson, children will learn to use double facts to solve doubles
plus 1 facts.
Lesson 16-3: Doubles Plus 2 TE page 489A–492B
Lesson 16-4: Problem Solving: Two – Question Problems TE page493A–496B
In this lesson, children are asked to solve multi – step problems in
which the answer to one part is needed to solve the next part of the
Lesson 16-5: Making a 10 to Add 9 TE page 497A-500B
Lesson 16-6: Making a 10 to Add 8 TE page 501A-504B
Lesson 16-7: Adding Three Numbers TE page 505A-508B
Lesson 16-8: Problem Solving: Make a Table TE 509A–512B
Topic 17: Subtraction Facts to 18
Lesson 17-1: Using Related Facts TE page 517A–520B
Lesson 17-2: Fact Families TE page 521A–528B
Lesson 17-3: Using Addition to Subtract TE page 525A-528B
Lesson 17-4: Subtraction Facts TE page 529A–532B
Lesson 17-5: Problem Solving: Draw a Picture and Write a Number
Sentence TE page 533A-536B
Topic 18: Data and Graphs
Lesson 18-1: Using Data from Real Graphs TE page 541A–544B
In this lesson, children will use a real object graph to answer questions
and draw conclusions.
Lesson 18-2: Using Data from Picture Graphs TE page 545A-548B
Lesson 18-3: Using Data from bar Graphs TE 549A-552B
Lesson 18-4: Location on a Grid TE page 553A-556B
In this lesson, children look at coordinate grids and describe the
position of objects on the grid, in doing this, it will strengthened their
spatial reasoning.
Lesson 18-5: Collecting Data Using Tally Marks TE page 557A-560B
Lesson 18-6: Making Real Graphs TE 561A-568B
Lesson 18-7: Making Picture Graphs TE page 565A–568B
Lesson 18-8: Problem Solving: Make a Graph TE page569A-572B
Lesson 18-9: Certain or Impossible TE page 573A-576B
Lesson 18-10: Likely or Unlikely TE page 577A-580B
Topic 19: Fractional Parts
Lesson 19-1: Making Equal Parts TE page 585A-588B
In this lesson, children will learn that two parts are not necessarily
halves. They will learn to make the connection between equal parts
and halves, equal parts and not equal parts.
Lesson 19-2: Describing Equal Parts of Whole Objects TE page 589A–592B
Lesson 19-3: Making Parts of a Set TE page 593A-596B
Lesson 19-4: Describing Parts of Sets TE page 597A–600B
Lesson 19-5: Problem Solving: Draw a Picture TE page 601A–604B
Topic 20: Adding and Subtracting with Tens and Ones
Lesson 20-1: Adding Groups of 10 TE page 609A-612B
Lesson 20-2: Adding Tens on a Hundred Chart TE page 613A-616B
Lesson 20-3: Adding Tens to Two – Digit Numbers TE page 617A–620B
Lesson 20-4: Adding to a Two-Digit Number TE page 621A–624B
Lesson 20-5: Subtracting Tens on a Hundred Chart TE page 625A-628B
Lesson 20-6: Subtracting Tens from Two-Digit Numbers TE page 629A-632B
Lesson 20-7: Subtracting from a Two-Digit Number TE page 633A-636B
Lesson 20-8: Problem Solving: Extra Information TE page 637A-640B
Learning Activities
1. Manipulation Tools-the use of blocks, balls, marbles or any
manipulative tools is an easier way for the students to learn and
understand basic skills.
2. Math Games-such as fishing addition game, and others
( SoftSchools.com )
3. Instructional Groupings-individual, pair work,s mall, group, whole
4. Worksheets Practice Exercises sheets for enhancement and
mastery skills
5. Assignments / Homeworks
6. Projects
Grading / Evaluation System
Each grading period, grade will be determined by a weighted average
Quizzes - 30 %
Unit Test / Chapter Test - 30%
Participation ( seatwork, workbook, recitation) - 30%
Homework - 10% Total: 100%
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to join two groups and tell how many in all.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to write an addition number sentence.
Learning Objective:
To meet and greet each other.
Language Objective:
To introduce ourselves.
Main Activity:
The students will stand in front and introduce themselves.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the day the students will be able to name their numbers.
Language Objective:
At the end of the day the students will be able to identify their numbers.
Main Activity:
Let the students name the numbers on the board. (Most of them they can recognize numbers to 100)
Learning Objective:
At the end of the day the students will be to join two groups of objects and count how many in all.
Language Objective:
At the end of the day, the students will be able to write addition number sentence.
Main Activity:
By different sets of part – part – whole concept, the students will perform addition.
Individually let them go on the board to show the number sentence for each set.
part – part – whole, addition
Learning Objective:
At the end of the day the students will be to join two groups of objects and count how many in all.
Language Objective:
At the end of the day, the students will be able to write addition number sentence and name the parts in addition number sentence.
Main Activity:
Addends, sum, plus sign, equal sign and number sentence will be introduced and labeled.
The students will write the number sentences for each sets of objects, Two-digit numbers will be used since everybody knows their single digit numbers.
write the number sentence for each set , e.g. , 15 dots and 6 dots, 12 apples and 10 Apples.
addends, sum, plus sign, equal sign
Learning Objective:
The students will model joining stories and write number sentence.
Language Objective:
The students will illustrate the solution and solve addition problem.
Main Activity:
Problem solving in addition Susan collects 17 red flowers in the garden. Grace collected 12 yellow flowers too. How Many flowers do the girls have in all? 17+12=29
Students will do their own problem and solve it.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Read, write and represent whole numbers up to 1000. Representations may include numerals, addition, subtraction, multiplication, words, pictures, tally marks, number lines and manipulatives, such as bundles of sticks and base 10 blocks.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
How to compare and order numbers up to 100
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
Illustrate concretely and pictorially the meaning of place value for numerals to 100
Learning Objective:
At the end of the day, Students will represent numbers as group of tens.
Language Objective:
At the end of the day, Students are expected to group the numbers into tens and ones to show two-digit numbers.
Main Activity:
Provide students with place- value mats that have columns under the headings “ tens and ones”.
Give each child a counters (for the below level students – 20 counters will be given).
For On level students – 50 counters will be distributed.
On their mats they are going to group using their counters the given numbers under the columns of tens and ones.
Students will fill the activity sheet ( sample shown below).
For below level students:
How many_______How many_______
For on level students:
1) 35=_________tens and_______ones
Place Value - the value of the digit. The value of a digit as determined by its position in a number.
Practice sheets for place value of tens and ones
Learning Objective:
At the end of the day, the students will be able to read the number words for 0 to 99
Language Objective:
At the end of the day, the students can write and match the number to its name.
Main Activity:
By looking at the chart the children will be guided to read the number names.
For below level students: Write the number words for each numerals
For on level students: Write the missing number words
The number words such as one – 1 ones, eleven – 1 tens and 1 ones, twenty – 2 tens
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson , the students will be able to compare two-digit numbers using models.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to identify the greater number from the lesser number.
Main Activity:
By looking at the 2-place value chart of tens and ones, let the students count each counters on each chart and ask them to compare the two-digit numbers.
Problem solving: After reading the problem to the students ask them to analyze the problem and answer the given questions. Guide and explain if needed.
For on level students: compare the numbers below by looking at the table.
1)_____is more than_____
2)_____is more than_____
For below level students: (I will use ten frame if needed)
1)_____is more than_____
2)_____is more than_____
Problem Solving about Comparing Numbers
Learning Objective:
At the end of the day , the students will be able to compare numbers using symbols (> ) greater than ( < ) less than ( = ) equal to .
Language Objective:
At the end of the da , the students will be able to analyze the problem and write the equation for each problem.
Main Activity:
Explanation of the signs < less than, > greater than , and = equal to.
Each student will be given a number card and by picking up the names of the student, ( 2 by 2 )
They will show the number card they are holding and the class will tell which is greater than, less than or equal to.
Answering the worksheets on their textbooks.
Greater than, Less than, Equal to
Learning Objective:
At the end of the day the students will be able to list down all the lessons from topic 4 as a recap.
Language Objective:
At the end of the day, the students are expected to participate in recap activities.
Main Activity:
Brain storming about tens and ones
Matching the number words with the numerals
Group activity that each group will pick up a certain lesson of the week and they will do their own
Interpretation and examples
Based on the main activity
Review all the vocabularies from Monday to Thursday
worksheets in place value, comparing using symbols
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Envision Math 2, Local School Directory.Com, Worksheet Library. Charts and Counters
State of Minnesota Standards Covered strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts real-world and mathematical addition and subtraction problems involving whole numbers with up to 2 digits.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to apply addition doubles facts to subtract.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to solve two questions problems.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to identify the minuend and subtrahend in a subtraction number sentence.
Language Objective:
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to write and solve subtraction sentences.
Main Activity:
Explanation of the steps on how to subtract two digit numbers.
After the explanation of the steps in subtraction, the students will be given examples to solve on the board.
Seatwork: Find the difference (for the ESL) counters or pictures will be used.
minuend – the first number in a subtraction. The number from which the other number will be subtracted.
Subtrahend – the second number in a subtraction. The number that is to be subtracted.
Difference – the resulting number, the answer in a subtraction.
Minus - ( - ) symbol use in subtraction
Problem Solving
1. Jim and Sue play a game. Jim spins 15. Sue spins the number that is 2 less than 15. What number does Sue spins?
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to use addition doubles to subtract.
Language Objective:
The students will be able to solve problems by using addition double facts.
Main Activity:
Subtraction Sentences are written on the board.
Let children point out the double facts.
Such as 6+6 = 12, 7+7 = 14, 12-6 = 6, 14-7 = 7
activity in their textbook about subtraction
double facts- the addends are the same or equal parts
Use double facts to help you subtract
1.18 – 9 =______
9 + ___ = 18
So 18 - _____ = 9
Learning Objective:
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to solve for difference by using related addition facts.
Language Objective:
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to read a problem and solve it.
Main Activity:
Let 10 children stand in front and 4 of them will ask to sit. Each child will give the related addition facts and how to relate it in subtraction.
6 + 4 = 10, therefore 10 - 4 = 6. Remind the children that the addition sentence must have the same numbers with the subtraction sentence.
Draw a subtraction story. Then write an addition fact to solve it.
For ESL – Read the story and let them do the addition facts and solve it.
Review for a short quiz
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to subtract by finding the missing part.
Language Objective:
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to demonstrate how to find the missing part.
Main Activity:
have 30 paper clips on the table. Children will count 12 paper clips to be taken away. Ask children how many were taken? How many were left by this demonstration, the children can find the missing part in this subtraction sentence 30 - ? = 18
Find the missing number to solve Carl visits his grandmother .She lives 16 miles away. He has driven 9 miles. How many more miles does he have to go?
9 + ____ = 16
16- 9 + ______
Find and write the missing numbers
I have 37 books in my hand. I want to give 12 books to my brother.
12 + _____ = 37
37 - _____= 25
Learning Objective:
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to solve two question problems.
Language Objective:
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to analyze story problem and solve it.
Main Activity:
Explain the steps to solve the two-question problem.
The children will play the survival game; they will be grouped into two.
Let the children work together to choose a predetermine number of survival tools, or equipment.
The scenarios are, campers in the wilderness and stranded on an island.
The group will pick up their scenarios. From that, they will create their own problem and solve it.
Based on main activity
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Read, write and represent whole numbers up to 1000. Representations may include numerals, addition, subtraction, multiplication, words, pictures, tally marks, number lines and manipulatives, such as bundles of sticks and base 10 blocks. Use strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts. Solve real-world and mathematical addition and subtraction problems involving whole numbers with up to 2 digits.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to apply the strategies of subtraction such as TUB ,( stands for tens, units, both ), empty number line.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to solve two questions problem by following the steps in solving problem.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to subtract by finding the missing part.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to demonstrate how to find the missing Part.
Main Activity:
20 - ____ = 15
To find the missing part think that 15 is how many more to make it 20. The missing number is the same both in number sentence. 15 + 5 = 20, therefore 20 – 5 = 15
Addition and subtraction is interrelated.
Answering seatwork as their exercises
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to solve two questions problem.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to illustrate the steps in solving two questions problem.
Main Activity:
Reading different problems to solve. Children will be asked to solve it individually and explain.
Answer the exercises sheets.
Work more on Problem solving
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to show the methods that can be used in subtraction such as use double facts, think addition to help subtraction, missing part by doing part/part=whole
Language Objective:
The students will be able to solve problems using different methods.
Main Activity:
Each child will be given a problem to solve and each has been assigned to use a certain method.
quiz about subtraction
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to solve problem using number line.
Language Objective:
To interpret the subtraction number sentence in the number line.
Main Activity:
Students will draw number lines on their white boards. In groups of two they will create addition and subtraction problems for each other and solve using the number lines. Have each child record one of his/her problems on paper.
Observation/ number line problems
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to solve problem-using number line.
Language Objective:
To interpret the subtraction number sentence in the number line.
Main Activity:
Make a number line problem book. Give students strips of paper and a range for their number lines so that when put together they will be continuous. For example; one child has 1-10, the next 11-20, and so on. Each student is to write and draw the solution to a problem within his/her individual strip. (struggling students ma be paired with a classmate who is more independent). At the end display all the strips end to end to recreate a large number line, or put into a book.
Number line problems
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Compare and order whole numbers up to 1000. Use strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
Learning Objective:
At the end of the week, the students will be able to order numbers from least to greatest, and from greatest to least on a hundreds chart.
Language Objective:
The students will be able to identify and extend patterns on a hundreds chart.
Main Activity:
Present the hundreds chart to the children. Let the children arrange number from least to greatest number. Have children fill in the missing number on a pattern.
The last 45 minutes, the students will start to do their math project, a butterfly of shapes with addition and subtraction operations.
Give the students an exercise worksheet about ordering numbers to 99.
hundred chart , least , greatest
Worksheet on number pattern.
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to understand skip counting by crossing it out on the hundreds chart.
Language Objective:
The students will be able to recognize even numbers and odd numbers.
Main Activity:
The children will say the number in the pattern, as the teacher counts, say the odd numbers softly and say the even numbers loudly.
Student will be given a worksheet of a hundreds chart, they will skip count by 3’s and 4’s and color the numbers.
skip count , pattern, even numbers , odd numbers
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to use a chart in solving problem.
Language Objective:
To read data in a chart.
Main Activity:
Chart will be presented to the students and they will be given a problem to solve. Skills to develop, problem analysis and collecting data.
Worksheets with problem solving.
example sheet content
Find the secret number
It is greater than 42
It is less than 50
It has 6 in the ones place
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to identify the value of a group of dimes, nickels and pennies through 99.
Language Objective:
The students will be able to recognize the symbol for cents.
Show to the students the images or sample print out of dimes, nickel, and penny.
Give the value of each coin. Help students to count , for dimes count by 10’s , for nickels by 5’s and for penny by 1’s
Main Activity:
Count on to find the total amount
10c 15 c 16c 17 c
dimes , nickels , penny
worksheets on dimes , nickel and penny counting
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to identify the value of a group of dimes, nickels and pennies through 99.
Language Objective:
The students will be able to count and get the total amount of money
Main Activity:
More exercises on counting money
Count on to find the total amount
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Use place value to describe whole numbers between 10 and 1000 in terms of hundreds, tens and ones. Know that 100 is 10 tens, and 1000 is 10 hundreds. Find 10 more or 10 less than a given three-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given three-digit number. 6 Use addition and subtraction to create and obtain information from tables, bar graphs and tally charts. Identify pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Find the value of a group of coins and determine combinations of coins that equal a given amount.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to identify Dime, Nickel and Penny.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week , the students will be able to Show the same amount of money using different sets of coins
***NO CLASS – EidulAdha***
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Learning Objective:
At the end of the day, the students will be able to identify the value of a group of dimes, nickels , and pennies through 99 cents.
Language Objective:
At the end of the day, the students will be able to count on with coins to add.
Main Activity:
-Images of dimes, nickels, pennies are posted on the illustration card.
-Explanation of the value of dimes, nickels, pennies.
-One dime is equal to 10 cents, one nickel equals 5 cents, one penny equals 1 cent ( ₵ ).
-Tell children that if they have some coins and want to buy something, they must first know how to count their money.
-The whole activity goes on counting dimes, nickels, pennies.
Sample item to be given in seatwork.
Count on to find the total amount. ( images of the coins are given )
1dime 1 nickel 1 penny 1 penny → ________
dime , nickel , penny , coins , cents
sample work.
Count on the coins to find the total amount ;
1. 2 dimes , 2 nickels , 5 pennies →
2. 5 dimes , 1 nickel , 2 pennies →
Learning Objective:
At the end of the day, the students will be able to identify the value of a group of dimes, nickels, and pennies through 99 cents.
Language Objective:
At the end of the day, the students will be able to count on with coins to add.
Main Activity:
-Review the value of dime, nickel , penny
-Provide children with play coins; they will paste the exact coins on their sheets as asked.
-Explain that if the value of their first collection is too high, they need to use at least one coin of lesser value, If it is too low, they need to use at least one coin of higher value.
sample problems
What coin is needed to make a total of 40 ₵ ?
lesser, higher
Problem Solving
Zack has five coins, he counts his coins in this order; 10₵, 15₵, 20₵, 21₵, 22₵. Which coin does Zack have? Answer: 1 dime, 2 nickels, 2 pennies.
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to identify the values of quarters and half dollars.
NOTE : If the students understand well the lesson of dime , nickel , penny , I will move on this lesson : quarter and half dollar. If not, I will still stick on my Wednesday Objectives.
Language Objective:
The students will be able to count a collection of coins that includes half-dollars, quarters , dimes , nickel and pennies.
Main Activity:
-In this Activity, tell children that quarters and half dollars can be used to make everyday purchased. What can they buy using these coins?
-Give the value of half –dollar equals fifty cents, quarter equals twenty-five cents.
-Written on the board : 1 half dollar = 50₵ , 1 quarter = 25₵
-Explain to the children that begin with the coin of greatest value and continuing in order with coins of lesser value.
-Workbook activity
Based on their answers in their workbook. If the children have trouble counting on from quarters with dimes have them review skip counting on a hundred chart. ( last week lesson , as review for this week lesson )
Quarter, Half –Dollar
Please bring some cut outs or pictures of pencils, books, any school supplies, fruits, vegetables, fish from different magazines, newspapers, This will be used for our Friday activity “ PURCHASING ITEMS IN OUR CLASSROOM MARKET SET UP “.. It is still related to our Topic counting money.
Having children exposed on how to buy something and learn to count their money.
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to identify the values of quarters and half dollars.
Language Objective:
The students will be able to count a collection of coins that includes half-dollars, quarters, dimes , nickel and pennies.
Main Activity:
Reintroduce the coin names dime, nickel, penny, half- dollar and quarter and what they look like.
Set up the classroom as a market place, with different stations, the students will visit each station to buy like pencils (All Materials sell are in paper / magazine cut outs), or other school supplies, give each students the same number of paper coins, have students keep track of each item purchased along with the cost of each item. At the end of the lesson, have students submit what they purchased.
At the end of the lesson, have students submit what they purchased. Then look at all the prices and add up how much they spent.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Scott Foresman ,Envision Math , www.ehow.com ,
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Identify pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Find the value of a group of coins and determine combinations of coins that equal a given amount. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to identify Dime, Nickel and Penny.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week , the students will be able to Show the same amount of money using different
sets of coins
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Learning Objective:
At the end of the day, the students will be able to identify the value of a group of dimes, nickels, and
Pennies through 99 cents.
Language Objective:
At the end of the day, the students will be able to count on with coins to add.
Main Activity:
Present to the students the image of Dime and show skip counting by 10 , nickels skip counting by 5 , and penny count by 1’s. example,
1 dime = 10 ₵ 1 nickel = 5 ₵ 1penny =1 ₵
2 dimes = 20 ₵ 2 nickels = 10₵ 2 pennies = 2 ₵
3dimes = 30 ₵ and so on. 3 nickels = 15₵ 3 pennies = 3₵
Exercises sheets sample ;
Count on to find the total amount .
1 dime , 1 nickel , 2 pennies
2 dimes , 1 nickel , 1 nickel
dime , penny , nickel
Counting sheets about dime, nickel and penny.
Instruction ; Count on to find the total amount.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the day , the students will be able to identify the value of a group of dimes , nickels , and
Pennies through 99 cents.
Language Objective:
At the end of the day, the students will be able to count on with coins to add.
Main Activity:
The students will take 3 coins from the collection and give the value.
They will paste it on the work mat to show they have the right coins with the right value.
More counting money exercises sheets.
Count on the coins to find the total amount;
Images of (dime, nickel, penny )are given not value in words.
2 dimes, 2 nickels, 1 penny = ___________cents
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to identify the values of quarters and half dollars.
Language Objective:
The students will be able to count a collection of coins that includes half-dollar, quarters, dimes , nickel and pennies.
Main Activity:
Students will play a game in which they roll two dice and take that amount in coins. So if they roll a 10 they need to take 10 cents. On each turn they may trade in what they have for larger coins. Set an amount to reach to win, like one dollar. As they race to get to 1$ they will practice exchanging coins and how much each is worth. Have a chart or poster handy to refer to for the value of each coin.
Teacher watches and monitors
quarter and half dollar
Count on to find the total amount.
1 quarter , 1 dime , 1 nickel = _______ cents
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to identify the values of quarters and half dollars.
Language Objective:
The students will be able to count a collection of coins that includes half-dollars, quarters, dimes, nickel and pennies.
Main Activity:
Reintroduce the coin names dime, nickel, penny, half- dollar and quarter and how they look.
Set up the classroom as a market place – change it from last week by having kids draw pictures of things they want to sell and setting their prices. Students may take turns shopping and bargaining for items.
At the end of the lesson, have students submit what they purchased. Then look at all the prices and add up how much they spent and if they got the right prices for the amount of money they have.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Identify pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Find the value of a group of coins and determine combinations of coins that equal a given amount. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to identify the values of quarter and half dollars.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to count a collection of coins that includes half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to give the value of coins from their collection of coins.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to count group of coins that also include quarters and half dollars.
Main Activity:
Review all the names of the coins and their values, dime, nickel, penny.
Introduce the quarter to the children.
Show the image of front and back of the coin.
Give the value of quarter, 1 quarter is also 25 cents.
Explain to the children how would they count 3 quarters, (25,50,75)
Ask the children to give the value of the following.
1 quarter = ________ cents
2 quarters =. ________ cents
sample homework
Count the value of the coins below
1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel =. ________cents
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to give the value of coins from their collection of coins
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to count group of coins that also include quarter and half dollars.
Main Activity:
Review the lesson about dime, nickel, pennies.
Show the image of 1 quarter, 2 dimes, 1 nickel, and 1 penny. So we count this as, 25,35,45,50,51 cents.
Count on to find the total amount
1quarter, 1dime, 1nickel, 2pennies = ___________cents
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to identify half dollar from the collection of coins.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to count the value of coins including half dollar.
Main Activity:
Show half dollar picture to the students. Give the value, a half dollar is equal to 50 cents
Tell children that quarters and half dollars can be used to make everyday purchases.
Have children place their coins on their work mat; ask them how can they show fifty cents using nickels, dimes and pennies. So, 3 dimes, 3 nickels,5 pennies.
Workbook activity
Draw coins from the greatest value to the least value.
Count on to find the total amount.
25cents , 25 cents, 5cents, 5 cents.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to count coins from greatest value to the least value
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to compare the coins with greater amount and coins with lesser amount.
Main Activity:
If the children are confused with the size of the coins with their values, practice saying them in order from greatest to least value.
Remind also children to choose computation methods carefully. Write an addition or subtraction number sentence .
Examples given: which set of coins has the greater value?
A. 50cents, 25cents, 10cents. B. 25cents, 1nickel, 1 penny
sample worksheet
Circle the group of coins with greater value
A. 2 dimes, 2 nickels. B. 2quarter, 5pennies
Half dollar, least, greatest
Circle the group of coins with greater amount.
Images are provided
1. ). A.3nickels, 2pennies. B. 1 half dollar, 1 dime,
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Identify pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Find the value of a group of coins and determine combinations of coins that equal a given amount. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to show the same amount of money using different sets of coins.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to use different combinations of coins to show 1 dollar.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able recognize a dollar and its value.
Language Objective:
To make a combination of coins equal to one dollar
Main Activity:
On the board is a picture of a dollar.
Introduce the term dollar bill to the children.
That the paper money we used is called a bills.
Tell the children that George Washington is the president in a dollar bill.
Give the value that 1 dollar is equal to 100 cents.
Guide children to understand that there are many coin combinations that equal a 1 dollar.
Examples ,
2 half dollars = 1 dollar
4 quarters = 1 dollar
Paste on the board different pictures of coins ask each child to make different combinations of coins to make 1 dollar.
Dollar bill
Sample homework ;
Use coins to show $ 1.00
Draw the coins.
Write the number of coins.
1.Use only half dollars. ________________
______ half-dollars = $ 1.00
2. Use only quarters.
_______ quarters = $ 1.00
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show how to write correctly the dollar bills.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to make a combination of coins equal to one dollar.
Main Activity:
Explain to the children that in writing 1 dollar begin with the dollar sign.
Then write a decimal point to separate the dollar from the cents.
Example ,
$ 1. 00 – means that 1 tells you that there is one dollar. The two zeros tell that there are no cents.
1. Problem solving
Ed shows $ 1.00 with 3 coins. Which coins does he use?
How to solve :
Encourage children to try three coins and count on to find their value.
If the value of the coins is less than 100 cents think about replacing a coin with the one of greater value,
if the value is more than 100 cents , replace a coin with one of lesser value.
Therefore, the coins are 1 half-dollar , 1 quarter, 1 quarter = $ 1.00
Sample questions.
Circle set of coins that equal to $ 1.00
Dollar bill, dollar sign, decimal point.
Number Sense :
Pam has 4 coins. The coins total 100₵. Circle the coins that pam has.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show how to write correctly the dollar bills
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to make a combination of coins equal to one dollar.
Main Activity:
More exercises on number sense and problem solving.
Example ;
Ed has these coins
How much money does he need to make a dollar?
a. 1 ₵ b.20₵ c. 10₵
Answer sheets
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show how to write correctly the dollar bills.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able count money amounts greater than one dollar and write the amount with a dollar sign and a decimal point.
To count combinations of dollar bills and coins.
Main Activity:
Recall the rules on how to write a dollar bill.
Explain the examples on the board :
= $ _________
How many dollars ?
How many cents ?
Write the total amount and tell how many dollars and how many cents ?
= $ _________
$ ______
Count on to find the total amount.
= $ _________
$ ________
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Identify pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Find the value of a group of coins and determine combinations of coins that equal a given amount. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week , the students will be able to make an organized list with tallies to find different combinations of coins.
At the end of the week , the students will be able to perform mental addition, which is an addition we do in our heads.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to solve word problems by doing the tallies of combination of coins.
At the end of the week, the students will be able to perform mental math in adding tens.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able show by tally the same amount.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to solve word problems using the tally table.
Main Activity:
Introduce the word tally mark. ( vertical marks that each mean “ one of something “ )
On the board show a tally table.
Explain how to do tallying by reading the problem about money. Problem no.1
I have some quarters, dimes, and nickels. I want to buy a banana. How many ways can I make 30₵ to be able to buy the banana?
Ways to show 30 ₵
Then explain the data in the tally table. Like, to make 30₵ we need 1 quarter and 1 nickel ….so on…
Tony wants to buy a pencil for 55₵. He has half-dollars, quarters and nickels. Find ways He can make 55₵
Tally table is given.
Tally mark
More on word Problems with tallying.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able show by tally the same amount.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to solve word problems using the tally table
Main Activity:
Review the lesson taken. Check the homework of children by presenting it on the board.
Ask children if they have any questions about the lesson. Tell the students that this will help them keep track of all the solutions and it makes all the possible combinations of coins easier to see.
Give more exercises to master the lesson.
Problem :
Raul wants to buy a bookmark for 14 ₵. He has dimes, nickels, and pennies. Find all of the ways he can make 14 ₵. Use a tally table.
Fill up the table.
Ways to Show 65 ₵
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to explain what a mental math is.
The students will be able to perform Addition of tens.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to add using mental math.
Main Activity:
Recall the past lessons about addition strategies (topic 2) Adding 0,1,2, about doubles, (5 + 5 = 10), (6+6=12), Near doubles, (6+7=13) (8+9=17), adding in any order 6+3=9, 3+6=9, Adding three numbers 5+3+8 = 16, Writing a number sentence.
Give examples to each topic for the children to refresh their addition strategies.( definitely some children already forgot some of the lessons ) GIVING REVIEW ABOUT THESE TOPICS OR LESSONS WILL HELP CHILDREN PERFORM THEIR MENTAL MATH EASILY.
Worksheets on these topics for review.
Sample worksheets.
1+0 = 1
2+0 = 2
3+1= 4
Write the doubles for
10 is 5 and 5
20 is 10 and 10
Mental math, is the strategy to get exact answers by doing most of the calculations in one’s head.
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to perform Addition of tens
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to do mental math strategy to add multiples of ten to a two-digit number.
Main Activity:
Explain that the review they have done is connected to the new lesson which is mental addition. And this is all calculations in one’s head.
Have students tell which addition strategy is effective and efficient or easy for them, some will say by counting, some like doubles, near doubles…so on. Accept all answers.
Discuss about the lesson of Adding tens. When tens are added to a two – digit number, the tens digit will change but the ones digit will remain the same.
Example :
Add using mental math
1) 12+10 =
2) 19+ 20 =
3) 55+ 30=
4) 23+ 40 =
Learning Objective:
The students will be able to perform Addition of tens
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to do mental math strategy to add multiples of ten to a two-digit number.
Main Activity:
More Exercises and math drill on the board.
Workbook activity.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Envision Math 2 ,www.k5learning.
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Identify pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Find the value of a group of coins and determine combinations of coins that equal a given amount. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts. Find 10 more or 10 less than a given three-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given three-digit number.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to
• Mentally add a two – digit number and a one – digit number.
• Mentally add a two – digit number using mental math.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week , the students will be able to
• Show how to add a two – digit number and a one – digit number by making the next ten.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the make – ten strategy to mentally add a one – digit number to a two- digit number.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson , the students will be able to demonstrate the problem by using counters on a ten -frame.
Main Activity:
On the board , write 17 + 4 = _____
Ask children to tell what is the sum.
And let them explain how do they get the sum. ( all answers are accepted )
Explain that the next ten is the closest ten to a given number that is also greater than that number.
How is it :
What is the closest ten to 17? 20 ( let the children count by 10’s - 10, 20 ,30 ) show how 20 is the closest ten .From 17 how many do we need to add to make it 20 ? 3 how about 30? From 17 how many do we need to make it 30? 13. Therefore which is the closest? 20 and 20 is greater the 17.
Add the ones. Use mental math
Next ten - the closest ten to a given number that is also greater than that number.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the make – ten strategy to mentally add a one – digit number to a two- digit number.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to solve a word problem.
Main Activity:
More exercises on adding ones using mental math.
Then give some word problems;
Sample problem: (Envision Math teacher ‘s guide, pg 177 and Envision workbook pg 178)
Observation/ workbook page
(Harcourt math, Problem solving workbook page PS 34 )
Word problem to solve.
1. Ben and his father made 12 plain muffins
And 8 raisin muffins.
How many muffins did they make?
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to add a two-digit number using mental math.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to solve by using two different ways of adding tens and ones mentally.
Main Activity:
Ask children to use mental math strategies they have learned to solve the following problem;
1. Jose has 44 markers on the table. He has 20 markers on the table. How many markers does Jose have in all? 44 + 20 = 64 ( adding tens )
2. Lisa has 21 colored pencils in her case. She is using 7 other colored pencils for an art project. How many colored pencils does Lisa have in all? 21 + 7 = 28 ( adding ones )
Present another problem on the board, have the children solve it and encourage them to think of different strategies they could use to solve the problem.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to add a two-digit number using mental math
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to solve by using two different ways of adding tens and ones mentally.
Main Activity:
More exercises on Adding tens and ones.
Then we will be having word problems to solve.
Sample problems;
1.Billy puts 24 skateboard wheels in a pile.
He puts 24 more in another pile.
How many wheels does Billy have in all?
24 + 24 = 48 Tell children that in this problem, the strategy of double is applied.
Solve the problems below. Use mental math
1. Cindy has 27 toy planes.
She buys 12 more.
How many toy planes does Cindy have now?
sample problem
Reminder quiz tomorrow.
Topic adding ones and adding tens and ones, using mental math.
Solve the problems below. Use Mental Math
1. Carol sees 16 rabbits on Tuesday.
She sees 21 rabbits on Wednesday.
How many rabbits does she see on both days together?
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson ,the students will be able to add a two-digit number using mental math
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to solve by using two different ways of adding tens and ones mentally.
Main Activity:
Review Adding ones and Adding Tens and Ones using mental math
Add the ones . Use mental Math
Add. Using Mental Math
Solve the problem below.
1. Ian has 29 animal stickers.
He has 5 flower stickers.
How many sticker does he have in all ?
2. Dale makes a necklace with 48 small beads
And 8 large beads.
How many beads did dale use to make the necklace.
Solve the problems below. Add use mental math.
1. The Mustangs baseball team won 17 games.
They lost 14 games.
How many games did the Mustangs play?
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Envision teacher’s guide pages 175 to 182. Harcourt Math, Problem Solving and Reading Strategies workbook , pages 34, 35 , 37 , 39. , Harcourt Math, 2-digit Addition and Subtraction page 110.
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Use place value to describe whole numbers between 10 and 1000 in terms of hundreds, tens and ones. Know that 100 is 10 tens, and 1000 is 10 hundreds. Find 10 more or 10 less than a given three-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given three-digit number. Round numbers up to the nearest 10 and 100 and round numbers down to the nearest 10 and 100. Compare and order whole numbers up to 1000. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts. Estimate sums and differences up to 100.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week , the student will be able to
Use a hundreds chart to add 2 two-digit numbers.
Develop mental math strategies and number sense.
Use number patterns to solve problems.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week , the students will be able to
Demonstrate how to use a hundreds chart to add tens and ones of 2 two-digit numbers.
Show how to use the problem solving strategy, Find a Pattern.
Apply the addition skills they studied throughout this chapter.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use a hundred chart to add 2 two – digit numbers.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to add numbers by the use of patterns on a hundred chart.
Main Activity:
Show a hundreds chart. Have children recall about the previous lesson on a hundred chart.
Do some review if necessary (such as identify patterns, skip count, describing numbers as before, after and between other numbers), to connect the new lesson.
Then ask children if they know what a map is .( it shows where places or things are )
Tell them that a hundred chart is like a map. It shows where numbers are in relation to one another.
On the board, write the addition sentence 32 + 43 = _____.
Ask children how much is 10 more than 32? (42) Remind them the make ten strategy or the next ten.
Then show on the hundreds chart, if you are at 32 move down one row to get to 42.
Then ask where is the number that is 40 more than 32? (Four rows down from 32) circle 32 then draw an arrow from 32 to the number four rows down. ( 72 ). Now add the ones.
Move 3 to the right to show 3 ones. ( 75 )
So the sum of 32 + 43 is 75.
Show on the hundred chart
14 + 57 = 71
Then do seatwork or exercises.
Sample exercises.
17 + 32 =
24 + 43 =
Hundred chart
Add using the hundred chart . Draws arrow on the chart.
38 + 21 =
56 + 42 =
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use a hundreds chart to add 2 two – digit numbers
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to add numbers by the use of patterns on a hundreds chart
Main Activity:
Review the Monday lesson.
Do more exercises.
sample sheet
Add using the hundreds chart.
1. 39 + 17
Add using the hundreds chart.
47 + 31
18 + 25
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to add on a hundreds chart.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to solve word problem using a hundred chart.
Main Activity:
Present different word problems to the children.
1. Sara has 48 buttons. Luis has 32 buttons.
Use the hundreds chart to find how many buttons there are altogether.
Remind children that they add ten to a number when going down a row, but they only add one when going across a row.
More word problems to solve.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use number patterns to solve problems.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to discuss and demonstrate how they solve a problem.
Main Activity:
Explain to the children that by looking at a pattern they can solve a problem.
Ask children to continue the following number patterns. 2, 4 , 6 ( 8 , 10 , 12 )
5 , 10 , 15 , ( 20, 25 , 30 )
10, 20 , 30 ( 40 , 50 , 60 )
For each pattern the children can predict what comes next.
Problem solving worksheet.
Solve the problems below.
Anne is picking up her toys.
She puts 4 toys on top of the shelf.
6 toys on the next shelf
And 8 toys on the bottom shelf.
Look at the number of toys on the shelves.
What is the pattern?
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use number patterns to solve problems.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to discuss and demonstrate how they solve a problem
Main Activity:
Quiz Topic : Adding on a hundreds chart
Problem solving : look for a pattern
Problem solving look for a pattern.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Envision Math pp 183 A - 190
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Find 10 more or 10 less than a given three-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given three-digit number. Round numbers up to the nearest 10 and 100 and round numbers down to the nearest 10 and 100. Compare and order whole numbers up to 1000. Use strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to :
-Use number patterns to solve problems.
-Subtract multiples of 10 from two – digit numbers using Mental Math
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week , the students will be able to
-Show how to use the problem solving strategy, Find a Pattern.
-Apply their knowledge of basic facts and place value concepts to find differences for groups of tens mentally.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use number patterns to solve problems.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to discuss and demonstrate how they solve a word problem.
Main Activity:
Explain to the children that by looking at a pattern they can solve a problem.
On the board, write 1, 4, and 7, _.
Have children decide what number comes next. ( 10 )
Ask them how do they know its 10? Possible answer is we add 3 for every number. Problem solving :
Jamie reads 3 pages on Monday
He reads 6 pages on Tuesday
He reads 9 pages on Wednesday
If He continues this pattern, how many pages will he read on Friday .
Ask children to analyze the problem by following the steps in problem solving.
What do they know? the number of pages Jamie read on Monday, Tuesday , and Wednesday
What do they need to find out? How many he will read on Friday
How can they solve this? Look for a pattern.
Jamie will read 15 pages on Friday.
Each day he reads 3 more pages.
Look Back and Check.
3 +3 = 6
6+3 = 9
9 + 3 = 12
9 + 3 = 15
Worksheet- problem solving
Laps – one complete round or circuit especially of a racetrack.
Find the pattern.
1. The children at science camp see 5 insects on Monday.
10 insects on Tuesday, 15 insects on Wednesday.
Look at the number of insects they see.
What is the pattern? ( Each day they see 5 more insects than the day before )
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use number patterns to solve problems
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to discuss and demonstrate how they solve a word problem
Main Activity:
More exercises on solving problems by looking for a pattern.
Look for a pattern. Solve.
1. Emma is collecting cans for a recycling project.
The chart shows how many cans she plans to collect each week.
What is the pattern?
10 more cans each week
2. What is Emma’s goal for week 4 and 5?
Week 4 : 40
Week 5 : 50
Problem Solving : Look for a pattern
Finish the pattern. Solve.
1. On Monday, a cook has 65 frozen pizzas. Each day
She bakes 10 of the pizzas.
Tuesday, she has 55 pizzas left.
Wednesday, she has 45 pizzas left.
Continue the pattern.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to subtract multiples of 10 from two-digit numbers using mental math.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to
• use the symbolic representation of tens as they write the number sentence 60 - 40 = 20
Main Activity:
Practice mental math problems with the class. Give students a chance to pose problems to the class that we can solve together using different strategies.
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to subtract multiples of 10 from two-digit numbers using mental math.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to solve word problems using mental math.
Main Activity:
Present a word problem and ask children to solve it on their white board.
Use mental math to solve.
Sandra has 77 crayons on her desk.
She puts 40 crayons into boxes.
How many crayons are left on her desk?
Write the subtraction sentence. Use Mental math to solve.
1. Ella picked 46 flowers. She gave 20 of them to her grandmother.
How many flowers did Ella keep ?
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Problem Solving and Reading Strategies workbook. Harcourt math. Page 45 , Practice workbook Harcourt math page 45. Envision math.
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Find 10 more or 10 less than a given three-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given three-digit number. Round numbers up to the nearest 10 and 100 and round numbers down to the nearest 10 and 100. Compare and order whole numbers up to 1000. Use strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Subtract multiples of 10 from two – digit numbers using mental math.
• Find the missing part of 100 by counting up from the given part.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to
• Solve problems by the use of place – value models, ten – frames or any methods they wish to use in mental computation (subtraction)
• Use little ten – frames to model a known part of 100 to find the missing part.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to subtract multiples of 10 from two – digit numbers using mental math.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to perform mental subtraction by counting back.
Main Activity:
Review the past lessons on subtracting tens.
Give more examples and drills to the children for mastery of the skills.
Remind children that when they subtract tens, the ones stay the same.
Sample drills :
43 - 10 = ___________
95 - 40 = ___________
Problem solving :
Robin made 34 rings.
He sold 20 of them.
How many rings does Robin have now?
Write the subtraction sentence.
______ - ________ = __________
Subtract using mental math.
1. 90 - 60 = ________
2. 80 - 40 = ________
3. 20 - 20 = ________
4. 50 - 30 = ________
5. 70 – 50 = ________
Solve the problem using mental subtraction.
1. Leon has 8 packs of trading cards.
Evan borrows 5 packs.
How many trading cards does Leon have left?
____ - _____ = ______
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to subtract multiples of 10 from two – digit numbers using mental math.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to solve word problem by mental subtraction.
Main Activity:
Sample word problems.
1. Matteo made a tower with 62 blocks.
His brother took 30 blocks from the top.
How many blocks are part of the tower now?
_______ - _______ = _________
Practice exercises.
Problem Solving.
sample word problem.
A farmer brought 64 baskets of tomatoes to the market.
He sold 30 of them. How many baskets of tomatoes were left?
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to find the missing part of 100 by counting up from the given part.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to add on to find the other part of 100.
Main Activity:
On the board, write 4 + ____ = 10.
What is the missing part? ( 6 )
Then write 40 - ____ = 100
Explain that , just we added 6 ones to 4 ones to get 10 ,
We can add on some tens to 4 tens to get 10 tens or 100.
What is the missing part? (6 tens or 60).
Another example.
68 + _____ = 100
68 is one part of 100.
We need to find the missing part.
The sum of 68 and the missing number is 100.
Have children model 68 in a little ten –frames.
How many tens? ( 6 ) how many ones ? ( 8 ) Then ,
Have children place little ten – frames in the other part of the part – part model
Until they have found the other part of 100.
How many tens? ( 3 ) How many ones ? ( 2 )
Once they found the other part of 100 , guide them to complete the addition sentence , 68 + 32 = 100
The missing part is 32
Worksheets sample
29 + 71 = 100
Same format on the evaluation, different data.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to find the missing part of 100 by counting up from the given part.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to add on to find the other part of 100.
Main Activity:
Present some problems to solve.
1 ) 62 + _____ = 100
2) 36 + _____ = 100
Sharla has 100 pictures.
She puts 43 pictures in an album.
The rest are in a pile.
How many pictures are in the pile?
Review for a quiz
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to subtract multiples of 10 from two – digit numbers using mental math.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to find the missing part of 100 by counting up from the given part.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to solve word problem by mental subtraction. At the end of the lesson the students will be able to add on to find the other part of 100.
Main Activity:
Review all the lessons of the whole week.
Start with the quiz.
Homework on Finding the missing part of 100 and Subtracting tens
Materials / Resources (including technology)
Harcourt math pages 44-45 and 144 – 145 and envision math
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Find 10 more or 10 less than a given three-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given three-digit number. Round numbers up to the nearest 10 and 100 and round numbers down to the nearest 10 and 100. Compare and order whole numbers up to 1000. Use strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Find the missing part of 100 by counting up from the given part.
• Find the difference between two – digit numbers less than 100.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Use little ten – frames to model a known part of 100 to find the missing part.
• Solve problems using a hundreds chart.
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to find the missing part of 100 by counting up from the given part and by the use of little ten frames.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to add on to find the other part of 100.
Main Activity:
Review the children about finding parts of 100.
Recall all the methods we used to find the missing part like, counting on and by using the little ten-frames.
Present more exercises ;
1. Josh shows 56 with his ten-frame cards. He says the other part of 100 is 44. How can you tell if he is correct? ( add on 4 to 56 , then count on 4 tens to 100 )
sample problem
Solve the problems below.
1. Jorge has a puzzle with 100 pieces.
He has already put together 38 pieces.
How many more pieces does he need to put together?
38 + __________ = 100
Add on to find the other parts of 100.
1 ) 89 + _______ = 100
2) 82 + ________ = 100
3) 71 + _______ = 100
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to find the missing part of 100 by counting up from the given part and by the use of little ten frames.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to add on to find the other part of 100.
Main Activity:
More practice exercises and worksheets.
Add on to find the other part of 100. Use little ten-frames
37 + ________ = 100
Add on to find the other part of 100. Use little ten frames.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to find the difference between two – digit numbers less than 100.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to subtract on a hundreds chart.
Main Activity:
Ask the children if they still remember adding on a hundreds chart.
Tell them that today, they will be subtracting on a hundreds chart.
On the board, write the subtraction sentence 57 - 23 = __________
Show and explain the steps in subtracting on a hundred chart.
Ask children how can they rewrite 57 – 23 as an addition number sentence with a missing addend?
( 23 + _____ = 57 ) Circle 23 and 57 on the hundred chart. If you start at 23 and go down 3 rows to 53, how many tens is that? ( 3 tens or 30 ) In what direction do you go to get from 53 to 57? (right) How many ones are there from 53 to 57? ( 4 ) So explain to the children that they moved down 30 and over 4. Tell them that they will use the numbers 30 and 4 to find the difference. By adding 30 + 4 = 34 we can write the addition sentence 23 + 34 = 57. The subtraction sentence is 57 – 23 = 34.
: sample work
Subtract using the hundreds chart.
59 - 28 = __________
Subtract using the hundreds chart.
1. 69 - 36 =
2. 79 - 47 =
3. 54 - 24 =
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to find the difference between two – digit numbers less than 100.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to subtract on a hundred chart
Main Activity:
Worksheets on Subtraction using a hundred chart.
Solve the problem below
Darren has 98 puzzle pieces.
He fits 55 pieces in the puzzle.
How many more pieces does Darren still need to fit to complete the puzzle?
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Find 10 more or 10 less than a given three-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given three-digit number. Round numbers up to the nearest 10 and 100 and round numbers down to the nearest 10 and 100. Compare and order whole numbers up to 1000. Use strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
-Subtract a two – digit number from two-digit number mentally or with models.
-Identify whether the story problem contains too much information or not enough information.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
-Add on to find the difference using ten – frames.
-Determine whether they can solve problems with missing information or extra information.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to subtract a two – digit number from a two – digit number mentally or with models.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use the add on strategy to subtract two – digit numbers.
Main Activity:
Remind the children that they have learned to subtract using a hundreds chart.
Today, they will learn to use models to subtract two – digit numbers.
Pose the problem - A farmer has 52 tomatoes. He places 18 of them into one box and the rest in another box. How many does he place in the second box?
Write the number sentence on the board.
52 - 18 = _________
Tell children that they can think 18 + ______ = 52 to subtract.
Have children model 18 at the top of the box drawn on the board with ten – frames.
Placing the tens on the left side and the ones on the right side.
Add on to find the difference.
1. 54 + _________ = 75
75 - 54 = ________
2. 11 + ____ = 43
43 - 11 = _______
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to subtract a two – digit number from a two – digit number mentally or with models.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use the add on strategy to subtract two – digit numbers
Main Activity:
More exercises on Adding on to Subtract.
Observation/ worksheet
Solve the problems below.
Add on to Subtract.
1. Joan has 45 baseball cards.
She gives 21 cards to her friend.
How many baseball cards does Joan have now ?
21 + 24 = 45
45 - 21 = 24
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to determine whether they can solve problems with missing information or extra information.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify necessary information and perform the computation needed to solve each problem.
Main Activity:
Remind children that they are able to read, understand and solve story problems, today; they will learn to look for extra information in subtraction story problems.
Kareem has 15 baseball cards. He also has 6 basketball cards. Kareem gives away 8 of his baseball cards.
How many baseball cards does Kareem have now?
Ask children to analyze the problem.
Is there any extra information in the problem? (Yes. Kareem has 6 basketball cards )
Ask the students how do they know it is extra information? ( It does not help to solve the problem )
Sample exercises.
14 cars on the street.
4 trucks are on the street.
6 cars drive away.
How many cars are left?
14 - 6 = 8
What is the extra information? 4 trucks are on the street.
Circle Missing Information or Extra Information. Then write a number sentence if the problem can be solved.
1. There are 12 people on a bus.
Then 3 people get off the bus.
5 people ride the train.
How many people are left on the bus?
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to determine whether they can solve problems with missing information or extra information.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify necessary information and perform the computation needed to solve each problem.
Main Activity:
Review the previous lessons.
Then give more word problems to solve.
Sample worksheets.
Circle Extra Information or Missing Information
Then write a number sentence if the problem can be solved.
1. There are 11 pictures on the wall.
There are 3 windows in the room.
Joni takes 4 pictures off the wall.
How many pictures are still on the wall ?
Circle Extra Information or Missing Information
Then write a number sentence if the problem can be solved.
1. 14 bees land on a flower.
10 ants walk on a rock.
Some bees fly off the flower.
How many bees stay on the flower ?
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students , will be able to subtract a two – digit number from a two – digit number. The students will be able to determine whether they can solve problems with missing information or extra information.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use the add on strategy to subtract two – digit numbers. The students will be able to identify necessary information and perform the computation needed to solve each problem.
Main Activity:
Review the lessons Adding on to Subtract and problem Solving: Missing Information and Extra information.
Add on to find the difference.
54 + ___ = 75
75 - 54 = ___
Circle extra information or Missing information.
13 apples are on a tree.
9 squirrels climb the tree.
A few apples fall off the tree.
How many apples are Left on the tree?
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Use mental strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and equality to add and subtract two-digit numbers. Strategies may include decomposition, expanded notation, and partial sums and differences. Solve real-world and mathematical addition and subtraction problems involving whole numbers with up to 2 digits.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week, the students will be able to use models to add a one-digit number to a two-digit number.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to group objects into tens and ones to show two-digit numbers.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show the addition of one – digit numbers to two- digit numbers by the use of models like wooden sticks or marbles.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to regroup when they have 10 or more ones .
Main Activity:
On the board , write 25 + 8 = ______
Ask one student to count 25 wooden sticks and place and place it on the table.
Then ask another volunteer to count 8 wooden sticks and place it next to the group of 25 sticks.
Ask the children how can they use groups of 10 to help them add 25 + 8?
Have children work and demonstrate in the class.
So, to regroup 25 + 8 , first show 25
: sample worksheet
Use connecting cubes or your models.
Add. Regroup if you need to.
Sample homework example included.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show the addition of one – digit numbers to two- digit numbers by the use of models like counters.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to regroup when they have 10 or more ones
Main Activity:
More Practice exercises on Regrouping 10 ones for 1 ten.
regrouping worksheet
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use concrete models to add a one-digit number and decide if regrouping is needed.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to demonstrate how to record the regrouping on the addition frame.
Main Activity:
On the board ,
Ask children how are the models in the first work mat similar to the numbers in the second ?
( both models and the numbers show 28 + 7 )
Add the ones. 8 + 7 = 15 ones
You need to regroup.
Regroup 15 ones as 1 ten and 5 ones.
Look at the sum of the ones in the two-digit addition frame. How do connecting cubes show the sum?
(10 ones were regrouped to the tens column- five stayed in the ones column.
Add the tens 20 + 10 = 30 , then add the ones 30 + 5 = 35 therefore 28 + 7 = 35
Use connecting cubes. Add
Did you need to regroup? Circle Yes or No
worksheet on regrouping
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use concrete models to add a one-digit number and decide if regrouping is needed.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to demonstrate how to record the regrouping on the addition frame.
Main Activity:
Workbook exercises and problem solving.
Sample word problem to solve.
1. There are 32 white flowers.
There are 4 pink flowers.
How many flowers are there in all?
Review for a test on Regrouping 10 ones for 1 ten and models to add two- and one – digit numbers.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use concrete models to add a one-digit number and decide if regrouping is needed.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to demonstrate how to record the regrouping on the addition frame.
Main Activity:
1. For which number do you need to regroup? Underline your answer.
a. 47 + 2
b. 71 + 8
c. 55 + 4
d. 23 + 7
2. Which answer shows how you could regroup to make a ten to solve 16 + 7?
a. 6 + 4
b. 7 + 5
c. 10 + 6
d. 16 + 7
3. Add.
Checking of their works/ test
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Use mental strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and equality to add and subtract two-digit numbers. Strategies may include decomposition, expanded notation, and partial sums and differences. Solve real-world and mathematical addition and subtraction problems involving whole numbers with up to 2 digits. Use strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number and record the process in a vertical addition frame.
• Use place – value models and the standard algorithm to add 2 two-digit numbers.
• Use the standard algorithm symbolically to add two-digit numbers with and without regrouping.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Add one – digit numbers to two-digit numbers with and without regrouping - relying on paper and pencils and the steps of the algorithm to arrive at the sum.
• Use connecting cubes to model adding 2 two-digit numbers and then use pencil and paper to record their actions and thinking.
• Explain how to add two-digit numbers without using manipulatives.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to solve problems by moving away from manipulatives and rely on paper and pencils.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to explain that when they add one – digit numbers to 24 , they need to regroup. (6, 7, 8, 9)
Main Activity:
On the board, Find 48 + 4.
Use paper and pencil to add.
Regrouping worksheet
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use place value models and the standard algorithm to add 2 two- digit numbers.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use connecting cubes to model adding 2 two-digit numbers and then record the sum.
Main Activity:
Review children about Adding two- and One – Digit numbers.
Then relate the new lesson about Models to Add Two- Digit Numbers.
On the board 37 + 19 is written.
Show 37 first.
Then show 19.
Then add the ones. 7 + 9 = 16 ones.
In the ones column of the place-value mat, all the ones are combined. How many ones are there ?( 16 ones)
Ask children, “ do you think can you write the sum of 37 + 19 yet? ( No , we must regroup the 16 ones first )
Regroup 16 ones as 1 ten and 6 ones.
What’s in the ones column of the sum? (6) Where do you write the regrouped ten? (In the regrouping box in the tens column).
Add the tens.
3 tens + 1 ten = 4 tens
4 tens + 1 tens = 5 tens
What is the sum of 37 and 19? ( 56 )
Add. Did you need to regroup? Circle yes or no.
Yes , No
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the student will be able to solve word problems by adding Two-Digit Numbers.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to find the sum of Two – Digit Numbers.
Main Activity:
Ask one child to read the problem written on the board.
Solve the problems below.
Rico builds a fort with 36 blocks.
Tony uses 38 blocks to make it bigger.
How many blocks are used in all? 74 blocks.
Solve the problems below.
Lia counts 38 red paper cups and 25 blue paper cups.
How many paper cups did she count in all?
38 + 25 = 63
Solve the problem below.
1. 19 brown bears and 77 black bears played.
How many bears in all played?
Enrichment Master :
Circle all the number pairs in each box that equal the sum above it.
Then write the way you solved the problem.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to add 3 two – digit numbers.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to apply the doubles strategy and the make 10 strategy for adding 3 digits.
Main Activity:
Show on the board :
Tell children that they can use doubles to add. Start by adding the ones.
Add in any order.
What are the doubles? 7 + 7 = 14 , 14 + 3 = 17 ( ones column )
Or explain that they can also make 10.
3 + 7 = 10
10 + 7 = 17 ( ones column )
Then add the tens.
2 + 1 (the regrouped) + 1 + 1 = 5tens and the ones, 7 the sum is 57.
Tell children that they can add the tens and ones digit in any order.
Add. Circle the two numbers you added first.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to add 3 two – digit numbers.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to apply the doubles strategy and the make 10 strategy for adding 3 digits.
Main Activity:
More practice exercises on adding three two-digit numbers, mixed with 1 digit numbers.
Workbook activity
Problem solving .
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Use place value to describe whole numbers between 10 and 1000 in terms of hundreds, tens and ones. Know that 100 is 10 tens, and 1000 is 10 hundreds. Find 10 more or 10 less than a given three-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given three-digit number. Use strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts. Use addition and subtraction to create and obtain information from tables, bar graphs and tally charts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to continue to use place-value models while they learn to use the standard subtraction algorithm.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to develop their own strategies for subtracting two-digit numbers.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to regroup 1 ten as 10 ones when subtracting.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use connecting cubes to represent numbers and complete subtraction problems.
Main Activity:
Recall the rules in addition that when adding, we sometimes have to regroup 10 ones as 1 ten.
Today we will learn that when subtracting, we sometimes need to do the opposite - regroup 1 ten as 10 ones.
Use connecting cubes.
Subtract. Regroup if needed.
Sample homework :
1 ) show 81 subtract 2 do you need to regroup ? yes , no find the difference 81 - 2 = 79
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use models to subtract a one – digit number from a two – digit number with or without regrouping.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to model subtracting a one – digit number from a two-digit number and record their work.
Main Activity:
Present a word problem on the board.
There are 22 children drawing a picture. 4 of them finish drawing. How many children are still drawing ?
Encourage children to share their ideas on how to solve the problem.
If there will be no correct answers, guide the children to model the story by using connecting cubes.
Subtract :
Use cubes and a work mat to help.
sample homework
Subtract. Use cubes and a work mat to help.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use models to subtract a one – digit number from a two – digit number with or without regrouping.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to model subtracting a one – digit number from a two-digit number and record their work.
Main Activity:
More practice exercises sheets and word problem solving.
Sample worksheet
A bakery makes 64 muffins. They sell 29 muffins by noon. How many muffins are left?
Checking of their works.
Enrichment worksheet
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to subtract a one-digit number from a two – digit number with or without regrouping.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to demonstrate how to subtract one-digit numbers from two – digit numbers with or without regrouping by the use of pencil and paper only.
Main Activity:
Tell children that they learned how to subtract with the use of connecting cubes and models.
Today they will subtract using a paper and pencil only.
On the board, draw a two – digit subtraction frame.
Then read the problem written on the board.
Ari has 31 stickers; He puts 8 of them in a scrapbook. How many stickers does Ari have now?
Ask a volunteer to write the numbers in the correct places in the frame.
Then ask them what do they subtract first? ( the ones )
Do you need to regroup? ( yes )
How do you know? ( There are not enough ones to subtract 8 )
How many ones will you have when you regroup? (11 ones) How many tens are there now? ( 2 tens )
Now you can subtract.
Review for a test on Friday
Subtraction problems
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to subtract a one-digit number from a two – digit number with or without regrouping.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to demonstrate how to subtract one-digit numbers from two – digit numbers with or without regrouping by the use of pencil and paper only.
Main Activity:
Checking of some answers that the children found it difficult.
Worksheets on Subtraction with or without regrouping.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Use place value to describe whole numbers between 10 and 1000 in terms of hundreds, tens and ones. Know that 100 is 10 tens, and 1000 is 10 hundreds. Use strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts. Solve real-world and mathematical addition and subtraction problems involving whole numbers with up to 2 digits.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will know;
• How to relate addition to check subtraction
• How to apply their skills on adding 2 – digit numbers to adding money in cents
• How to estimate the sum of 2 two – digit numbers
• How to use critical – thinking skills to choose the method they wish to use to solve exercises.
• How to subtract two- digit coin amounts.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to:
• Use addition to check subtraction.
• Solve, complete and record addition problems using two – digit coin amounts.
• Use different methods such as mental math, cubes, paper and pencil to solve addition problems.
• Solve subtraction problems and exercises involving money, which provide a real world connection.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to relate addition to subtraction by using one operation to check the other.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use addition to check subtraction .
Main Activity:
Then tell children that today they will be going to subtract two- digit numbers and check their answers by writing the related addition problems.
Tell them that they use addition to check subtraction.
Remind them that they have already learned how addition and subtraction are related.
Like what are the related addition facts for 5-2= 3 ?
(2 + 3 = 5 and 3 + 2 = 5) related facts have the same whole and the same parts.
On the board write
- 9
How did you subtract 9 from 24? You have to regroup first 24 as 1 ten and 14 ones.
Then subtract the ones first then the tens.
Ask children what numbers do you add to check the subtraction? 15 and 9; 15 + 9 = 24.
Remind children that the sum of the parts is the same as the whole.
Give more exercises on the board .
Subtract .check your answer by adding.
Write the missing part.
Check your answers by adding.
Learning Objective:
Adding money
Language Objective:
Students will be able to create number sentences to show the values of different coins and how to add them.
Main Activity:
After a quick review of coin denominations, have students use real, plastic, or paper coins to create addition and subtraction problems. Write the value for each coin used in an addition number sentence. Work in pairs and make problems for your partner to solve. Record you best problem.
Student made problems- adding money worksheet
adding money worksheet
Learning Objective:
Estimating sums
Language Objective:
Students will be able to state the estimated value of two two-digit numbers before calculating the exact amount.
Main Activity:
Have students look at two numbers - 52 and 29. Is the sum of these numbers closer to 70 or 80? Why? Complete estimating sums worksheet.
estimating sums worksheet
Learning Objective:
Students will learn that numbers can be added in many ways.
Language Objective:
Students will be able to use at least two different ways to solve a problem.
Main Activity:
Present a problem to the class. Have students tell how they would solve it. Encourage them to think of as many different ways as they can. Complete worksheet
Learning Objective:
Subtracting money
Language Objective:
Students will be able to create number sentences to show the values of different coins and how to subtract them.
Main Activity:
After a quick review of coin denominations, have students use real, plastic, or paper coins to create addition and subtraction problems. Write the value for each coin used in a subtraction number sentence. Work in pairs and make problems for your partner to solve. Record you best problem.
Student made problems- subtracting money worksheet
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Use strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. Estimate sums and differences up to 100. Identify pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Find the value of a group of coins and determine combinations of coins that equal a given amount.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to know :
• if their estimation is more or less than a given multiple of ten
• How to solve two – digit subtraction problems by the use of different methods on their own choice.
• The geometric attributes of solid figures .
• the differences and similarities of each solid figures.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to :
• estimate a difference by subtracting tens and then looking at the ones.
• apply different methods in solving subtraction problems such as mental math or paper and pencil.
• Describe , classify and analyzed solid figures by their faces or flat surfaces , edges and vertices.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to tell if the difference between two numbers is more or less than a given multiple of ten.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to explain how they will know if it is more or less than a given multiple of ten.
Main Activity:
On the board ,
Write :
I have 8 dimes and 4 pennies to buy a teddy bear toy worth 36 ₵.
Ask children how much money are you starting with ? 84 ₵
How much money will you spend on the toy ? 36 ₵
Ask them if they can buy the toy ? answer is YES.
Explain to them that they will start by subtracting the tens.
84 ₵ - 30 ₵ = 54 ₵ ( 30 ₵ is the number of tens in the price of the toy )
Then show that they still have 54 ₵ left .
Now we need to subtract 6 ₵ ( from 36 ₵ )
6 is more than 4 , So do you have enough pennies to subtract 6 ₵ ? NO
In this case explain to the children that they can use one of their dimes to subtract 6₵ .
We have less than 50 ₵ left.
Ask children how do they know that they have less than 50 ₵ ?
Because we had use one dime to subtract 6₵.
This means that we have fewer than 5 dimes , so we have less than 50₵
Sample worksheet.
You have 85 ₵ , you will buy a crayon worth 68 ₵ ,
Will you have more or less than 40 ₵ ?
Estimate . circle is more than or is less than to complete each sentence.
1. 68 – 35 is more than , is less than
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use different methods to solve two- digit subtraction problems.
Language Objective:
At the end of the week the students will be able to use their own method to find the difference of two-digit problems
Main Activity:
Tell children that last week they learned how to use different methods to add. Today they will learn to subtract two – digit problems in different methods.
On the board show :
67 – 20 = ?
Mental math :
67 – 10 = 57 ( 1 ten from 20 )
57 – 10 = 47 ( 10 ones from 20 ) , so 67 – 20 = 47
Use paper and pencil ,
67 – 29 = ?
We need to regroup 1 ten as 10 ones.
The good thing to use paper and pencil , it helps you to see the ten regrouped as ones.
Circle the way you will solve the problem.
Then subtract and write the difference.
Sample homework
Circle how you will solve the problem.
Then subtract.
1. Mental math
2. Cubes
3. Paper and pencil
4. Calculator
7 5 – 1 0
4 9 - 2 2
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to solve problems involving adding and subtracting money by using the try , check and revise strategy.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to apply the different methods in subtraction to try , check and revise to get the exact answers.
Main Activity:
Recall the lesson about relating addition to subtraction.
Review the different methods in subtraction .
Then pose the problem .
Ask a volunteer to read the problem written on the board .
Leah paid 93 ₵ for two kinds of bread.
Which two kinds did she buy ?
Ask the children to look at the breads and their prices.
Ask them what do they know ? ( the prices of 4 kinds of bread )
What do we need to find ? ( which bread Leah bought ? )
How many breads did Leah buy ? ( two breads )
How much did she pay ? ( 93 ₵ )
Have children understand that first , they have to plan to solve the problem.
One way to solve is to Try , Check , and Revise.
Try : choose two kinds of bread and their prices.
Ask a volunteer to try to choose which they think the breads that cost 93 ₵ ?
Check : Is the sum 93 ₵ ?
Then check the sum of the breads the child chose.
Revises : if not try another pair.
If will not cost 93 ₵ try another pair.
So , have children understand that if the first pair is too low for the given cost of money try to choose with a higher price.
Sample worksheet
Use the chart above ( form the main activity ) to solve .
Try , Check , and revise ( if you need to ) show your work.
1. Tom paid 99 ₵ for two kinds of bread.
He got 20 ₵ in change .
Which two kinds of bread did he buy ?
________ and ______
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson , the students will be able to identify solid figures by their faces or flat surfaces , edges , and vertices.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson , the students will be able to classify three-dimensional geometric figures according to number of faces , vertices and edges.
Main Activity:
Review about plane shapes such as square , triangle , circle , rectangle.
Then introduce the solid figures by showing it in the tv monitor.
Show sphere , cube , pyramid , cylinder , cone , rectangular prism.
Then ask children to point out similarities and differences among the shapes .
Guide the children to write the names of each solid figures.
Point out the cube.
Then point to a flat surface or face on a cube. Explain that this is a flat surface or the face of a solid figure.
Then show the edge of the rectangular prism…
This is an edge , it is where two flat surfaces meet.
Point to the vertex . It is like a corner , it is where three or more flat surfaces meet.
Hold up the cube , what shape is this ?
How would you describe it ? ( it has flat surfaces , each surface is a square, it has edges )
Do to the rest of the solid figures.
Solid figures , vertex , edges , faces
Write how many flat surfaces or faces , edges and vertices. Then circle the objects that have that shape.
1. A cylinder has _____ flat surfaces , ______ edges and _____ vertices.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify the plane shapes that form the flat surface of solid figures.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to to classify three-dimensional geometric figures according to number of faces , vertices and edges
Main Activity:
Tell children that they had learned how to identify solid figures by their attributes , such as flat surfaces.
Today they are going to learn what shapes they can make by tracing solid figures.
Connect the lesson by holding up a can or glass jar.
Ask children what solid figure is this ?
Then ask them what do they know about cylinder ?
Then point to a flat surface on the cylinder . this flat surface has a shape. It is shape like a _________ ? circle.
Show also the cube. The faces of a cube are squares.
The faces of a pyramid are triangles and a square.
Then tell children that plane shapes with 3 or more sides are called polygons.
So a circle can’t be a polygon.
Then ask the children , Are both the square and triangle polygons ? ( yes , they each have three or more sides )
Circle the solid figure or figures that have flat surfaces or faces you can trace to make the plane shape.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Use strategies to generate addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts. Estimate sums and differences up to 100. Identify pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Find the value of a group of coins and determine combinations of coins that equal a given amount. Describe, compare, and classify two- and three-dimensional figures according to number and shape of faces, and the number of sides, edges and vertices (corners). Identify and name basic two- and three-dimensional shapes, such as squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, trapezoids, hexagons, cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, cylinders and spheres.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will know
• That solid figures have length, width, and height.
• How to select real – world examples of given solid figures.
• Putting shapes together to make a new shape.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to ;
• Relate plane shapes to solid figures.
• Name the plane shapes that form the flat surfaces of solid figures.
• Trace the plane shapes in the solid figures like in rectangular prism , cube , cone.
• Make and trace larger shapes.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able identify the plane shapes that are made by tracing the flat surfaces of solid figures.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to give examples of three- dimensional objects whose faces are those of planes shapes.
Main Activity:
Have children name again the solid figures like cubes, sphere, rectangular prism, pyramid, cone, and cylinder.
Review their attributes, number of faces, vertices and edges.
Complete workbook activity on shapes.
Workbook activity.
Sample homework ;
Circle the plane shape or shapes you can make by tracing the flat surface or face of a solid shape.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify the plane shapes that form the flat surfaces of solid figures.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to trace the plane shapes of solid figures.
Circle the plane shape or shapes you can make by tracing the flat surface or face of a solid figure.
1. Cone - square , triangle , circle
***Field trip***
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Describe, compare, and classify two- and three-dimensional figures according to number and shape of faces, and the number of sides, edges and vertices (corners). Identify and name basic two- and three-dimensional shapes, such as squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, trapezoids, hexagons, cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, cylinders and spheres.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will know
• The name of trapezoids, parallelogram, and hexagons.
• How to make and trace new larger shapes from small shapes.
• Cut shapes apart to make new shapes.
• How to create figures that are the same shape and size.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Identify a trapezoids, parallelogram, and hexagons.
• Identify the number of sides and vertices of each shape that were put together.
• Draw lines on large shapes to form two or more smaller shapes.
• Find shapes that have the same size and shape.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the. Lesson the students will be able to name a trapezoids , parallelograms and hexagons.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify the number of sides and vertices in each new formed shapes.
Main Activity:
Review flat surfaces, edges , and vertices.
Review the solid figures such as cube, rectangular prism, and pyramid.
Then review the plane shapes.
To relate the new lesson,tell children that by using combinations of plane shapes we can make a new shape.
Trapezoid , parallelogram, hexagon, triangle , square.
Then show also the shapes drawn on the board.
Ask children to match the names on the shapes.
Then explain,
This plane shape is a trapezoid.
How many sides does it have? 4
How many vertices? 4
Then draw another trapezoid, to make a hexagon.
Compare the hexagon that were presented and the new hexagon form by 2 trapezoids.
Are they the same? Yes
Count the sides and vertices. 6 sides, 6 vertices.
So by having 2 trapezoids we can make one hexagon.
What other shapes can we use to make a hexagon ?
Parallelogram, triangle and trapezoid.
Have children make it on the board.
Use pattern blocks to make the shape. Trace your shapes then list them below.
I used ________________( 2 squares )
Use pattern blocks to make the shape.
Trace and color to show one way to make it.
Write the number of sides and vertices.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to take shapes apart and identify smaller shapes.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to cut large shapes to make new smaller shapes.
Main Activity:
Review the previous lesson, then tell children that they already know how to make bigger or larger shapes from smaller shapes, today they will learn to make smaller shapes by cutting the larger shapes.
Teacher watches and monitors
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify figures that are the same size and shape.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to create congruent shapes.
Main Activity:
Recall all the previous lessons about shapes, making new shapes and cutting shapes.
Ask children if they have something to make, do they want it to be on the same size and shape?
Accept all responses and ask their reasons.
Sometimes it is very useful to make things on the same size and shapes, like if we want to give something to a friend it should all be the same so this will be fair.
Connect this to the new lesson about congruence.
Tell children that shapes that have the same size and shape are congruent shapes.
Show two same- sized squares. Are these congruent? Yes.
How do you know it’s congruent?
They are on the same size and shape.
Change the orientation of one of the squares, are they congruent ? Yes.
Explain to the children that even they are in different positions as long as they have the same size and shape they are congruent.
Workbook activity
Sample homework
Draw two shapes that are congruent. Geoboard attached.
Review for a quiz on Friday about flat surface, edges , vertices ,relating plane shapes to solid figures, making new shapes, cutting shapes, congruent
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to recall the whole week lessons.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to apply the skills they learned from making new shapes, cutting shapes.
Main Activity:
Quiz and project making on making new shapes and cutting shapes.
Congruence sheets.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Describe, compare, and classify two- and three-dimensional figures according to number and shape of faces, and the number of sides, edges and vertices (corners). Identify and name basic two- and three-dimensional shapes, such as squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, trapezoids, hexagons, cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, cylinders and spheres.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the student will know
• How to slide, flip, and rotate or turn shapes.
• How to identify objects that have symmetry.
• How to cut shapes that have symmetry or do not have symmetry.
• How to divide shapes, objects or set of things into equal or unequal parts.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Apply translation, reflections and rotations of geometric figures.
• Describe the different movements of a shape.
• Fold and draw a line of symmetry of a shape.
• Identify the shapes with symmetry and shapes that do not have symmetry.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson , the students will be able to explain the meaning of translation , reflection and rotation.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to demonstrate how to slide , flip and rotate shapes.
Main Activity:
Review the previous lessons about congruence.
Tell children that today they will learn how to move shapes in different ways.
Draw 3 columns on the board.
In the first column,
Write the word translation – slide and an example of the movement.
Second column , reflection – flip and an example of flip movement.
Third column , rotation – turn and an example of rotation movement .
Discuss the movements of the shapes.
Demonstrate each movement to the children by holding up real objects or shapes cut out.
Worksheet on ways to move shapes.
Reflection, translation, rotation.
Is it translation, a reflection, or a rotation? Circle the answer.
Reflection. Rotation. Translation
Review for a quiz tomorrow ( which was supposed to be last Friday )
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify shapes that have symmetry.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show and draw a line of symmetry.
Main Activity:
Quiz is given.
Then give an introduction on symmetry after the quiz.
Remind children that they know how to moved shapes and how to identify congruent shapes.
Today they will learn about shapes that have congruent parts that are a reflection of each other. Have them draw shapes that are symmetrical on their white boards and share with a small group.
Observation/ student drawn shapes.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify the shapes that have symmetry
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show and draw a line of symmetry.
Main Activity:
Recall the meaning of symmetry.
Ask a volunteer to show what a line of symmetry is.
Then display a shape that does not show symmetry, such as a scalene triangle.
Then give each child a piece of paper .
Ask them to create a shape that has symmetry.
Workbook activity
Line of symmetry
Does the shape have a line of symmetry? Circle Yes or No.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify equal and unequal parts.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to find and make equal parts.
Main Activity:
Recall the lessons about congruence, symmetry.
Show how to count parts of a whole and decide whether or not they are equal.
Then introduce the word fraction.
Fraction means names part of a whole or set.
Ask children if they have eaten a sandwich that is cut in half.
This sandwich is split into parts.
Draw it on the board to show the two parts that were split.
Tell children these are halves.
2 equal parts are halves.
Show another drawing that is cut into unequal parts.
These are not halves, because each part is a different size.
Ask each child to draw on the board and equal parts and unequal parts.
Fraction , equal parts , unequal parts
Write the number of parts . Circle Equal or Unequal.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify equal and unequal parts.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to count the number of parts.
Main Activity:
Review the previous lesson.
Show on the board a triangle cut into 3.
A rectangle cut into 4.
The triangle cut into 3 equal parts is called thirds. Cut into 3 equal parts
Then the rectangle cut into 4 parts is fourths, because they are cut into 4 equal parts.
Show also the difference of equal parts and unequal parts like the illustration below.
This is not halves because the parts are not cut equal.
4 friends want to share a watermelon.
How could they cut the watermelon so each friend gets an equal part?
Ask 4 volunteers to draw their answers on the board.
Halves, thirds, fourths.
Draw a line or lines to show equal parts.
Images provided.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Identify and name basic two- and three-dimensional shapes, such as squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, trapezoids, hexagons, cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, cylinders and spheres. Understand the relationship between the size of the unit of measurement and the number of units needed to measure the length of an object.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week , the students will know
• The relationship between the number of equal parts and one of those parts.
• How to name fractions.
• How to write fractions to name one part of a whole.
• Compare the whole region with the part they are estimating.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to
• Show a unit fraction of a region.
• Describe the parts of the fraction (top, numerator and bottom, denominator).
• Write a fraction to describe a shape that has more than 1 part shaded.
• Use the benchmarks 0, ½, and 1 to estimate fractional parts of a whole.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify a unit fraction of a region.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to recognize that the top number represents the number of parts that are being talked about, and the bottom number represents the number of parts in all.
Main Activity:
Review how to show halves, thirds, fourths, sixths.
Draw a circle on the board.
Then draw a line in the middle of the circle to show halves.
Tell children that this circle has 2 equal parts.
Then shade one part. And write ½; explain that this means one part out of two is shaded.
One half is a fraction.
Next draw a triangle.
Divide it in 3 equal parts.
Shade 1 part and write 1/3 .
Tell the children that 1 is the shaded part , the number on the top.
And the number at the bottom tells us how many equal parts there are in all.
Then do for ¼, 1/5 / 1/6 illustrations.
Write the fraction for the shaded part of the shape.
Write the fraction for the shaded part of the shape.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify any fraction of a region.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to name fractions with numerators greater than one.
Main Activity:
Review the lesson about fraction that shows one part of a whole.
Tell children that today they will learn how to identify and name other fractions.
Ask if anybody can write the fractional form of this picture.
This is 2/4 , the circle is split into 4 equal parts and 2 of them are shaded and I am talking about 2 of them.
Give another example ;
3/4, ask the children, what is the number of equal parts? 4
How many are shaded? 3.
Write the fraction for the shaded part of the shape.
Sample homework.
Write the fraction for the shaded part of the shape.
Color one part. Circle the fraction.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify any fraction of a region.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to name fractions with numerators greater than one.
Main Activity:
Recall the lessons on fractions.
Then give more exercises.
Workbook activity page 361-362.
workbook page
Draw lines and color to solve.
1. Lorinda ate ¾ of a small pizza.
Dad ate ¾ of a large pizza.
Who ate more pizza?
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to estimate the fraction for a given part of a region.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use the benchmarks 0 , ½ , and 1 to estimate fractional parts of a whole.
Main Activity:
How does the first circle show 0 ? none is shaded.
How does the second show ½ ? one part out of 2 is shaded.
How does the last circle show 1 ? all of it is shaded.
Show some images of fractions that shows closest to the whole, it is about 1.
Explain that if the shaded part is little less than ½ or little more than ½ it is closest to ½.
If the shaded part of the circle is only a small part it is closest to 0.
Workbook activity page 365.
sample homework.
About how much is shaded? Circle your answer.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to estimate the fraction for a given part of a region.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use the benchmarks 0 , ½ , and 1 to estimate fractional parts of a whole.
Main Activity:
More exercises on Estimating Fractional Parts of a whole.
Circle the best estimate. How much is shaded?
1. About 0
About ½
About 1
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Identify and name basic two- and three-dimensional shapes, such as squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, trapezoids, hexagons, cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, cylinders and spheres. Understand the relationship between the size of the unit of measurement and the number of units needed to measure the length of an object.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week , the students will know
• How to name fractions of a set.
• How to solve problems involving fractions of a group.
• How to use the denominator of the fraction to find the number of groups that the object should be divided into.
• How to list the attributes of an object.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Use fractions to show parts of a set.
• Divide the objects into the correct number of groups.
• Identify the attributes of an object that can be measured.
• Describe length, weight, and capacity.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify fractions of a set.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be show parts of a set.
Main Activity:
Recall the past lessons on fractions.
Then let children know that today, they will learn how to name and show fractions of a set.
Explain what a set is - a collection of things, group of things.
Ask 2 girls and 3 boys to stand in front.
Then have children count how many are there standing in front? 5
5 children in one group.
How many girls are there in a group? 2
Write 2 on the board as numerator.
Then ask them how much is the total number of children? 5
So, what is the fraction? 2 / 5
Then site another example.
Paste 6 red flowers on the board and 2 yellow flowers.
Ask children how many yellow flowers? 2
How many red flowers? 6
What is the fraction? 2 / 6
Color to show the fraction. Image of 3 fishes. 1/3 of the fish are blue.
Color the parts.
Write the fraction for the part you color.
______ blue stars
______ stars in all
______ of the stars are blue.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use objects to solve problems finding fractions of a group.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to divide the objects into the correct number of groups.
Main Activity:
Review the previous lesson.
Then write a word problem on the board.
Tony reads 6 books.
2/3 of the books are about animals.
How many books are about animals?
Complete workbook activity pages 372, 373
Workbook activity pages 372 , 373
Problem Solving : Use Objects
Dennis has 16 balls.
½ of the balls are footballs.
How many balls are footballs?
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to identify the attributes of an object that can be measured.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to measure the length , weight and capacity of an object.
Main Activity:
Remind children that they learned how to described objects in different ways.
Today, they will learn about the attributes of length, weight, and capacity.
Show to the children a plastic empty bottle, hold it up?
Ask them what can you use to measure the length of this cup?
Length is how long an object is.
Then ask them to describe other attributes, such as weight.
Weight is how heavy an object is.
Then we can also measure the capacity of an object.
Capacity is the amount a container can hold.
Explain to the children that even these are the attributes of an object; it doesn’t mean they will be able to measure all three attributes for every object they encounter.
Activity book , pages 380 - 381
Length , weight , capacity , attributes
Look at the object. ( object is attached )
Can you measure the length of the milk container?
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify the attributes of an object that can be measured.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to measure the length, weight and capacity of an object.
Main Activity:
Discuss ways to measure attribute of objects. Demonstrate on some classroom items. Complete workbook pages 380 - 381
Workbook pages 380 - 381
Review for a quiz on fractions.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify the attributes of an object that can be measured
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to measure the length , weight and capacity of an object.
Main Activity:
Recall all the lesson about fractions, and attributes .
Choose the attributes.
Choose the best attribute to measure for each object.
1. Tracy measures a ribbon to use as a necklace.
Measure the length
Measure the weight
Measure the capacity
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Understand the relationship between the size of the unit of measurement and the number of units needed to measure the length of an object. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between length and the numbers on a ruler by using a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest centimeter or inch.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will know
• How to identify the attributes of an object that can be measured.
• How to measure the lengths of several classroom objects using nonstandard units.
• How to estimate the lengths of classroom objects using nonstandard units.
• How to measure the length and height of classroom objects using two nonstandard units , connecting cubes and paper clips.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Describe three attributes of an object, the length, weight, and capacity.
• Measure the length of objects using tools such as paper clips.
• Estimate the length of an object.
• Use paper clips and connecting cubes to measure the height and length of objects.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to name the three attributes of an object that can be measured.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe attributes of objects and ways to measure them.
Main Activity:
Explain to the children that length is how long an object is.
Weight is how heavy the object is.
Capacity is the amount a container can hold.
Then hold up a cup.
Show it to the children.
Tell them that we can use connecting cubes to measure how long the cup is.
We can also use ruler, and paper clips, if we are only measuring short objects.
Then tell children that we can also measure the weight of the cup by using weighing scale.
We can put the cup on one side and we will put some things on the other side which are not heavier than the cup.
Next is the capacity, we can use measuring cups to know how much is needed to pour into the bottle until it was full.
Which attributes could you measure?
Image of a rake
a. Capacity and length
b. Capacity
c. Length and weight
d. Capacity and length
Attributes , length , weight , capacity
What tool would you use to measure the attribute?
Write or draw a tool.
1. Image of a milk in a box cup
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to name the three attributes of an object that can be measured.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe attributes of objects and ways to measure them.
Main Activity:
Review the previous lesson about attributes.
Remind children that although the length, weight and capacity are three attributes they can measure , this does not mean they will be able to measure all three attributes for every object they will see.
Then show a beaker, scale to the children.
Tell them that we can measure the weight by the scale.
Beaker can also be used to measure capacity.
Emphasize that objects that hold things like jars, bottles, cups, are measured for capacity.
Have each child bring their own things to measure the weight.
Workbook pages 380 – 381 , 382
Choose the best attribute to measure for each object.
1. Tracy measures a ribbon to use as a necklace.
Measure the length
Measure the weight
Measure the capacity
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to measure the length of an objects using nonstandard units.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use paper clips to measure the length of an object.
Apply their skills in measuring capacity by mixing the moccacino ingredients.
Main Activity:
Review the attributes.
Ask children what are we going to measure if we want to know how long the object is. Length
Hold up a paper clip. Tell children that we can use this to measure the length of objects. It is a unit of measure.
Hold up a board marker, ask children to estimate how many paper clips do they think it will take to equal the length of the marker .
Then ask them, what are we measuring? The marker.
What tool you will use to measure the marker? Paper clip.
Start to measure the marker, show how to do it .
Get another object in the classroom.
Ask a volunteer to measure the length.
Have other children to do estimation.
Activity : Make your own Moccacino
Skills : Thinking about Attributes , Measuring Weight and Capacity
Workbook pg 384 -385
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to measure the length of an objects using nonstandard units.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use paper clips to measure the length of an object.
Main Activity:
Review the lesson from the other day.
Give more exercises on Exploring Length.
Have children get their own object to do estimation on length.
Then get the exact measurement by using paper clips or cubes.
Estimate the length of each line.
Then use paper clips to measure.
1. ___________________________
Estimate : about ________ paper clips
Measure : about ________ paper clips
Image of crayon.
About how many paper clips long is the crayon ?
I think the crayon is about __________ paper clips long.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to name the attributes that we learned for the whole week.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to Apply how to measure length , and identify what attributes that an object has.
Main Activity:
Review all the topics that we discussed.
Have each child discuss and give examples.
Mix exercises
Mix homework about thinking attributes and measuring length
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Understand the relationship between the size of the unit of measurement and the number of units needed to measure the length of an object. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between length and the numbers on a ruler by using a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest centimeter or inch.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will know
• How to use three customary units of measurements for length, inches, feet and yards.
• How to identify and draw items that are about an inch, about a foot, and about a yard.
• How to use two metric units of length – centimeters and meters.
• How to choose the best estimate for the length or height of an object in centimeters or meters.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Estimate and measure items that are about an inch, foot and yard.
• Demonstrate how to measure an object using inches, feet and yards and their relationship.
• Estimate and measure the lengths and heights of objects in centimeters and meters.
• Show the difference of a centimeter and meter.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe an inch, foot and yard.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to measure an object using inches, feet and yards.
Main Activity:
Review the past lesson about measuring objects using nonstandard units.
Introduce the new lesson, which is about measuring objects using three customary units.
Tell them that customary means the units commonly used in the United States.
On the board write inch – the smallest of the three. Display a ruler and point out an inch.
Give each child a ruler.
Foot – 12 inches in a foot . Tell them that the ruler they are holding and you are holding is a foot long , show them there are 12 inches in a foot.
Yard – equal to 3 feet . ( if meter stick is available ) this is a meter stick , it is divided into three feet , show how it is divided into three feet.
Then explain to the children that inches , feet and yards measure length but are more exact than paper clips or connecting cubes.
Demonstrate how to measure objects using these units.
Workbook pages 392 – 393.
Inches, feet and yard. Customary units.
Inches, feet, yards
Practice sheet 13-4 and enrichment sheet 13-4
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe the difference between centimeters and meters.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to estimate and measure the lengths and heights of objects in centimeters and meters.
Main Activity:
Review the lesson about inches , feet and yards.
Introduce the new units of measurements , centimeters and meters.
Write on the board ; centimeters ( cm ) is the shorter unit .
Give each child a ruler and point out a centimeter.
Tell them that 100 centimeters show 1 meter.( write meter (m ) on the board )
Meter is little longer than a yard.
Just like inches , feet , and yards , centimeters and meters can be used to measure things.
And remind them that the length of any object can be used as a measurement unit for length but a standard unit is always the same length.
Then demonstrate how to measure centimeters and meters.
Ask a volunteer to choose any object from the classroom and measure it.
Group children into two and each pair will find objects in the classroom that they think are about 1 meter long .
Have them draw it and record the measurement.
Centimeters and meters.
Review for a test tomorrow on inches, feet, yards, centimeters and meters.
Practice 13-5 and reteaching 13-5 sheets.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify inches , feet , yards , centimeters , and meters.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to estimate and measure the height and length of an object in inches , feet , yards , centimeters and meters.
Main Activity:
Objects are on the table and around the classroom.
They were numbered and labeled , example ; number 5 . white board edge , measure in meter .The students can start in each object even not in order to avoid chaos.( teacher supervision )
The children will estimate and get the exact measurement and write their answers on their answer sheets.
Ask the children how do they find the test ? Easy , average or difficult.
About inches , feet , yards , centimeters , meters.
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will know
• How to measure a shape’s perimeter.
• To apply their skills in adding, measuring and also identifying properties of plane shapes as they find the perimeter of different shapes.
• How to use non-standard unit, such as a square tile, an index card to fill a shape, then count the units and record the area.
• How to measure the area of a figure.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Find the perimeter or the distance around a shape.
• Count the units to measure the figure’s length.
• Measure the area of a figure.
• Count the number of identical square units that fit in each shape.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to count units around shapes to find perimeter.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to draw shapes on dot paper and find the perimeter of the shapes.
Main Activity:
Review all the lessons from the past week.
Then introduce the new lesson about perimeter.
Give the meaning of perimeter.
Show on the board how to get the perimeter of a shape.
Explain to the children that in getting the perimeter of a shape they must count the units, and unit is the distance between 2 dots.
Explain to the children how to get the units, follow the line that makes the shape then count units around the shape.
Give more examples and ask a volunteer to find the perimeter.
Practice worksheet 13 – 6 , Exploring perimeter
Perimeter, units.
Reteaching master 13-6 and quick check 13-6
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to find the area of closed figures using same sized objects to cover the space inside the figure.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use a non standard unit , such as an index card to fill a shape then count the units.
Main Activity:
Review the lesson on perimeter.
Introduce the new lesson by giving the meaning of Area.
Draw a rectangle on the board. Then shade the inside of the rectangle.
Tell children that they can measure the amount of space in this rectangle, and this measurement is called the area.
Ask the children if they have any idea on how to measure how much space there is inside the figure.
Accept all reasonable answers.
Erase the shading of the rectangle. Then draw a square in one corner of the rectangle.
Tell children this is a square unit. We use it to measure the area of figures.
Give and show more examples on the board on how to get the area.
Workbook pages 404 - 405
Workbook pages 404 - 405
Area, square units.
Exploring Area
Practice 13- 7 and reteaching 13 – 7 worksheets
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use objects to find the distance around shapes.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to compare areas and perimeters of different shapes.
Main Activity:
Review the lessons on perimeter and area.
Make a two different shapes that have an area of 8 square units .
Explain to the children what do they need to find out? ( if two rectangles that each have an area of 8 square units have the same perimeter )
First , they have to plan … use 8 square tiles to make the shapes.
Solve, look back and check.
We can count to find the distance around the shapes.
Perimeter of shape 1 = 12 units
Perimeter of shape 2 = 18 units.
The areas are the same but the perimeters are different.
Tell children that shapes that have the same area can have a different perimeter.
Enrichment master sheet 13 -8
In and around the shapes.
Practice sheet 13 – 8
Reteaching sheet 13 - 8
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to measure the area and perimeter of a figure.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to compare areas and perimeter of different shapes.
Main Activity:
Review on perimeter and area of a figure.
Then do more examples or exercises on the board.
Remind children that shapes that have the same area can have a different perimeter.
Ask children to draw their own shape and find the area and perimeter.
Checking of the children ‘s work.
Enrichment 13-8 In and Around the Shapes
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to recall the lessons in measuring length, inches , feet , yard, centimeter, meter , perimeter , area.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to apply their skills in measuring length.
Main Activity:
Review the lesson about inches, feet, yard, centimeter and meter.
How many inches in 1 foot? 12 inches
How many feet in 1 yard? 3 feet, and in inches? 36 inches
How many centimeters in 1 meter? 100 centimeters.
Mix exercises about measurement.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Understand the relationship between the size of the unit of measurement and the number of units needed to measure the length of an object. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between length and the numbers on a ruler by using a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest centimeter or inch.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week, the students will know
• That different units can be used to estimate and measure capacity.
• That they can use a paper cup to estimate and measure how many cups that another container holds.
• How to find containers with capacities of certain measures.
• How to estimate capacity using another unit.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Compare the capacities of different containers that hold more than a paper cup and that hold less than a paper cup.
• Estimate and compare containers with cups, pints, and quarts.
• Estimate and measure using liter, a metric unit used to measure capacity
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to compare the capacities of different containers that hold more than a paper cup or less than a paper cup.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show and explain in the class, which container can hold more than a paper cup and that hold less than a paper cup.
Main Activity:
Then show the children different containers such as empty bottle of coke, small bowl, and spoon, plastic or paper cup.
Distribute a sheet for them to fill in.
Have children start to estimate, which do they think that holds more or less among these containers.
Have them fill in their sheet.
Remind them the meaning of estimation.
Then by actual demonstration, the children can compare their estimation from the actual measurement.
Workbook 416-417
Enrichment worksheet 14-1
workbook and worksheet pages
Practice master sheet 14-1 and reteaching sheet 14-1
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to estimate and measure capacity using non-standard units.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use the same kind of cups that we used from the previous lesson to measure how much other containers hold.
Main Activity:
Display a large bowl next to a paper cup.
Ask children to estimate how many cups they think the bowl will hold.
Write on the board their estimation.
Then demonstrate finding capacity by repeatedly filling the cup with rice or sand and pouring it into the bowl until the bowl is full.
Have a look which estimation is closer.
Remind children that they are finding about how many cups a large bowl can hold.
Enrichment 14-2 sheet and workbook pages 420 to 421
Reteaching and practice sheet 14-2
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to estimate capacity in cups, pints and quarts.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to find containers with capacities of certain
Main Activity:
Review the previous lesson on capacity.
Then show a cup container, pint container and a quart container.
Demonstrate to show how much a pint and a quart are by filling up two different containers with water.
Remind children that a cup is smaller than a pint and a pint is smaller than a quart.
Show some containers larger than a cup, but smaller than a pint and a pint - size container .
Ask children which container holds more or less, and why ?
Workbook pages 424 – 425
Workbook pages
Cups , pints , quarts
Practice and reteaching sheet 14-3
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to estimate and measure capacity in liters.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to compare containers that hold more than a liter and that hold less than a liter.
Main Activity:
Review all the units in measuring capacity.
Then introduce another unit, which is liter.
Tell children that liter is a metric unit meaning, it is commonly used of most countries in the world and at present it is the synonyms of IS international system of units.
Show a liter bottle, sugar bowl, and a vase.
Ask the children to guess which container holds about 1 liter? Vase and liter bottle.
Which do they think holds less than a liter? Sugar bowl
Ask them how do they know? Accept their reasons and show them that the bottle can hold 1 liter.
Show it by putting water in it. Just for the children to see the quantity of 1 liter.
And remind children that they know how much a quart can hold, liter is greater amount than quart.
Enrichment sheet 14-4
Practice master and reteaching master 14-4
Be ready for a quiz tomorrow on exploring capacity, cups, pint, quart and liter.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe a cup, pint, quart and liter.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to measure capacity using cup, pint , quart and liter.
Main Activity:
Review the lesson from the whole week about capacity
Checking of the answers on their quiz
mix homework on cup, pint, quart, liter
Enrichment 14-3
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Understand the relationship between the size of the unit of measurement and the number of units needed to measure the length of an object. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between length and the numbers on a ruler by using a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest centimeter or inch.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will know
• How to compare the weights of two objects by holding one in each hand.
• How to use of customary units (ounces and pounds) in measuring weight.
• How to use two metric units of mass, the gram and kilogram
• How to use different tools to measure the length, capacity and weight of objects.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Compare the weights of two objects by holding one in each hand and using the words heavier and lighter.
• Identify the weight of objects using standard units.
• Estimates as they classify objects as more or less than either a gram or a kilogram.
• Measure the same objects in different ways.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to compare the weights of two objects.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to explain how to know the weight of an objects by the use of a balance scale.
Main Activity:
Holding two objects in each hand, a pencil and a jar of marbles.
Which do they think will be heavier? Jar of marbles.
Show a balance scale.
Tell the children that this is a tool to measure the weight of an object.
The heavier object makes that side of the scale go down. Like in seesaw, if one child is heavy he, she can lift up higher than the other child who is light.
And we used the balance scale to measure the weight because when objects are close in weight, it can be difficult to decide which is heavier without the scale.
Enrichment sheet and Quick check worksheet 14-5
heavy, light
Practice master and reteaching master sheet 14 -5
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to compare and estimate the weights of objects in ounces and pounds.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify objects that weighs more or less than 1pound or 1 ounce.
Main Activity:
Review the lesson from yesterday on exploring weight.
Explain that ounces and pounds are standard customary units used to measure and record weight.
Write on the board to show which unit is bigger, 1 pound = 16 ounces.
Display an object that weighs a pound and an object that weighs about an ounce.
Allow the children to hold the items to feel the weight of each.
Then have them find some more objects in the classroom that they think may weigh about an ounce.
Have each child bring their chosen object and share it to the class, which weighs an ounce or pounds.
Ounces, pounds
Practice sheet and reteaching sheet 14 -6 .
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to measure objects that are more than, less than , or about one gram and one kilogram.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to classify objects as more than or less than a a gram or kilogram
Main Activity:
Review all the lessons from the other day about ounces and pounds.
Today tell children that another units of measurements that they can use to measure weight are grams and kilograms.
These are standard metric units.
Write the equivalent on the board,
1 kilogram = 1000 grams (for supplemental knowledge)
Display an object that weighs 1 – gram, like a large paper clip.
And an object that weighs 1 kilogram such as a small bag of flour.
Have children feel how heavy a kilogram compared to grams.
Let them give an example of object, which they think weigh less than a gram or kilogram, about a gram or kilogram and more than a gram or kilogram.
Workbook pages 440-441
Workbook pages
gram, kilogram
Practice master and enrichment master sheets 14-7
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use different tools to measure the length , capacity and weight of an object.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to measure the same objects in different ways.
Main Activity:
Review the previous lessons.
Explain that they can use different tools to measure one the same object.
Tell them that they can use paper clip to measure how tall a mug is. About 4 paper clips
They can use cups to fill the mug. About 2 cups
They can use balance scale to measure the weight. More than 1 pound
Workbook 444-445
Workbook pages
Mix homework in measuring weight
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Understand the relationship between the size of the unit of measurement and the number of units needed to measure the length of an object. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between length and the numbers on a ruler by using a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest centimeter or inch.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week , the students will know
• How to read time in more than one way.
• How to tell time to five minutes using analog clock.
• How to tell time using analog and digital clock.
• How to tell time using the terms quarter past , half past , and quarter to
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Identify the minute hand and the hour hand in an analog clock face.
• Read and write the time using analog clock.
• Tell time using the terms quarter past , half past and quarter to.
• Show the time on the demonstration clock.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify the minute hand and hour hand.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show time on the demonstration clock .
Main Activity:
Ask children when do they need to know the time ?
If they want to know the time , what can they use ?
Show a demonstration clock.
Ask them what do they notice about the hands on the clock ?
Introduce the concept of a minute hand by asking children to sit quietly for one minute.
Then explain that one hour equals 60 minutes and one half hour is equals 30 minutes.
Before children will work with intervals of 5 minutes , have them skip count by 5s to 60.
Demonstrate on the demonstration clock how to tell time to five minutes.
Drill on the board using demonstration clock.
Minute , hour , analog clock , digital clock.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to express time in terms of quarter and half past an hour and before an hour.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show quarter past, half past, quarter to in the demonstration clock.
Main Activity:
Review the previous lesson about time.
Then show to the children the time 1:30 in the demonstration clock .
Ask them to read the time.
Explain to the children that saying 30 minutes after one is the same as reading the time 1:30
Show in the three demonstration clocks different times.
Workbook pages 456 - 457
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to express time in terms of quarter and half past an hour and before an hour.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show quarter past, half past, quarter to in the demonstration clock.
Main Activity:
Give the test on measuring capacity and weight.
Review the lessons on Time.
Do more board works or exercises.
Have children answer reteaching sheet and practice sheet 15-2.
Checking of their worksheets about time.
Enrichment and quick check 15-2
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to apply their knowledge in estimation such as ,about how long an activity takes.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use their own personal experiences to help them think of activities that would take about four seconds , about four minutes or about four hours.
Main Activity:
Recall all the lessons that we discussed about time.
Introduce the new lesson by asking children how long it takes to get to school.
Then have think about activities they do throughout the day.
Write them on the board.
Ask each child what takes a long time to do and a short to do from these activities.
Have 2 volunteers stand in front then ask them to shake hands, while the children who are seated will estimate the time it takes.
Do some more activities and ask the children to estimate.
Practice master , enrichment and reteaching sheets 15-3
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Understand the relationship between the size of the unit of measurement and the number of units needed to measure the length of an object. Tell time to the quarter-hour and distinguish between a.m. and p.m.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to know
• How to tell time using the terms quarter past, half past, and quarter to.
• The amount of time an event lasts.
• How to ask questions that require comparison and reasoning of these measures of time.
• How to use a calendar to keep track of periods of time, like days, weeks, months and years.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Read time in different ways and use the terms quarter past, half past, quarter to.
• Show quarter past, half past, quarter to in the analog clock.
• Develop a sense of comparative time durations.
• Identify activities that take about one second, one minute, one hour and one day.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to read time and express it before or after the hour.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use the terms of quarter, and half past an hour and before an hour.
Main Activity:
Show different times in the analog clock.
Then show same time in the digital clock.
Explain that these times are the same.
Show time in a digital clock and ask volunteers to show it in the analog clock.
Then ask the children to read the time and use different terms such as quarter past, half past and quarter to.
Workbook pages 456 - 457
Workbook pages
Quarter past , half past , quarter to
Enrichment sheet 15-2
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to read time as per minute.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to demonstrate in the analog clock a certain time such as 12: 16, 5:11 so on…
Main Activity:
Review the previous lessons.
Show them in the analog clock the lines in between the numbers of minutes.
Explain that these lines show 1 minute.
And if they read the time where in the minute hand is pointing one of the lines, they will count and read it as one .
Ask each child to show it in the analog clock and read the time.
Word problem exercises sheet from Harcourt math book.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to estimate the amount of time an event lasts .
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify activities that take about one second , one minute , one hour and one day.
Main Activity:
Talk about activities that take about a second (clap, snap), a minute (brush teeth, comb hair), and an hour (watch a show, bake a cake)
Workbook pages 460 - 461
Workbook pages, drawings
Estimating time reteaching and enrichment 15-3 sheets.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to estimate the amount of time an activity lasts.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify the activities that takes seconds, minutes, hour and day.
Main Activity:
Review the lesson on estimating time.
In their math journals have children draw and write some activities that last a second, minutes, hours, a day.
Remind them to use their own experiences to help them find the answers.
Have each child share his answers with the class and discuss.
Review for a quiz tomorrow - Friday about time.
Telling time in five minutes, before and after an hour, estimating time.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to tell time in five minutes, before and after an hour, estimate time for how long an activity lasts.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to demonstrate on the clock time to five minutes, one minute, before and after an hour.
Site examples of activities that lasts for a seconds, minutes, hours, a day.
Main Activity:
Review of the whole week lesson.
Introduction of the calendar.
Each child will have their own time and ask somebody from the class to show it on the demonstration clock.
Mix homework about Time.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Tell time to the quarter-hour and distinguish between a.m. and p.m.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to know
• How to use a calendar.
• That a calendar help us keep track of periods of time , like days , weeks , months and years.
• How to show, read and write temperatures shown on Fahrenheit and Celsius.
• How to find and use the answers to hidden questions to solve story problems.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the week the students will be able to
• Identify the days, dates, weeks, and months in a calendar.
• Solve and answer problems using a calendar.
• Demonstrate and explain how to use the thermometer.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify the days, dates, week, months and year in the calendar.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to solve problems by using a calendar.
Main Activity:
Show the calendar and discuss what they know about the calendar and how to use it.
How many days do we have in a week?
How many weeks does a calendar have?
What is the seventh day in the calendar?
Leap year
Quick check 15 – 4 and practice master sheet 15 -4 and page 261 Hard court math book Unit 3
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify the days, dates, week, months and year in the calendar.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to solve problems by using a calendar, and use the words more than less than and the same as.
Main Activity:
Then introduce the words more than, less than, or the same as.
Explain the concept of less than, more than and the same as.
Give more exercises on Calendar.
Like Enrichment 15 -4, and workbook 464 – 465.
Harcourt math worksheet page 265
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show and read temperatures shown on Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use a thermometer to read and write temperatures in both degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius.
Main Activity:
Introduce the new lesson, which is about temperature.
Ask children to tell what tool do we need to know the temperature.
Then give the meaning of temperature.
Explain that temperature is measured in degrees. Show (°F) Fahrenheit scale and (°C) Celsius scale.
Give the names of the person where these scales name derived from.
Show a real thermometer, show to the children that on the left it shows degrees Fahrenheit and on the right it shows degrees Celsius.
Explain that they can read the Fahrenheit side by counting twos.
And they can read the centigrade side by counting twos also.
Remind children that the greater the number of degrees, the warmer it is.
As an additional knowledge show the different types of thermometer like the clinical thermometer.
Solving problem of the day.
Fahrenheit , Celsius
Practice 15-5
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to show and read temperatures shown on Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use a thermometer to read and write temperatures in both degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius.
Main Activity:
Review about the meaning of temperature.
Recall the scales that we are using in measuring, reading and writing temperatures.
Give more exercises on how to read a thermometer.
Enrichment sheet 15-5
Reteaching and quick sheet 15 -5
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to
• Keep track of periods of time, like days, weeks, months, and years.
• Read the temperature in a thermometer.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to
• Solve problems by using a calendar.
• Reading and recording temperature.
Main Activity:
Review all the lessons for the week, use of calendar, reading a thermometer.
Have children to do more exercises on the board.
Bring them outside the building to compare the temperature from inside and outside by reading the thermometer.
Discuss what did they find out about temperature.
Practice sheets on calendars and temperature.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will know
• How to read and construct bar graphs and pictographs.
• How to answer questions by using the information presented in the graphs.
• How to read data on a tally chart and use data to make a pictograph.
• Organize information by making a bar graph.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At. The end of the week the students will be able to
• Develop their knowledge of data representations.
• Use data from tables to make pictographs.
• Show same data in different ways, such as using a tally chart to make a bar graph.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to represent a set of data in a tally chart and in a bar graph.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use a bar graph to organize information and compare data.
Main Activity:
Tell them that a bar graph is a commonly used way to show data.
Discuss the meaning of data and bar graph.
Ask the class which meal is their favorite?
Breakfast, lunch, dinner?
Count the number of children for each meal record the results in the table on the board.
Draw the bar graph.
Then demonstrate filling in the corresponding number of spaces in the first row.
Repeat for lunch and dinner.
Workbook pages 480 – 481.
Workbook pages
Bar graph, data.
Practice sheet 16-1
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to represent a set of data in a tally chart and in a bar graph
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use a bar graph to organize information and compare data
Main Activity:
Show more tables with different data, then ask the children to fill the bar graph.
Have them answer it on the board.
Then they will do a survey on what is the favorite season of each student in the elementary department.
At least 12 students.
Then they will show it on the table and in bar graph.
To be submitted on Monday.
Worksheet practice 16-1.
Enrichment sheet 16-1
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to make and use pictograph to solve problems.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to represent data using a tally chart and a pictograph.
Main Activity:
Tell children that they already know how to make a bar graph using data from table.
Today they will learn to make a pictograph.
They can draw the symbols to show the data.
Remind them that Pictograph uses pictures to show data.
Explain the pictograph. Workbook 484 - 485
Workbook pages
Practice 16-2 sheet
Learning Objective:
At the end of lesson the students will be able to make and use pictograph to solve problems.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to represent data using a tally chart and a pictograph.
Main Activity:
Review the previous lesson on pictographs.
Give more exercises like the following ;
How many guava trees are in the farm?
Which type of tree is there the least of in the farm?
Enrichment sheet 16-2
Review for a quiz on bar graph and pictograph.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use tally table to complete the pictograph and bar graph.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to
• Use a bar graph to organize information and compare data.
• Represent data using a tally chart and a pictograph.
Main Activity:
Review all the lessons about organizing data and making pictograph.
Give more exercises.
Checking of their worksheets or quiz.
Mix worksheets on pictograph and organizing data.
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Use addition and subtraction to create and obtain information from tables, bar graphs and tally charts. Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Weekly Informational Knowledge Overview - (Students will know...)
At the end of the week the students will know
• How to translate an ordered pair into a grid location.
• How to locate points on a coordinate grid.
• How to use data to describe events as more likely or less likely
• The concepts of certain, probable, and impossible.
Weekly Procedural Knowledge Overview - (Students will be able to...)
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to
• Use data to describe events as more likely or less likely.
• Locate and name points on a coordinate grid.
• Record and analyze data to determine if an event is certain, probable or impossible.
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to analyze information on another type of graph, a coordinate graph.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to find and name points on a coordinate graph.
Main Activity:
Review graph types we have learned.
Then show another graph on the board.
Relate the lesson by asking the children if they saw a map already.
Explain that today; they will learn to use a graph similar to the map because they also have letters and numbers to help them find information.
Show this on the board by pasting a picture object like a cube or ball on the graph.
Have anybody guess the answer to the question like , THE BLUE CUBE IS AT ______ , __________
( A , 2 )
THE RED BALL IS AT __________ , _________. ( D , 5 )
Tell children that the horizontal and vertical lines form a grid.
We can use numbers and letters on this coordinate graph to describe where the object is.
Demonstrate how to find the location of an object on the graph.
Quick check master sheet 16-4
Coordinate graph, located , ordered pair , grid.
Practice master sheet 16-4 enrichment 16-4
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use data to describe events as more likely or less likely.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use data to make predictions.
Main Activity:
Review previous lessons.
Then ask the children who is eating in cafeteria.
Tell them , that today is Tuesday , the school cafeteria has served chicken curry .
Do they think it is likely that the cafeteria would be serving chicken curry today? YES, SINCE THE CAFETERIA HAS A PATTERN OF SERVING CHICKEN CURRY ON MONDAY, IT IS LIKELY THAT THE CHICKEN CURRY WILL BE SERVED ON MONDAY.
Explain the word predict.
Explain that when they use what they know to make a good guess about the outcome of an event , they are predicting.
Then discuss the word likely, if an event is likely to happen, it will probably happen, but not definitely happen.
Show a box to the children that has red and blue cubes.
If they know how many of each there are they can predict which color they might pick.
Explain that to predict, they should use what they know to make their best guess.
Without looking, ask a volunteer to stand in front and without looking she, he can pick one cube.
It is more likely that she/ he can pick red, because there are more red cubes than blue cubes.
The one that occurs more often would be the more likely.
There are fewer blue cubes than red cubes so it is less likely that you will pick blue cubes.
If there are the same numbers of red and blue cubes, it is equally likely that you will pick red or blue.
Workbook pages 496-497
Predict , more likely , less likely equally likely
Reteaching master sheet 16-5
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to record and analyze data to determine if an event is certain, probable or impossible.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to determine if an event is certain, probable or impossible to happen.
Main Activity:
Review about more likely, less likely, and equally likely.
Introduce the new lesson by asking children to read the words certain, probable and impossible.
Then discuss the words.
Show a spinning wheel with green and yellow colors.
Then ask children if it is probable that they will spin yellow? YES
Because is shown on the spinner.
Ask if they are certain to spin yellow or green? YES
Because they are only colors on the spinner.
Ask if it is impossible to spin red? YES
Because there is no red on the spinner.
Workbook pages 500 - 501
Certain , probable , impossible
Practice master 16-6 and reteaching master sheet 16 - 6
Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to record and analyze data to determine if an event is certain , probable or impossible.
Language Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to determine if an event is certain, probable or impossible to happen.
Main Activity:
Review the previous lessons.
Give more exercises on the board.
Ask each child to answer the problems on the board.
Then continue completing their survey and finish the graphs such as bar graphs and pictographs.
Ask individually to explain about the lesson certain, probable, and impossible.
Learning Objective:
Language Objective:
Main Activity:
Materials / Resources (including technology)
State of Minnesota Standards Covered Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts. Use addition and subtraction to create and obtain information from tables, bar graphs and tally charts.